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On your marks.....

Oh yes. If everything were as simple as the way sex looks in porn. But nope. It's not that neat  or slaphappy. I think it takes a second to prepare for it and between us,  I consider it basic courtesy, whether with your partner or with somebody you just met. But I think that for some men it's more freewheeling than for others, and it sometimes does not go the way you planned it or envisioned it. And that's fine. But we all should be made aware of that fact. Sex between men can get messy and that's just a fact.

I think that this generation (and I'm talking about anybody between, let's say, 21 and 36) has grown with the internet, getting everything, from their news and their porn online and having everything delivered to them in an indiscriminate and plentiful manner. Sex is always just a few keystrokes away these days. And that's good. And that's bad.

It's good because more and more people have access to erotica in a myriad ways that were not possible just a decade ago: you can have videos, or photos or written erotica or fanfiction, or M/M lit at the tip of your fingertips. More and more people have access to information and images of what we like or enjoy in bed. And more and more people can explore scenes and styles of lovemaking in the blink of a google query. But you also get an image that's a little bit distorted: not everybody can carry out the same prowess that let's say Antonio Biaggi can achieve. Or carry out the feats of flexibility  or be as accommodating as let's say,  Henrik Summer. Porn is not real life sex. Sex in real life has nothing to do with porn. But some people seem to think they're synonymous. And we can learn from that.

Maybe that's why I really don't do hookups? To me, porn looks basically like some people see hookups: an effortless, carefree loop of hot encounters that just happen to happen. Let me explain:  if you go by porn scenes, hooking up is very easy and straightforward: you look at the man, the man looks at you and in no time your pants disappear and you are in a nice, if slightly bland bedroom having incredibly energetic and fuss-free sex with money shot guaranteed. But I am very aware that very little works in real life as it does in porn. So I'm kind of weary of hookups. Not because I'm a prude -I'm a horny bastard-, but because I know there's some work involved when making sure that some nookie goes the way it's supposed to go and I am just not ready to do all that work at the drop of a hat for some beautiful stranger.

So it was good that Davey Wavey would put out a tutorial on how to prep up for some nookie, be it with your significant other or with an extremely friendly interloper. It may look high maintenance to some but it actually makes sense. You see, it's good to make sure that the sex we're having is harder and hotter (duh) but that we show the man we're with that we take him into account but being the best that we can be like in the army. So, go ahead and check the video out. I'm not gonna tell you what's about. The idea is for you to learn something you didn't know today. So go ahead. There's gonna be a test after it. And it's not multiple choice.

So, what did you learn?



  1. Davey is a treasure. I’ve watched his videos forever. And this one is a great refresher. I’m not one to go in for manscaping, though I have given it some thought, but starting at this late stage might raise some eyebrows. And this video gives me a greater appreciation for what a certain guy in my life does for us. So thank you for all you do.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  2. Well, I had not heard of taking fibre pills before but I can understand why they'd be a good idea. And hey, lesbians are big on cutting fingernails too!

  3. I did not know about the mouthwash trick. Very educational.

    Only once, did I have sex with a guy like on a porn film. I ended up in a doctors office as the guy was very much like Biaggi.

  4. How I have missed your fun posts and you, of course. As an experienced ex- ho, and a still sometimes hook up artist, I too didn't know about the mouth wash thing. I have however did a dab of Tom Ford or Hermes on the taint area. And I also have never used a blanket like that either...I chance it. A friend of mine asked how I don't tire of hook s yet. I think for me it's the still exploring of a new partner of me. Nothing like a first time explore on a new man with tons of foreplay.

    And was laughing at the instant hook up scenario. The only time that happened was in Ptown once on a very crowded Boatslip t dance deck. Some guy and me had a stare down for some time, before he moved over and slipped a hand in my trunks and practically took care of me right there. We at least made it to the restrooms.

    And if Huntley needs help manscaping I'd be more than happy to help you guys with that, 🙄😜🤩

  5. I'd have sex with you.
    Porn or otherwise.

  6. What did I learn? Everything! Lol
    There's deodorant for balls! Yaaay! Mouthwash as bum wash? I didn't know lube stained! I don't shave and I prefer a guy not shaved but trimming the hedge is good. Seems complicated, maybe I will try women instead.

  7. @Maddie, something else to keep in the glove compartment and or man bag.

  8. That's so funny. Just remember, it was porn that made the Internet great! and no the other way around.

  9. That video was great!!! Yes it can be alot of work for sex, but it's worth it. Although that porn star seemed very cardboard to me.

    Now some slap Steven again. And maddie has my mind wandering again with visuals.

  10. @Bae: Yeah, manscaping now may be extreme. LOL I know you know...
    @Debra: I know, right? The more we know. And I can imagine the nail dilemma.
    @Jimmy: Listerine shares! And My Oh My! I feel you!
    @Maddie: Welcome back, daaahleenk! And you know hookups are totally up to the person. And I bet that Ptown has the STORIES!
    @Walter: Oh dear. You made me blush. See what you do? xo
    @Steven: yes, trimming the edge is indeed good. And I like my men hairy too. Who knew? And dear, I have news for you about women...
    @Dave: are you sure? Are you?
    @Cali-Boi: Oh, of course is worth it. There's very few things better than sex with the right guy. And LOL @Steve and @Maddie. You know them...



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