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Oh, Protesting, you said…?

  I have wanted to write about this for a while but why go through it if someone already did? Check out  @BlackKnight10k . He basically went to the core of the subject: how to protest. Full disclosure: I am the product of public education. I started in a private university but only lasted one semester. It was stifling, enclosing, boring. Also, too expensive. I dropped out and registered in a public university. Best decision I took (my dad was not in agreement, but by that time I really did not care about anything he had to say). Like he feared I got right in with the wrong crowd. I was immediately drawn to the art, music and poli-sci majors. Trouble started early. I also took part in many a protest when I was a wee gayling, drunk with knowledge and self-righteousness. We all think we are correct 98% of the time when we are twenty. Oh, that rush. I understand the students who are now protesting the genocide in Palestine. I feel their passion. If the protests would happen in my campus, I

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