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Ball lives

Equinox, a luxury gym franchise is sponsoring Ball Lives Matter, which is an initiative focused on community, organizing, direct action, mentorship, and the human rights issues impacting LGBTQ members of the house ballroom community.

You may know by now that trans women of color are some of the most harassed people in the LGBTQ spectrum. We have not reached even the end of summer and the list of trans women killed goes on and on and on. If you want to check your privilege, think of these women who have been killed just because of WHO they are. The patriarchy and toxic masculinity, encouraged by a dose of bigotry play a large role in the aggression and discrimination these women suffer.

Many trans women turn to sex work because there's little else for them to do. And being women of color, they are also prone to die at the hands of the state. It's a no-win situation for trans people, no matter how you look at it. Nearly one in six transgender Americans has been to prison and that number gets higher when it comes to black transgender people.



So when I saw this commercial for Equinox, I was very happy. Because trans women and trans feminine folks risk their lives every time they take a step, seeing them being shown in a mainstream ad gave me some hope. Transwomen of color could be in danger every time they go out. Every time they date someone. There needs to be more representation in the LGBTQ spectrum, I believe. When there's representation, there's awareness. When there's awareness, there's less fear. When there's less fear, there's less violence. 

Trans people should be part of  our Pride conversation, it should be part of the #DemDebate and it should be part of our everyday discussions because there's no LGBTQ without the T.



  1. There's a 'T' therefor a reason. We need to stand together and for our trans brothers and sisters,

  2. The T is so often overlooked. And they are the most in need of our love and compassion. It is our duty to look out for everyone in our tent, because everyone deserves a life well lived.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. I liked the video, but dont know what the text was about. It's all white. Have fun in Chicago. I'll be in nyc this weekend. I mean Mother Madonna !!!!!!!!! Could you picture us together at a pride in our skinny jeans!?!?!?!?
    Have a blast!!!

  4. There is a flag with a Rainbow flag that flies year round across from city hall. At the base of the flag pole people leave photos and flowers of Trans people who have been murdered. It is odd that the murderers are never apprehended.

  5. I didn't think the figure was that high. I know a lot of T human beings join the military... until the Idiot Jerk abortion happened to the presidency.

  6. That's amazing. I love gyms, now I want to check out Equinox. Support them , you know?

  7. Este tema me ha traído a la cabeza esa serie titulada "Pose" en el que se trata el tema trans y muy bien además...¿ha tenido repercusión por ahí fuera? Aquí en España creo que ha pasado bastante desapercibida y me da rabia porque parece que lo de la falta de visibilidad del colectivo trans parece que alcanza hasta a la expresión televisiva del asunto, ¿verdad?
    Abrazo grande, guapetón.

  8. @bob: I know, right? It would seem logical. But there’s tons of TERFs and the such around.
    @bae: yes! Strength in numbers. Duh.
    @maddie: damn HTML. I fixed it. And I bet it would be a RIOT doing Pride with cha 😎😍
    @jimmy: the amount of impunity when it comes to people who kill trans women is astounding.
    @dave: it’s terrifying! And it seldom hits the news that so many trans women have been killed. Imagine if this happened to let’s say, nurses.
    @caliboi: yes! Inclusive gyms rule!
    @angelito: pose es un éxito aquí. Han aprobado la tercera serie recientemente. Y está en Netflix. Y tienes razón, el colectivo lgbtq parece que se queda en los hombres gay cisgenero blancos!



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