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Just because you love something...

Ok. So I was talking to my friend in his car and he told me I needed to watch this. And watch I did. You see, this one video is very illustrative. And it’s also intersectional. So yes.

I think this video tackles several of those well known platitudes some gay men (especially the masc 4 masc republican crowd) tend to gift us all with when taking about 'those people' (who do not conform to their ideas of gender) with the best weapon: humor (and a smart take on race and gender!).

Many people who are gender non-conforming usually face that question: why do you dress/act/talk like that? As if being 'different' is a sin? I know soft butches and butch women are usually frowned upon by the high gay powers that be, but it's the femme-presenting males who receive the burnt of their critique.

So if you just happen to have your own style and somebody asks you why you don't 'tone it down' get your watermelon (or food of choice) and a good dose of deadpanning ready. It may come handy.

Also, her mom's face!



  1. Oh. My. God! That video is priceless! And she says it well. We are all different and with tastes. Be who you are and fuck conforming to other people’s ideals. And she was VERY creative and nothing went to waste in the making of this video

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Haha yep, that’s what I call creativity! She’s, very articulate and funny. XoXo

  2. Butchness is different than masculinity. That's what non-lesbians misunderstand.

    1. Oh honey. YEARS, years! Have gone by and some people will never understand.


  3. That was so great. Humor sometimes explains things better than any other way.

    1. I agree, also, that’s something I wish I knew how to do more often. Especially in these times....


  4. Replies
    1. OMG she is a star. Unflappable and hilarious. She focuses on the size of the watermelon! Lmaoooo


  5. Veeeery cute! Perfectly to the point. My sister for example, has no interest in looking like a man but also doesn't like dresses etc either, everyone has their own style.

    1. ...and we have a winner! It’s called style.
      People get so constrained by the binary they can’t think straight. No pun.


  6. Funny and true... and I have to admit, I get asked the same question... but it ain't about watermelons.

    1. Hahahahaha
      Oh, Dave. Eventually I’m going to ask about photographic proof, you know?


  7. I'm a str8 girl and I H8 anything girlie (dresses, makeup, shoes, jewelry, etc). this girl got it goin' on! her mama is cool!

    1. And you’re still awesome. It’s really other people’s problem, darling.
      And yes, her mama is awesome.

  8. Being different is perfectly fine. So, we're all good! And watermelon rocks, btw.

    - Hot guys

    1. Haha yes! Some people just can’t put up with ‘different’ though...



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