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Oh, the Right. Their desperation is obvious and their rush to throw any kind of dirt
on the Dems is pathetic. Take this last try against Elizabeth Warren: Jacob Whol, apparently an up and coming corrupt idiot who tried to smear Robert Mueller is at it again. This time, with the allegations that Warren had passionate BDSM sex with an ex marine. Well, if I didn’t like her enough before now I do.

I like it when twitter, usually a den of iniquity and bullshit, decides to absolutely crush an idiot. Wohl, a fool in the same style of Alex Jones and Co. has been mercilessly mocked online and the cyber sleuths have unearthed a treasure trove of inconsistencies and lies concerning his story.

When the escort agency that you say your alleged whore comes from denies him being up to par with their standards, you're in trouble. And that's what Cowboys and Angels did: they totally dragged Whol and his alleged call boy and denied ever employing him.

And how does this Kelvin Whelly (I know, right?) look like? Well, like a musclebound jarhead, that is. His instagram is full of gym shots, shirtless selfies and the such. Booyah boy at its best.

The nail on the coffin, IMHO was Senator Warren's own flawless trolling of the right wing trolls: in the middle of the brouhaha caused by the salacious allegations, Warren calmly crushed them with a simple tweet using the 'Cougar' title that Wohl and Co. tried to impose on her:

So there you have it. They're desperate. With Warren up in the polls, Biden fighting the Ukraine smears and whistleblowers popping up, the right wing machine is in overdrive trying to make anything stick to help Cheeto avoid a -hopefully- unavoidable impeachment investigation.

And because I'm all for slutty Marines, here's some real ones from ACTIVEDUTY who disrobe (and much more) for money:

P.S. this SLN skit nails it!


  1. Wohl and his cohorts don’t have a very good track record. I don’t think they’ve landed a hit once. He’s just a media whore to the extreme. And the guy who teamed up with them for this charade is just as deplorable, if I may use that word.

    Warren had the perfect response and remained above the fray. So what will the dem ticket be? Warren and mayor Pete? Will the larger electorate accept that team?

    And thanks for posting some real heroes to start the week, babe. 😜

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Haha yep, I’d do my part and thank them for their service. Repeatedly. And Whol and Co. are media whores and will hopefully get their comeuppance. And I hope the electorate recognizes the dire situation and just VOTE.


  2. The only thing that bothers me is that his "stories" keep getting shared, and some morons, because they read it online, and saw it over and over again, will believe.
    That said,Warren's response-nonresponse as perfect.

    1. It’s all protected under the first amendment. They can even pay or get paid to lie. Can you imagine?
      And Warren nailed it (and them).


  3. Replies
    1. She’s super smart and capable. Very qualified. I hope Americans see that and don’t make the same mistake twice.


  4. Boy they must think we're really gullible?!?!?!? What s next a threesome with Mayor Pete, and Beto O Rourke?

    1. I'd like to be in a threesome with Beto and Pete.

    2. Ohhh that’s the ticket! I think Beto is fuckable. And I’d do Pete without asking questions. And jimmy, that’s an idea!


  5. So many people no realize Whol is the source of gossip for brain dead Republicans he's now nothing more than caricature of a conservative.

    1. Of course they don’t realize it. It’s all part of their machine to constantly produce some kind of noise so the base does not notice the corruption in the White House.
      The GOP is the party of Whol and Co.


  6. that "marine" looks like he hasn't got a brain. all muscles and no smarts. steroids perhaps?

    1. Oh he’s just as stupid as the rest of those low lives. He’s way too much into himself. Just like Cheeto.



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