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Out of the blue...

What if out of the blue, you get that familiar tingle? The one that tells you you're really aware you're alive?
What if in the middle of, let's say, dinner with your beau and his mother you just happen to glance to the next table and you are... enthralled.

You realize that one of the guys sitting next to your table (you are sure there are more men at that table, but cannot even tell how many, you're so fixed on only one) just caught your eye. And your breath. He seems to have stepped out of your brain, out of one of your fantasies. He's not overly muscular or particularly stunning or extremely handsome. None of the Abercrombie/magazine model/usual male ideal checklist points apply to him. Still, you have to stare. The longish hair, the soft stubble, the boyish smile, the solid build, the aw-shucks attitude. He's got it all. And you have to make yourself concentrate again on the food you're eating.

But your eyes keep going back to him. You look at the way his hands move -nice fingers, short nails- the way he turns his head and looks at whomever is talking to him -clear-eyed- and the way his hair falls just over his eyes, the way the roomy sweater he's wearing still lets you know that the body beneath is solid, the way you feel your blood is running faster down south. You cough. You try to keep eating. You try to get your attention back to the people at your table.
And you keep looking back to the other table. You don't want to be brazen, you try not to be obvious. But you keep staring. He does not seem to notice. He's oblivious to everybody but his pals (all guys). You still steal some glances towards him. And you don't want to eat anymore. You try to keep up with the chit chat in your table. You smile politely and nod here and there. But your mind is undressing him, wondering about the kind of kisser he is, thinking about how his hands would feel on you.
And then you ask for a box.

Now your realize you did not even finish your dinner and that you are leaving. You steal one last look. Those eyelashes! The way he smiles. Those fingers taking the lemon out of his glass of water... the way his tongue came out to catch that drop of water. And then you are out of the restaurant, walking to your car. And he's still in your mind. And you just have to come and blog about it. Because you know that given your mind's penchant to betray you, you'll probably be dreaming of him tonight. Because that's just the way things happen with you...

Oh, and the guy in the picture is Sam, from True Blood, my new weakness...


  1. Desde luego que si tenog sentado en mi mesa a un tio como este, al que me como es a él!!..grrrr.... Recibe un fuerte abrazote amigo, y espero que todo vaya bien.


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