you can come and oil me...
Well, I have to admit that I have limited experience with strippers. I have seen some go-go boys dancing in some bars, but I have not really gone to a strip club to actually watch a full-monty show. I have seen some strip shows done in some bachelor parties for gay men, but that's about it. There are some clubs here in Chi that specialize on fully-nude male strippers but I have yet to go to one to watch their show.
I discovered that I find the act of watching an attractive man undressing in public strangely devoid of sex appeal. Really. For all the hype surrounding stripping and lap dances and that jazz, I still cannot figure out why is it that I find it aesthetically pleasant but lacking the spark to make me horny.
I imagine it has to do with the power trip that comes with paying for sex, and in this case the stripper is seen as a sex worker by proxy, even though there is no actual sex taking place when ogling him. But people do pay the dancer, to make him stay close to the person brandishing the dollar bills, so there is a hierarchy established by this 'I've got what you want, you've got what I need' Bad Girs situation. But I've never paid for sex and I have to say I don't think I'd do it any time soon? Maybe with the right rent boy? Maybe JJ King, Rocco Steele or Brent Corrigan, as a birthday gift? 😀
So I don't really get much out of a strip show, no matter how beautiful the man would be. I also find it extremely cheesy, and in many instances the 'dancer' does very little actual dancing, because of course people are not there for their dancing but for their body. Adding to that, many of these guys are straight or momentarily gay-for-pay, which makes the overtly sexual nature of their act even more mechanic. So it's a hard no for me.
No pun intended.
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