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Oh, Dabito....

...and then you had color!

I think that having a colorful place does work wonders in your mood and in your outlook. I am more of a jewel/saturated colors when I'm not going all neutral (that can be intense, too) but this house just makes me happy.

I love the distribution (it's not huge) and I like how both paint and wallpaper have been used to showcase whole rooms. And that bathroom? Yes. I also love that it seems to be very pet friendly. I think that people with pets need to think about them when planning their decor and/or style. For real. Luigi, Sterling and Ravina are really the owners here.

I also kind of love that he's got a background in design but he's not an interior designer? I know how people with a design background can jump rings and dabble in so many things (I'd let Mads elaborate on that). And I kind of low key respect someone who can use their taste level and powers of observation to create such a welcoming space. 

And @dabito was a fab Instagram and also a book out. In case you wanted to follow him...


P.S. This post was made in honor of Lillian D'Aubert.


  1. sure he has great taste and precious skills, and I'm following him on IG!

    1. He does have nice taste.
      His instagram is very cool. I'd follow too!


  2. He has a maximalist design but not an overly cluttered look. I like his gallery wall in the living room.

    1. Yes!
      That gallery wall is amazing (I'm a sucker for gallery walls). And you are right: it's really not cramped? When I read 'Maximalist' I kinda think grandma's attic.


  3. Anonymous3/26/2024

    I really like what they’ve done here. The use of colors is fantastic, though a little more bold than I personally would do, which is why I would need some design help. That bathroom is beautiful.

    A few things that struck me: in both the living room and the bedroom it appears that some storage space has some obstruction in front of it. In the living room there are chairs in front to the cabinet, and in the bedroom it looks like one of the night stands blocks the last section of closet.

    In the kitchen the placement of the stove in a corner seemed odd to me. Normally you see them more centered in the counter so you have easy access to the open oven.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. You know what?
      I noticed that in the living room, when he was talking about mixing new and old. That's obviously a mid-century credenza and yes, there's something in front of the doors? Maybe they don't use it too much?
      And I did not notice the kitchen placement. That also tells you how much I cook, though...


  4. His colors are all pretty muted tones. Love the chandelier in the living room. Why put art on the walls and then put lamps in front of them so you can't see the art? The dining room is a total fail. Banquettes with ****round**** tables? WTF? A lot of HGTV designers do it and it makes me nuts. As does the new trend of wall paper on the ceiling. Trendy shit does not last. The wallpaper in the main bath? Too freaking busy on the whole alcove (more trend) - I'd get dizzy in there. One wall would've been enough. The headboard? Yes, please. The shower is wonderful - until you try to clean that uneven tile...and until the grout goes bad and it all has to be replaced. LOL. Course, they probably don't do their own cleaning. Last: Huntley is right, the stove is not placed well for access.

    1. I gave up on HGTV long ago Everyone, their friends, and their mothers think they are designers now . Yes... lamps in front of art? *pift* And the kitchen? Your both right about placements. You can always tell a good and authentic cook. The placement and everything in the kitchen are highly well appointed and accessible.

    2. I had the impression you'd have an opinion about that.
      And I kind of agree? I believe Dabito does have a degree in design and he mentions that the aesthetic part of the profession translates into home design and even marketing?
      That being said I also loved the kitchen, and I don't even cook?


    3. I kinda agree with you in some points, Big.
      I loved the colors, though. And I think that compared with other 'maximalists' we've seen, this one was tame.
      I'm kind of torn with the wallpaper on the ceiling, though. It's pretty but it seems very hard to do??


    4. Maddie - Yep. I agree with you about the glut of "designers" on HGTV. We've taken to watching a select few. Oh, yes, placement is everything. Had a high-end caterer do a thing for me once, she praised our kitchen all day long for its design and perfect "triangle" placement. Yep. We cook a lot in this house.

  5. I like it because it's not too much; the yellow unnerves me because it's a bit Tweety bird, but I love the kitchen

  6. Ill take the dogs and run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved loved loved the kitchen. Otherwise...waayyyyyy to busy for me.


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