Impressive Instant

Guess what? At the end, it seems that job is going to be for me. Apparently, the candidate they had did not accept. And they've offered it to me. I've said yes. What else? Tell them that I'm not the the next best thing? Beggars cannot be choosers.
Besides, it's a job I like. Only thing is, the Dean, full of righteous academic fervor, has decreed I need to graduate by the end of the Summer. Impossible, I know, but at least the dissertation will be advanced to the point of defense then. And I don't think they will put me in the street then. Let's just see.
As for me, I'm still in shock. I don't know if it's good news or bad news. It's like having but having not. I've got the job but I haven't gotten it. Everything seems to verge on the absurd. And I feel empty. Things with him are OK. One of his 'things' was my getting a job. Well, I've -almost- gotten one. Let's see what's next. Maybe for me to get an orgasm with him? I know. That would indeed be an impressive instant. Even much more impressive than actually getting the job. Or not?
Cheers, babyboy.
so the job is yours? Good.