
One of the best and worst things of going back to class is the flood of beautiful men that overcomes you when you go in the classroom. This semester is not different. Once the first impression of bodies and faces fades, you begin to notice the hotness around you. There's the yummy athletic nerd who speaks little and looks intense. The puppy, all smiles and mop of hair. The hot straight boy, almost self-consciously trying to be self-effacing without much success. The deliciously 'street' wigga, The intense ethnic guy, about whom you wonder right away if he's a good kisser. The tall, intense one. The down payment for a daddy. And so on and so forth. It's a struggle. Because you basically fuck each and every one of them. Mentally of course. Sometimes even during class.
But that's one of the joys to going back to school, no?
p.s. One boy in the pictures is from Jake Dow-Smith via Krautboys
mmmmmmm...Veo que tu vuelta al cole esta siendo muy pero que muy... tentadora!!...jejeje...espero que algunas de esas tentaciones se convierta en pecaminosa realidad!..jejeje... Te envio un fuerte abrazo, y espero seguir en contacto contigo, asi como poder ponerme al dia Pronto. ;9 xoxo