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The memory of (those dark) objects (of desire)

BODY, REMEMBER Body, remember not only how much you were loved, not only the beds on which you lay, but also those desires for you that glowed plainly in the eyes, and trembled in the voice—and some chance obstacle made futile. Now that all of them belong to the past, it almost seems as if you had yielded to those desires—how they glowed, remember, in the eyes gazing at you; how they trembled in the voice, for you, remember, body. Constantive Cavafy
Sometimes nowadays -sadly, mostly when I'm alone and always through the stultifying effect of the meds- I remember how it all used to be. Nate here helped a whole lot this last time, by providing plenty motivation. Plenty. Oh, and I know many, especially Homosapiensis, out there at El Ansia will recognize the poet...



  1. Es de lo más motivante Nate, tienes toda la razón (compartimos gustos?)... Lástima que solo tengas fotos...

    Abrazos y que vivan esas motivaciones!


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