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Pues bueno, que he copiado esto de MERLIN PURPURA, que me lleva del alma, claro. Ha dicho que esta entrada ha estado haciendo las rondas por las redes sociales (lo que puede ser bueno y productivo o el quinto circulo del infierno). Por supuesto, ha recibido todo tipo de comentarios, desde el elogio más positivo hasta el odio más enconado. Como siempre. Y aquí va. Juzga por ti mismo:

Yo creo en la cura de las personas gay. ¿Sabes cuándo esa cura ocurre? Cuando, como vi hoy en un post, el padre pide que el hijo le dé un beso a su novio para sacarles una foto. También ocurre cuando el nieto le pregunta a la abuela: “¿Qué harías si trajese mi novio a tu casa?” Y ella responde: "Café”. O cuando alguien pregunta: “¿Qué piensas si un hombre se casa con otro hombre o si una mujer se casa con otra mujer?” Y la persona responde con otra pregunta: "¿Va a haber torta?".

La cura ocurrirá por completo cuando la culpa inculcada desaparezca, cuando el carácter prevalezca sobre la sexualidad, cuando la felicidad fuese alcanzada sin miedo, cuando sea posible ser feliz sin pensar en el pecado, cuando prevalezca la tolerancia.

La cura vendrá cuando el peso de las espaldas pueda ser finalmente retirado, cuando se acabe el sentimiento de ser un extraño en el nido, cuando todos sean igualmente amados independientemente de su naturaleza, cuando el mundo conozca el sentido real de la palabra “respeto”. De esa cura necesitamos todos nosotros. Porque cuando aceptamos que el otro sea... simplemente sea... de la manera que él/ella es, el mundo se vuelve más fácil ¡para que todos seamos de la manera que somos!

(Lo copié de un amigo que copió de una amiga que copió de un amigo, que copió de otro amigo... ¡Copia y difunde tú también!)

xoxop.s. hit that translate button if you have to, but I did it for you here:

"I believe there is a cure for gay people. Do you know when that cure will be possible? When, as I saw today in a post, fathers ask their son to kiss his boyfriend to take a picture of them. It will also happen when a grandson asks his grandmother: "What would you do if I brought my boyfriend to your house?" And she answers: "I'd make coffee." Or when someone asks: "What do you think if a man marries another man or if a woman marries another woman? "And the person answers with another question:" Will there be cake? "
The cure will take place when bigotry disappears, when character prevails over sexuality, when happiness is reached without fear, when it is possible to be happy without thinking about sin, when tolerance prevails.
The cure will come when the weigh on our shoulders can be finally lifted, when the feeling of being a stranger at the table is over, when everyone is equally loved regardless of their sexuality, when the world knows the real meaning of the word "respect". 
We all need that cure. Because when we accept that the other person ... simply IS ... the way he / she is supposed to BE, the world becomes a better place because everyone is who we are supposed to be!"

Now YOU share it 


  1. My mother always knew I was gay, but the moment when I knew she was cool, was when I was home in town one night, and was out and unexpectedly hooked up. With no where to go we went to my childhood home, but told him, he had to leave after. Well, after two rounds of sex we fell asleep. Next morning he wasn't out of the house before she woke. When she discovered him, she said what do the hungry boys want for breakfast.


    and the h8ers better wake up and stop the h8, cause my gay friends ain't leaving the country, they ain't gonna convert to str8, and they ain't gonna stop loving their husbands/wives/boyfriends just as they are! I suggest the h8ers GTFO!

  3. I love that.

    When I took Carlos to my parents house so they could meet, we were staying for the weekend. I didn't want to put my Mom on the spot so I asked where we would be sleeping and she said, "I've put you both in the front bedroom."
    Cool. And I learned later, that my Dad, who had a slight, very slight, issue with us sharing a room, told my mother he didn't like the idea because he wondered what we'd be "doing"up there.
    My mother asked him if he ever wondered what my sister and her husband did when they shared a room and he said,"No."
    And she said, "This is the same thing."

  4. I loved. Bobs comment above.....Common sense.....
    Beautifully written

  5. My brother, who is gay and now married (NOT gay married, just married), came out to the family after our parents passed away. He didn’t feel that they would understand. The family has been nothing but accepting and have loved his then boyfriend, and now husband, from the start. When he came out, it really wasn’t a surprise to us, but his affirmation of himself, and his courage was, and is, very important.

    I, on the other hand, remain in the closet, for the most part. Though I knew I had an attraction to both men and women, my catholic upbringing kept me from exploring my true self. Though I am now married to my wife for 22+ years, I remain in the closet to most of the world. I know it’s not healthy but right know I don’t see a way to change things. We all travel our different roads and mine seems to have a lot of potholes in it.

    I am SO grateful that I have found a man with whom I can just be me. It keeps me sane, for the most part.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  6. I loved Bob's comment as well. Hopefully common sense will someday prevail.


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