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Just had a great orgasm thinking about a man I should not be thinking about. Why, would you ask? Because he's in my class. And he's younger. And I'm married. And I guess I don't care. It was good, that I have to tell you.
Fantasy is made up of what we know we cannot have and what we know we cannot get. So what the hell?
I remember Liz Phair's song. Again.

Oh baby you're young but that's okay
What's give or take nine years anyway
I'll bet you that cigarette
You won't regret my time

I want to be with a guy like you
So uncomplicated, so in tune
Just take off my pants
Let's mess with everybody's mind

I gotta tell you

Baby, baby, baby, if it's all right
Want you to rock me all night
Baby, baby, if it's all right
Want you to rock me all night
All night
Yeah rock me all night


  1. Hey Baby. Ashton Cruz here. I see you like my blog, I'm checking your blog right now and so far I like what I see. Thanks for linking me on your page, I've gotten quite a few hits from your readers. I just hope they don't get scared by my filth lol. I'll link you on my page too. Thanks man! Couldnt find your email. hope you get this note.

    Ashton Cruz


    Email: Ashtoncruz2000@yahoo.com

  2. its good to be back and i think we do.


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