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Henry Rollins makes me wet

Henry Rollins is hot. I totally think that he is. Not only would I go down on him on a theater and scratch my nails down his back when he fucks me, but I would let him come on my face. Oh, yes, I said face. You know why? Because he's smart. He's articulate. He's got an awesome taste in music. He's got really cool tattoos. He's hot. And over all, because he's fucking funny.
Is that too much to ask for from a guy? Well, the fact that he's got an opinion and an attitude and that he's grown into maturity (he's forty-six as I type this) with all the hotness he promised twenty years ago surely help a lot.
But come on, wouldn't you do him? Even if it's just for the conversation after you two have come for the second time? I bet the guy will later convince you to let him fuck you for the third time, but this time standing up in the shower in between discussing the state of the Democratic party and dissecting Rolling Stone and its lack of attractiveness to the average wingnut in between kisses.
That is sexy. I'm telling you. And on top of that those arms... hmmmm.....


  1. i havent a clue who he is but he can unload in me all he wants.


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