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A not-so-subtle way to change the subject when you are about to be faced with being wrong about something. This is a reference to overlooking many many many problems with donald trump Twitler due to the single issue of Hillary Clinton's private email server, and using that reason as both a reason and defense for voting for him. This is currently used by trump voters any time any legitimate fault is found of Mr. trump Hair Furor.


So Hillary Clinton is back in the news (not like Cheeto or the trumpanzees let her out of for long, mind you). Apparently, it was found that there was no 'systemic classified violation in Hillary Clinton server emails', and therefore debunking -once again- the narrative that Clinton put in danger national security. A rumor that most likely costed her the presidency, when it was augmented and propagated by Russian trolls. A bittersweet victory of sorts.

And talking about Russian trolls, Hillary did drop a bomb that made me cackle in front of my computer: Hillary suggested in the Campaign HQ podcast that a Democratic candidate could be backed by Russia as a Third Party candidate. That SHE could be backed as a Third Party candidate. And all roads pointed to the smarmy Tulsi Gabbard. And si went for it hook, line and sinker, immediately issuing a revoke and going on Tucker Carlson to whine about it. Because nothing spells 'innocent' like going on a White Supremacist's program on Fox News to debunk something that has been kind of common knowledge.

So Tulsi was apoplectic. And I thought that even though some think Hillary propped her up, I think that she basically moved ahead of Tulsi and cut her next step: running as an independent and becoming Jill Stein 2.0. And talking about Jill Stein, Hillary did say that dear Jill was a Russian asset. Clear and loud. And I cackled again. You go, Hill. She was scorching the earth.

Of course, dear Jill (may she forever be remembered as a fluke) issued an outraged statement and kept the recount money. Nothing to see there. I have always thought that Jill was planted there to fuck up the elections. And she did. Cheeto is in power but the sheer stupidity of Americans, who thought, in their collective sense of entitlement and privilege, that no foreign enemy could ever interfere in their electoral process. It's kind of simple.

Oh, but Tulsi. I despise her with the strength of ten thousand suns. I don't give a fuck she was in the armed forces. There are some truly despicable people who have served in the military. Tulsi is more of a Republican than most of the Republicans who ran for president against Twitler. She's an Assad apologist and a homophobe. She's also a supporter of Hindu Nationalism and chummy with Hair Furor (who defended her against Hillary's suggestion). Need I say more?

But what I really can't with her is that she is a homophobe. Yep, I keep my priorities straight. I do think that Tulsi has been popped up by Russian bots and trolls and I can see how she's a Hindu Nationalist a cult member and also an Assad apologist. But her being a fucking homophobe is the icing on the cake:

It actually makes sense that she's a homophobe. As a minority, she probably tries to prop herself up by looking for shady alliances, belonging to fringe groups and oppressing the oppressed. Nothing new here. But I'm really laughing at how Hillary took a swift swing and basically kneecapped two of the most disgusting female politicians to rear their coiffed heads in the last years: Tulsi and Jill. Coincidentally, both Russian assets.

And we keep moving on. At the breakneck speed that news hit us, there's little time to actually catch our breath and think about 2020, that is basically around the corner. I think that there is no time for complacency or dwelling on any kind of 'differences' between the frontrunners (apparently Pete is 'surging' yay Pete!) and Warren is ahead of Bernie. So keep your eyes peeled and make sure you are ready for 2020. Because it's going to get uglier.



  1. I m not to worried about Tulsi. She wont get off the runway. It does worry me though from here on out Russia will probably buy every election, rigged it and pit in their candidate . We should probably just all learn Russian .

    1. Oh, russia has already infiltrated the elections and will do it again. Vlad’s dream come true. The Red Scare

  2. Forgive me but, Tulsa who?
    I spent the evening with the Lady Maddow and she went on and on about the (for) now defunct investigation about La Hillary's e-mail. Really, that woman can talk. She did, however, offer a remarkable overview of the investigation that once again concluded Hillary did nothing illegal. Now we have a number of swamp creatures cozying up to RasPutin in a power grab attempt, and I fear we'll have a season long drama the likes of which no 007 film has ever seen. Regardless, the numbers speak for themselves. Tulsa is going nowhere (at least for now) in the polls. She is as stiff on stage as my manservant Clive's garden hoe. She lacks the charisma of Bernie Sanders and the boyish charms of Mr. Boot Edge Edge – three of my favorite fetishes. Alas, unless she gets an infusion of Ukranian hryvnias by way of Giulliani, I doubt she'll make it to the next debate or anywhere other than a luau in her backyard. I think Hillary's learned a lesson from her failed campaign and is now using it skillfully to throw shade and call out the abuse as she sees it. I say, Brava! Go for it. There's little I enjoy more than a mean bitch fight.

    1. Haha. Tulsa. Yeah, she’s polling almost underwater but she won’t quit. Her role is to destabilize. And Hillary should call out all the bullshit. She’s one that can do that.


  3. So poor Tulsi took the bait. Now she looks like a fool right before the next debate which she was thinking of bypassing anyway.

    Hillary was on a roll and she scored some direct hits. Good for her. It’s a bittersweet victory. But fun to watch.

    But poor Tulsi will probably run as a third party with Vlad’s help. So the Dems HAVE to get out the vote. I’m there for it. Let’s bring it home in all three: president, house and senate.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, she still may but Hillary called her bluff. That’s why she’s so pissed off!
      Voting, voting, voting all these fuckers out is the only solution.


  4. Tulsi needs to take a good long seat.

    1. Oh, that’s so very true! She’s a real piece of work.

  5. I once heard long ago that Russia would love to attack the U.S. internally by dividing it's citizens and placing them at odds with each other. Good thing that didn't happen.

    1. Oh, it’s been their dream for YEARS. Vlad was running a bankrupted country until a few years ago. Now he has flipped he American democratic process. Mission accomplished.


  6. Our Assets have been cyber-shipped to Moscow. I agree with Maddie. I have been associated with Russians of many levels of life, and they are all alike. It is cultural. If you meet a Russian, any Russian, put your hands in your pockets and take two steps back.

    1. The Russians didn’t come to play. That’s for sure. And now they have Kompromat on figures in the highest circles in American politics. We’re fucked. And not he good way.


  7. both those ignorant cunts need to FOAD. and madam president clinton needs to be installed in the white house NOW!

    1. Oh I’m so bitter that she’s not the president and we have this clown. I will never forgive those who said Hillary was worse than Cheeto. Never.


  8. You wait, Tulsi will try and run as an Independent. She is desperately trying to be so damned important her failure is eminent. Good Riddance once she's gone.

    1. Oh, I can’t wait. Her cult affiliations and her penchant for forgiving dictators will keep her in the political sphere, though. Not as presidential material, but there’s always place for corrupt bigots in government.



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