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Blood Diamonds

Can't believe that diamonds (as necessary for survival as SUVs) are still considered a symbol of 'love'. I can't believe this realization came via Leonardo di Caprio in all his -grownup- deliciousness.

"On 1 December 2000, the United Nations General Assembly adopted, unanimously, a resolution on the role of diamonds in fuelling conflict, breaking the link between the illicit transaction of rough diamonds and armed conflict, as a contribution to prevention and settlement of conflicts (A/RES/55/56). In taking up this agenda item, the General Assembly recognized that conflict diamonds are a crucial factor in prolonging brutal wars in parts of Africa, and underscored that legitimate diamonds contribute to prosperity and development elsewhere on the continent. In Angola and Sierra Leone, conflict diamonds continue to fund the rebel groups, the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) and the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), both of which are acting in contravention of the international community's objectives of restoring peace in the two countries."

200,000 children are pushed into war in Africa to keep bored suburbanites hoping for a blowjob one of these days. While there are uptight hyper-moral housewives and idiot 'hood gangsta wannabes lusting for the bling of those little stones, entire nations will drown in their own blood.

Go for zirconia next time, babyboy. Diamonds are forever but so is Karma.




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