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I have discovered that my disgust for IMPOTUS (a.k.a. COVFEFE-19) goes beyond the obvious flaws, corruption and disgusting traits that he (and his family and cronies) embody. It has more to do with with his psychotic disdain for other humans' feelings and lives. Anything and anybody that does not benefit him directly is inconsequential and therefore superfluous and disposable. Cheeto, at the end of the day is not only an inadequate leader but an intrinsically rotten human being.

Take his response to the pandemic: he (and his administration) knew it was coming and his response has been abysmal. He's only showed interest in things that benefit him and his cronies. In other words, a shitshow of ineptitude and greed. If you add to that the idea that we all live in The Absurd, and we are fucked.

Cheeto and his ilk assume that they'll be granted some sort of immortality, and therefore we get his hardness of heart, his obsession with status and appearing 'strong', a refusal of any kind of joy or gratitude and a stubborn tendency to moralize and only approve of what's approving of him. He associates the pandemic with something backwards, and we all know that in Twitler's world, that is well, anywhere abroad. In his mind, and in the mind of the Trumpanzee Rethuglyclowns who drink of his kool-aid, Americans do not die of some virus born in the dirty slush of some Chinese animal market. They'll be spared. The problem will not happen to THEM.

Republicans are actually The Plague. They do not seem to believe that life is a hospice and that we should work with our fellow humans to ameliorate despair and promote hope. That's socialism, to them. They do not believe in pandemics, for them, it's a bad dream. Well, a bad dream that may procure them with some financial gains, but a bad dream nonetheless. They forget to be modest and keep their arrangements for trips and consider themselves free and immune, based on their constrained -and very convenient- view of the world.

I truly believe that IMPOTUS and his cult lack decency. It comes down to that. They will never do their JOB or help anybody else than themselves. That is their 'normal'. They are above you and anybody who does not share their worldview. Keep that into account the next time you talk to a Repug or go to a polling place. Don't believe me? Here, let me show you:

Albert Camus was not too far from the truth, after all.

Stay Safe. Wash Your Hands. Shelter in Place. Save lives. Flatten the Curve.



  1. Completely agree with you.

    And LMAO at that GIF of him, OMFG! :D

    1. He's a fucking virus, so yeah LOL
      Ugh. Can't take him.


  2. "Aplanar la curva", eso es en lo que todo el mundo tiene puesto la mirada, pero ¡hay que ver lo que cuesta!...virus aparte, no me atrevo demasiado a opinar como extranjero que soy sobre el señor que tenéis como presidente. ¿La razón? Pues que creo que debo tener una visión muy parcial de la realidad de allí, porque cuando tantos americanos lo votaron para ocupar el cargo es que "algo" tiene que haber, algún motivo debe existir para otorgarle su confianza en su momento a él y no a otra persona...¿qué puede ser lo que se me escapa a mi, lo que toda esa gente ve y yo no?...¿ tú crees que esto va a cambiar sustancialmente en las próximas elecciones?
    Como siempre, un abrazo y ten un fenomenal día.

    1. Bueno, Angelito. Cheeto ha llegado a la presidencia gracias al Colegio Electoral, un sistema creado para dar ventajas a los poseedores de tierras (racistas) en America. Twitler no ha ganado el voto popular. Ese ha ido a Clinton ha ganados mas de dos millones ochocientos votos que Cheetolini. Su margen ha sido de unos cuantos miles de votos en unos cuantos estados. Por eso lo tenemos de presidente. Y eso sin contar la interferencia Rusa. Y la supresion del voto de la gente de color. O sea que ya te imaginas. Un presidente corrupto nacido de un proceso corrompido.
      Con suerte, las elecciones que vienen son mejores. Pero hay que luchar.
      Un abrazote.


  3. The turd in the White House is covered in blood, alright. The blood of thousands of Americans who would still be alive had this train wreck of an administration would have taken action in January. And had he not decimated the office that tracked pandemics we would have been safer, too.

    But they see gold in suffering. Just look at the fuckers who moved their stock holdings into industries that would benefit from this mess.

    The GOP as a party must die for their sins against the people.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Last line of you comments are spot on. And they must suffer beyond belief as they do so.

    2. Neither IMPOTUS nor the Repugs care about those people who have died. The majority are people of color, so.... And the places affected are mostly Blue, soooo....
      Cheeto downplayed the pandemic because it made HIM look bad. Optics, you know. The GOP aided him. The Repug party IS the party of Twitler.


  4. GAYmen, huntley, on your closing sentence! long and as painful as possible.

    1. Can't wait until they are all voted out.
      Can't wait. But of course people are lazy and stupid, so yeah.


  5. I remember Obama tearing up after the shooting in Sandy Hook and starting to cry myself because he was crying.
    _____, on the other hand, has no empathy, no heart, no soul, no humanity, and if that doesn't scare the shiz outta people especially those SO-CALLED Christians, nothing will.

    1. Isn't it funny how far away the Obama presidency was? I was so happy. Fuck.
      The second Cheeto came down that escalator and announced he was running I have had a weird feeling of dread and incredulity that only gets worse.
      And don't get me started with the Talibangelicals!


  6. You hit the points perfectly. Now, I personally go a step further. After seeing the Wisconson voting yesterday, and seeing the statistics on death broken down in each region, I finally understand the Republican stance during the early days of this new coronavirus. "There's no problem. We have it all under control." "We have it contained. Not completely but, you know, contained." And they did. They love that it's hitting the urban areas - the more density, the quicker it spreads. And you know what the majority of the urban areas has the most of? Democrats. That's right...they figured (knew) they could thin our ranks if they let it go and then try to stop it before it spread into the rural areas. Why else would they sit without action as it attacked Seattle, San Francisco, LA, New York; all bastions of Democratic strongholds? Well, maybe I've read too many Clancy books....

    1. The Repugs keep pushing for voter suppression. And yes, yes, yes! They think their 'base' is safe because it has not bee hit as hard as areas that are predominantly Blue (and black and brown). And it's funny you mention it, because I was thinking that I will never read another political thriller without thinking 'this shit is not even close to the IMPOTUS clusterfuck of deceit, corruption and idiocy'.


    2. Now that it is spreading into the rural areas where his base voters are, watch how fast they get test kits and supplies out.
      True that! How does the adage go? "Truth is stranger than fiction"? xoxo

  7. "Covfefe-19" is the perfect term!

    1. Hahahaha
      He's a fucking virus: dumb, destructive and without a vaccine is sight.


  8. These may be, hands down the best association pictures of him yet!!!!!!!!!! Everything that goes wrong...notice how it gets blamed on another past administration? I'd gladly take back any of the last 5 presidents. And poor Kathy Griffin took such flack over her " head stunt" Well, just might come to that. Sometimes it is the only way to stop a monster. Can we get a French Revolution up in this bitch!!!! I feel bad saying that, but I am generally sweet and cuddly....it upsets me to have to hate and have distain for a person so much.

    1. Oh, he never takes the blame he deserves for being an incompetent idiot. His narcissism does not allow for that. I also feel sorry for Kathy. Seeing what Cheeto does every day now that he doesn't have his rallies is appalling.
      And don't worry. You are not alone despising this motherfucker with all your being. Trust me.


  9. I agree with everything here. I knew he would be a terrible President but never in my most negative dreams did I think he would be this... evil and inept... and to be honest those two words are not strong enough.

    1. I thought he was gonna last six months or a year and then people were going to wake up and realize what a fraud and a danger he was. Never happened. He's indeed evil and inept. A toxic mix that has not finished breaking havoc in this country.


  10. You speak badly rightly in your current POTUS, but look at what Boris did in the UK. A fucking idiot! And many political classes from other states (I'm talking about Europe) haven't done much better.

    1. Boris is a carbon copy of IMPOTUS. Same stupidity. Same populism. Same ego. Boris got sick due to his own dumb approach to a virus he didn't know. And Europe has suffered because nobody expected the virulence of this plague. At least Italy and Spain shuttered borders and declared quarantine on time.


  11. That gif is great!! and the Idiot Jerk in the White House has always demonstrated a total lack of compunction when dealing with people. He has no problem sending people back to work if it helps the economy improve, the fact that they might get sick and die is not even a consideration. For him, life is expendable if the end result benefits him.

    1. Oh, he's anti-social. He only likes people who kiss his orange ass. He's only thinking about his reelection. If he is not reelected they're gonna come for him big time. And he's scared. Also, he loves power. He's nobody without a tv camera.
      He does not care about people. He only cares about Cheeto.


  12. I knew he would be a bad hombre but I never imagined it would be this bad. And all of those organized religion nut bars deserve what they get but it's sad that they don't understand they will now spread it to many people who are trying to stay safe.

    1. I also thought he'd be an imbecile and corrupt. But not at this level. Never. The wingnuts could all disappear in a week if it were for me. But what they're gonna do is create a second wave of the plague that's gonna fuck up a lot of innocent people. Mark my words.



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