Cracked out!!

This is one of those re-posts that really, really need to be done. When your life becomes a piece of reality TV drama and the world outside your window is (literally) coming at you. The blinding need of the addict, the lust of the peddler and the manic presence of the voyeur. What else is there to add to this tale of urban surrealism? Oh, and it came to my attention through the fabulous Joe.My.God. and it's priceless:
Let me set the stage for you. I am hanging out in my house with my friend, having just walked back from lunch. We went into the kitchen to get some water at about 3:00 pm. As I was talking to my friend, I looked out my kitchen window that faces the alley between Q and Corcoran Streets. I saw two people in the alley, one black and one white, near the back entrance of the house across the alley. I turned to my friend and said, "Are they having sex? I think they are having sex. Oh my God, they are having sex!"
Wanna read and see MORE?
Head out to KNEE DEEP IN MUD and cringe (or laugh your head off!)
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