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Here's the thing: I don't like traveling. I abhor the long lines to get your shoes off and walk around on that horrible floor. I think the idea of people looking at my junk in that machine where you lift your arms is kind of invasive. It makes me wanna wear a metal cockring just to see their reaction. I have been patted down and I don't mind it, I just find the getting to the airport two or three hours before my flight super annoying. How did all that work before 9/11? I don't even remember anymore.

I don't like flying either. I feel slightly claustrophobic and even though I'd make small talk, I'm not really chatty when I'm enclosed in a tin can flying ten thousand feet off the ground. I dread the plane jumping and I cannot eat or drink anything because I get nauseous. Flying is not a good experience for me. I usually bring my Kindle and read one or three books per trip.

I cannot pack to save my life. For the last trip to Alaska, I packed my trusty duffel bag (I got it at one of those Navy surplus stores and it's a BLESSING!) And I was able to pack all the hoodies I needed. Packing for cold weather is not easy! Everything is so bulky! But I usually overpack. I cannot seem to be able to calculate well that it is that I'm going to wear and I always bring stuff I don't even get unpack. I admire people who travel for a week with two t-shirts, two pairs of boxers and a toothbrush. 

I mostly travel by car. I'd say my favorite mean of transportation is by train, because the three or five times I've traveled by train I've been the most relaxed EVER. It's way expensive, though, to get your own little room. America fucked it up when it uprooted most of its train infrastructure. So by car it is. I feel better because my luggage is handy and I can stop for the night if I'm doing a ten or twelve hour trip. Still, I don't like traveling through the South (and by South I mean anything below St. Louis), so it's a struggle.

I don't mind hotel rooms, though. Some people can't stand them but I've always had good experiences. Except the one time we were in Crystal Beach, Texas. We had to stop at a hotel by the sea and I felt so absolutely weirded out that we left five minutes after entering the room. That was an AWFUL hotel. The walls were paper thin, the door had no latch, the bathroom was beyond basic and there were people cooking outside our door. We were out so fast I was not able to appreciate the threadbare towels.

So, what's your hacks for traveling? What would you recommend I do so I'm not such a nightmare traveler? I have been accumulating cities in my bucket list and I don't know when I'm going to start traveling again, but one never knows, right? Omicron may be giving us a respite...



  1. “ I admire people who travel for a week with two t-shirts, two pairs of boxers and a toothbrush.” Well when you start your OnlyFans that’s all you’ll need.

    I don’t travel much, usually for work, so I know how long I’ll be gone, pack the business casual stuff, something for an evening out, and that’s about it. And of course you don’t have to pack anything for bedtime. I don’t have a lot of toiletries so that’s pretty basic.

    I don’t mind traveling by air, except for the trip to/from the airport and getting there super early. I’ve never traveled by train, but would love to. I have no trouble with car trips, especially if you go with someone fun 😉.

    I think a lot of hotels are getting rid of the individual shampoo to help the environment, too. So I’m not sure I’d feel safe with what’s in the bathroom now. Who knows what may be in there.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, and Only Fans. You'll be the first to know.
      And I've noticed the whole no more little bottles thing. I have not seen those in any of the hotels or RBnB places I've been staying in during the last year or so.


  2. I used to enjoy traveling. Oh, yes, please. Put me on a plane and let's go. But since 9-11 it's been a nightmare. I hated the whole inspection thing so we got the Pre-Check. That helped us avoid the body scan, the luggage still went through, but we didn't have to remove shoes. Then more people got Pre-Check and those lines got long. Ugh. Back to a 2-3 hour wait. Now I prefer to drive.
    Even so, I can pack a single small duffel for a 3-wek trip. 2 pants, 2 nice shirts, the rest t-shirts. Socks are stuffed into a dress shoes at the bottom. Travel-sized toiletries in a large zip lock bag lies on top. Done. 😁 I learned how to do that due to frequent travel for work.
    If Omicron lets up, we'll be going to Bonaire in September for our anniversary (36th). That's where i want to end up. Love me the beach, you know! My bucket list still has Italy and a return to Greece. XOXO

    1. I love visiting new places. The ten hours lost in airports is what drives me cray.
      I may get the pre-check if I keep traveling for work. That's a great idea.
      I'd love to be able to pack a small bag for a 3 week trip. I'd LOVE to. I may use the y try the large zip lock bag trick.
      And yay Bonaire!


  3. The best thing to make sure you take with you when traveling is patience, patience, PATIENCE! It is not a fun process but is, alas, a necessary one to get you where you want to go.

    1. Absolutely.
      It's something that I've tried to keep in mind during the last few years. And I don't even travel all that much!


  4. Valium.

    Or just a titch of THC.

    Seriously. That puts everything in perspective and keeps the demons inside, where they cannot alert the TSA about all the cray cray going on inside your head.

    I dunno.

    Just don't over do. Cuz... that get's pretty messed up pretty fast, too, boo.

    I am about to travel for the first time since... wow... over two years. And... I ? I am freaking out every day as it gets closer to take-off. Not sure how I am going to handle it.

    I have considered the above, but... I don't trust myself and I'm also afraid of missing out on the experience.

    But I do not 'chill' well - not in that environment. I won't be happy until I am on the other side of that TSA screening process, seated at a bar near my gate, sipping me a bloody mary.


    1. OMG yes.
      I had half an edible before Alaska and it was a blur. It was easy because I was traveling with someone and I knew that if got too loopy there'd be someone looking after me.
      Funny how getting to the other side of the TSA seems like such an achievement now.


  5. I don't travel anymore, but I always bought cheap underwear and socks and threw them out after a days use. Never fly "cheap" airlines. I had a nightmare happen on Air India.

    1. Well, that's a great idea!
      Never thought about the cheapo underwear and socks. And I refuse to get 'deals'. Don't trust them.


  6. I am lazy and I am aware that I am. I travel only to go to our home by the sea in August. I do not do an extra km than necessary.

    1. I agree with you.
      I'm the same when it comes to traveling for work.


  7. Sorry, I love traveling. Hate driving.... really hate it. Once the dogs are gone, I'll be leaving on a jet plane. No problem. Back when I was going to radar school at Great Lakes Training Center, I'd fly home every other week. Me and planes go well together.

    1. Hate the hassle flying implies these days.
      Love visiting new places, though. Flying commercial is a necessary evil these days.


  8. I love to travel, by car or by plane. I really want to do a train trip one day because I like that idea.
    I'm with Debra: bring lots of patience.
    And I am good at travelling light.
    I love the airport because I search for the crazies to watch, though I rarely see them. But I do need a book on the flight, and a snack of some sort.
    I love it; and I love driving because it feels so much more intimate and you stop wherever you choose. I don't need a fancy hotel, just one that's nice and neat and clean and near where I want to go.

    1. I love train travel. I sometimes take the train to Harrisburg when I don't feel like driving. You and Carlos should someday do the Orient Express. Ill never probably do it again, it's obscenely expensive, and would have never experienced it if not for Warbucks.... but it was a once in a lifetime experience. I didn't want to get off.

      The train that is.

    2. I figured you meant the train. That would be a glorious trip,. I'm sure ... Bucket List!

    3. OMG
      Yes, Patience. And I do need to train myself to travel light. Dragging a duffel bag full of hoodies through O'Hare was not cute. And I agree with Maddie. The Orient Express must be THE experience.


  9. I love traveling and flying, but not fond of the airports and waits either. And I always pay more for a direct flight. But I'm very salty still I have never been groped , stripped or had one of those cavity searches I see in those dirty gay movies.

    Hell, MM#1 Fan is surprised they haven't asked what I'm smuggling in the back of my jeans yet with my ass.

    But even more so, I adore train travel.

    1. Oh, the waits and the hassle are a downer.
      And direct flights are a godsend. When you have to either rush through ten miles of airport in seven minutes or wait for seven hours in a crowded terminal your patience runs thin very, very fast.
      And train traveling is the ish. I wish I could do more of it.



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