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Oh, boy

Isn't it totally funny how those twentysomething guys flirt in the most outrageous (yet sweet) way with you all the while letting you know that they are interested in other men their age (you being slightly or totally over the 'limit' they impose on hotness) but yet, you KNOW they do find you attractive and have yet to admit it to themselves?
Isn't it scandalous that they have these intense, long tete-a-tete with you and admit they enjoy them. But only for the intellectual stimulation?
Isn't it hysterical you two bond over clothes in the Kids' section at the Gap and realize that you both can wear the XXL clothes they sell there (for what, giant pre-teens??) without any adjustments?
Isn't it sad that I totally have to write this entry in this blog because I know this is as far as we'll get?
Isn't it?




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