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Oh, the Hot Seat...?

It's all fun and games and dick delivered to your door until the app comes back to bite you…

Full disclosure: I haven't been on the apps for more than a decade, but I have friends who swear by them. You know, that constant need to order takeout and a paralyzing fear of being rejected in analog cruising makes you stick to the easiest way of getting some dick: technology. But just as with anything that has to do with technology, nothing is ‘free’.


The thing is that in ten years, Grindr has changed. A LOT. And I mean a lot. It’s not the same app in which I met Huntley. You see, I went on Grindr after losing a bet with a fellow Tumblr blogger ( funny how Tumblr also changed until it’s become almost completely irrelevant) who told me it was impossible to meet men on Grindr who would keep talking to you even if you didn’t have sex right away. He was wrong, btw. It’s apparently a totally different game now.  I'm not sure I'd go back on it, even if it were fun. Even though I had a nice outcome I always felt it was too... needy? And slightly petty. And somehow nasty. And not in a good way. And now you have to pay for it? Fuck that.

I can use those $20. I can save them for a few months and hire someone off RentMen for a Boyfriend Experience. So there’s that…




  1. Anonymous6/14/2024

    Wow how time flies. Haven’t been back on Grindr since that time. There are a few online services out there that don’t require an app, just the browser. And of course there are paid “benefits” on those, too. Yes, they are entitled to compensation for the service they provide, but gouging your clientele is not a good business model, no matter how good the dick.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. I know right????
      And I have seen the online ones. They do seem complicated to me? IDK I just don't have the patience. What happened to meeting people face to face? Bars? Clubs? The fucking supermarket?? Aldi is full of Zaddies.


    2. We SO NEED TO HAVE A KIKI. I have got stories sugar pie.

    3. OMG Mads!
      We do! Let's make it happen!


  2. Maybe gay bars will make a comeback?

    1. Fingers crossed!
      You have no idea how many bars and clubs have closed in Chicago and the suburbs!! Killed by Dick-at-the-Door apps like Grindr.


    2. A sad truth. Surprisingly Philly is holding it's own with the gay clubs and bars. Still a huge nightlife.

    3. Jealous.
      I remember going to bars was such an event! As a gayling, the most sophisticated thing for me was to 'go to a bar'. It was such a thrill.


  3. Never had any interest in them.

    1. Maybe that's because you're Old School?
      For Millennials on, apps IS the way to meet people.


  4. Big says,
    Couldn't imagine using an app to hook up. But to pay for the app? Nope. I'm what they called in the olden days a 'skin flint." Cheap. I get the software creators should get a bit of $, and tech support will cost them $, but like everything else these days the public is being wrung for every penny. We are still in the Age of Greed. Sad but true. XOXO

    1. Oh, you know all those jokes about Grindr blowing up whenever they have a GOP convention? It's true. It's the all you can eat menu preferred by closeted and out gays everywhere.
      And if I remember well, Grindr had free ads? They were getting their money back in ads. But you are right. It's the Age Of Greed.


  5. Eh. Grindr is going to price itself out of the market. It's a stupid app. I prefer Sniffies in so many ways, now. Same ghost profiles, etc. but it feels more honest and NO ADS. Grindr has become this labyrinth of ads that you HAVE to sit through for these stupid games. Plus, they are constantly trying to get you to give them money by putting up ads and sending you mail via the app. Well, I still use it, because I have a stable of fellas I like to keep in contact with. When it becomes impossible to use? I'll find something else or just stick with Sniffies and Scruff.

    1. By the way... I never pay... never pay for sex, honeys... love is all around us.

    2. I agree with you.
      There's just so much they can wring out of gay men, no? And I can't believe Grindr is not almost Facehook or Instagram. It's like any other free online game platform. Trash.
      I love how you have a stable of fellas.


    3. Stable of Fellas!!!! We're all whore's darling, we're just haggling about the price!!! Incidentally, that may be the title of my memoir when it comes out.

    4. Hahaha
      Stable of Fellas or Haggling About The Price?
      I'd buy that book in a heartbeat!


    5. We're All Whores, We're Just Haggling About the Price!!!!

      I've never been good with short book and pamphlet titles as your aware.

  6. Fuck that shit! I have never done the apps thing. Not me. Besides I have never had problems meeting men in person , and have never had any problems when horny on someone to call to get so dick or fuck. So I'm not about to start apps now, and Ill be damned I'll pay a platform for sex or a way to meet people and get long mile and miles of messaging. I'd be like are we fucking or what?

    1. I was weary when I did them and got bored soon.
      Only good thing that came out of that experience was my thing with Huntley. I cannot understand how so many handsome, horny men are glued to apps that fuck with their self-esteem and make them hang on to damaging notions of sex.
      But that's just me.



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