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Oh, stripping as a study of sex, class and race. Sign me on to this? Who knew we could enjoy some very good eggplant and at the same time talk about intersectionality? College was never this fun.
The documentary is called This One's for the Ladies and it deals with strippers and the women who admire them. What's not to like?

I think it's a great way for some women to admire men (and other women!) in a safe environment. There's very few opportunities for women to do that. It usually works the other way around: men ogling women while they strip. I think it's just fair to see the coin flipped. Not to mention that the objectification is done in a very straightforward manner: the eye of the beholder does not need to fetishize.

So we add to that that these are black women ogling black men and voila! you have the perfect formula to create some intersectionality. Black masculinity is something that usually scares the masses of lilly-white Americans (the Mandingo surely is their boogieman). Seeing it in all its splendor, with its most feared aspect on display: the raw sexuality of the black male. That alone should make for really good viewing.

The director is a black gay man, which adds another layer (the black gay male gaze placed on black women ogling black men, how about that?) to this especially tantalizing subject. Think Magic Mike but real and with some color. And diverse. Gene Graham, the director, decided to make the movie because he thought that it would be good to have a conversation about sisterhood, race, class and community all the while using the strip club as a gateway to start to talk.

You must also consider the fact that these are probably very religious, very Christian black ladies. and they ASK FOR THAT DICK. I need to see this. One, because the men in the movie are absolutely hot and two, because there may not be another chance for me to see this kind of interaction. Not to mention that it should be a hoot because these ladies do not hold anything back.

So I'm going to try and see this. I have not really been too much into strippers, but I think I'll make an exception with this movie. Because those men really deserve the silver screen.


BTW, I found this on this new web show by Monet X Change. You should check her BUILD series out, it's out loud funny:


  1. Baby, I have and still do "support the arts". I have made it rain 1s 5s and 10s many a night.i love me my south American papis!!!!!! And I have cupped many a nice slab of cock

  2. So, women enjoying the sight and feel of a finely tuned male body. What's not to like. I'm an equal opportunity ogler. I see a nice work of art and I can appreciate it. Seeing these women have a fantastic time enjoying the performances and each other's company is great. The closest I've been to a stripper is just some fine go-go boys at that gay club we went to a couple of times. Like Maddie, I'm all for supporting the arts in all its form.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. I wonder if he knows about the mouthwash thing from a few posts ago. I tried it, you know...for research purposes. All I can say is: I've been walking around with a bounce in my step ever since. Try as I might, however, I can't bring myself to gargle.

  4. I have been to a strip club three times. Two times with company from North Carolina and once, we just needed a giggle. All three times there have been women there. Either alone with a stack of dollars or bi couple shopping an after party.

    If I were to ever cheat on my husband (and that will never happen at my age), it would be with a 40ish black bear in a leather harness. oooooooo.....


  5. @maddie: yes, girl! I have not been to many strip shows (I don’t go clubbing that much) but I’d support the arts too!
    @bae: I think there should be more places where women feel free to express their sexuality..it’s always them who are objectified.
    @walter: omg I just spit my orange juice! You crack me up.
    @jimmy: ohhh myyy a 40sh Black bear in a leather harness sounds just about right! Make it rain!



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