La carne
We crave what we don't have. We tend to end up despising that man in our lives in a very loving way because he cannot give us that which he should provide. Because he doesn't have it at all himself. And we cannot blame him, because we would be to blame ourselves for being with him in the first place.
Shakira (that under appreciated and wise poet of the popular) quoted Marguerite Yourcenar in one of her presentations on MTV (go figure, wasting pearls on swine) and that quote has stayed with me ever since. I found it to be really accurate. And it goes perfectly with this post. Today, that I wish there were things in my love life more transcendent, more indispensable than the ones I actually have. Today, when I know that the wanting I feel would find solace only with the sating of this desire. And because I know that what I crave is that I need an invasion of the spirit by the flesh, Yourcenar has never been more on-target:
"En el caso de la mayoría de los seres, los contactos mas ligeros y superficiales bastan para contentar nuestro deseo, y aún para hartarlo. Pero si cada parcela de un cuerpo se torna para nosotros trastornadora como los rasgos de un rostro; si un solo ser en vez de inspirarnos irritación, placer o hastío, nos hostiga como una música o nos atormenta como un problema, si pasa de la periferia de nuestro universo a su centro, llegando a sernos más indispensable que nuestro propio ser, entonces tiene lugar, el asombroso prodigio en el que veo más que un simple juego de la carne, una invasión de la carne por el espíritu."
I'm doomed.
La cita es de Alexis, no?