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We always half-jokingly mock religulous people but deep down we hope they don’t confirm to the world how deeply fucked up they are.  Websites like Landover Baptist Church publish tidbits like “is my little baby going to go gay? And we cackle. Then one of the really crazy (and really REAL scamvangelists) proves us all wrong and goes ahead and cements the belief that religion is indeed, the opium of the masses. Take for example dear Clint Presley, a real life ‘pastor’ who brings these ditties about how to be a masculine man.

Now, how toxic is this view of what being a man is? How fucked up will his children get to be ? (he has two boys) and how much money you wanna bet there’s men actually thinking this is a bar that should be upheld? The list itself is ludicrous. Cargo shorts? Crocs? Some are standard xtianist tripe (trust Christ as lord or read the Bible through once a year) but some are really down for creating more  incels. Of course, there’s the counterpart that xtianist girls are raised to please males and not have a voice. But this post is about the blind stupidity and misguided sense of masculinity that would lead someone to create such a list. And publish it. On twitter.

But it should not be surprising that religiosity and toxic masculinity go hand in hand. After all, nothing is more compatible than noxious ideas of what a man is and an institution founded by the patriarchy. Religious institutions are based on the notion that men (as opposed to females) deserve all the glory and are entitled to have power.  So it should not come as a surprise that a religulous man would have such stupid and prescriptive views of what a man is.

Oh, you think I’m making this shit up?


  1. mister presley sounds like a "real man" - NOT! betcha he's on the DL with other "men". and then screams how "teh ghayz" are evil.

    religious freaks are the worst scum on earth.

  2. Don't wear CROCS! lol

  3. No thongs! Underwear or footwear. What in the holy hell? That's my summer wardrobe.


    I'm queer.

  4. That's right. It all boils down to patriarchal bullshit.

  5. What's wrong with cargo shorts? Straight guys look cute in them? Who is going to explain to Maddie that we have to wear crocs to show that we are sensitive men. That list made me laugh so much, it totally shows that it's all about power. Instead of how to be a good man, it's all about what he wants you to do, wear, say, act... control, control, control.

  6. Actually, I think Crocs are ugly rubber booties.

    #59... that's scary

    And I can't believe he missed the most important one for Christians: Inseminate your wife as often as possible in order to make lots of baby Christians.

    Yet he did tell you to get a good fountain pen... maybe that's Christian code for 'take Viagra.'

  7. And we’re looking at end times: learn to build a fire, learn to split wood. Can’t wear thongs (footwear) but I’m sure sandals are ok. And I’m with Anne Marie, me thinks he has a tase for dick.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  8. @annemarie: LoL my first thought, too! The gentleman doth protest too much.
    @jimmy: does he know that many gay men despise crocs?
    @bob: ninety nine percent of men in fire island are rolling their eyes right now.
    @debra: absolutely. That desire to control the gays and women is inherent to the patriarchy.
    @steven: yes! Powered over others is what drives organized religion. Haha explaining to gay men that crocs are de rigueur is gonna be tough.
    @dave: they are! And overpriced. And I was wondering about the fountain pen, too! What fresh hell is that?
    @bae: I know right? He could have at least include something useful in that list.



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