Come on, people, VOTE!
There is only one way this country is going to get back on track: change.
And change does not come in the shape of McCain, a Bush cronie and his religious right wing approved vice president candidate.
It comes in the shape of a man who can change the -twisted- perception this country has on race and religion.
Obama is the only way this country is going back to what it stands for: freedom and liberty. Here's for him winning clean and even. Of course, with Republicans pulling all stops to smear him, mislead the American public and stonewall the press, it's going to be a hard battle.
Amigoooooo.. como estas?... joe, que ganas de saber de ti... Espero que me cuentes como te va todo... Mucha suerte, espero que sepáis lo que os jugais con estas elecciones, ojala seais conscientes de lo que representa, mi voto a Obama!!!!