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Bad Pool Boy

It's in the sixties outside. Every night, it's getting cooler and cooler. No way around it, it's Fall. Funny that when it was Summer, this year I never made it to a pool. Come to think of it, I don't really do pools (like Big, who loves his pool) because I don't really find them fun. The splashing around is not really fun to me. Also, here in the Midwest, having a pool is kind of an exercise in frustration: you can literally use a pool between June and August. Before that, it's way too chilly and after that it's way too windy. Besides, I don't know anybody who's got a private pool. Well, the neighbors do have one but just like their French Bulldogs, I have only seen it from far and that's the way I like it. They're Republicans, you know.

I am getting ready to go back inside. I'm going to miss the warm weather. Not the bugs, mind you, but the warm weather I'll miss. And to think that this year I only went to the beach twice: once to the Hollywood beach and once to the Illinois State Park beach. It was really not like last year, when I got to lose that patchy look that you get when you walk around in Chucks and shorts and you get three shades when you undress: your feet are one color, your thighs are another color and your torso is another color. Kind like an urban farmer's tan. I did do some walking and picnic days along the lakeshore but those are different days. I like the days when you just kind of lay on the sand in a square cut and ... chill. 

I've given into the whole Fall thing, though. Maddie is doing her mood boards and she's getting me into the Fall spirit. It's going to be Halloween in literally twelve days and then it's all downhill from there. I even saw Xmas stuff at the Homo Depot. Ugh. We are not even done with Thanksgiving and there's gonna be Xmas music everywhere soon. 


P.S. dadbods are hawt. 


  1. first thing: beautiful video.

    As for autumn, I love it. It is not cold, but neither is it very hot. Sometimes it rains, but above all there are colors that not even spring gives us.

    1. Glad you liked it! I did too.
      And I am more of a summer person. Even spring doesn't get to me as badly as autumn. The days are just too short!
      The colors are lovely, though..


    2. the colors are warm and sweet at the same time. There is no season that has more beautiful colors and that I like best. I know I'm sooo strange!

  2. I’m trying to enjoy the last gasps of nice weather. We can still open the windows for a couple of days this week, though we’ve already had mornings in the 30s. I’m resisting turning on the heat.

    Costco also has their Christmas stuff out and I’m not a fan. I do like Christmas, but at Christmas time. It used to begin on December 1st, now it seems it’s shortly after Labor Day.

    And I don’t know where summer went. Hardly got to enjoy sitting out in the back yard at all, or getting the dogs to the Bark Park much. Time flies when you’re old.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Yes!
      I've woken up to temperatures of forty already twice. No heat on yet, thankfully.
      And the whole xmas madness starts way too early. really.
      And time flies. Always, bae.


  3. Cute video. I'd put in a pool if they weren't so expensive. Then I could hire a pool boy.

    1. Hahahaha
      Well, that's what I call motivation.


  4. We literally turned the heat on this morning because it was low 60s INSIDE the house...and mostly because Tuxedo was cold.

    1. Sure, blame it on the pets. It’s sweater weather 😎

    2. Whoa.
      I can totally believe that. And we would not want Tux in a tizzy because his corner is not warm enough.


  5. I would have come laid with you in a square cut! I love me some summer and the hotter the better.

    I have two friends that have pools, but I like them, they don't splash and no kids. I too have been fighting off the fall at first, but now I'm into little firepits at night wrapped in a blanket and my wardrobe layering and sweater weather. Bring it on. I just watched that video last week...I am finding the series hard to get into for some reason. Except the daddy.

    1. Oh, yes!
      *pat* *pat* come sit by me.
      And I love summer. Really. But you're getting me in the Fall spirit and I'm not mad.
      And I like the series. I do know gay men like those, BTW.
      And Daddy is yummy.


  6. Private pools are not big here either because of our short summers. Hot tubs, on the other hand, are very popular even in winter.

    1. I know, right?
      If the pool weather is just about three months, what's the use?
      And I do not like hot tubs either. Except to *cough* get to know somebody better *cough*.


  7. I've come to appreciate dad bods. And fall. And Xmas. I like it all... looking forward to it. Yes, we tend to rush into everything, don't we... all one pile, as if we can't wait. It's greed that keeps pushing us to buy more stuff for Xmas... that I don't do. I don't know what I'm doing for Xmas this year. I should start to think about it, I guess... given the shipping issues. But fall... usually I loathe it, but this year the colors are so pretty and I've simply decided to get over myself. kizzes.

    1. Oh, Dadbods are fantastic. They tell a story.
      And I don't do much related to the holidays. I like the displays but I don't really go out of my way to go all the way.
      I have no idea what I'm doing for xmas either....


  8. You don't REALLY shop at the Home Despot, do you? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
    Dad bods rock! The holidays can fuck right the fuck off. I hate Winter. I hate the changing of the clocks. I hate the cold weather. Hmmm. Maybe I need another vacay. XOXO

    1. Hahaha the Home Despot!
      I venture in from time to time with the Manfriend. I'm usually at a loss there. Unless I'm buying a plant.
      I don't like winter and the shorter than short days. They make me moody.



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