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Orange Shitgibbon Take Two

After President Trump gave Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan the green light to invade northern Syria last weekend, thus unleashing chaos in the region, Trump wrote him a very strange letter. The message, obtained by Fox Business’s Trish Regan, carries a straightforward theme: that Erdogan should show military restraint. But the prose style and phrasing, which includes the lines “Don’t be a tough guy. Don’t be a fool!” are so surpassingly weird in a high-level diplomatic context that many wondered if the note was authentic. It is.

I think by now you’ve read about the letter Twitler sent to the Turkish President.  It was an absolute disgrace from the point of view of international diplomacy and probably the most unhinged and inappropriate letter any American president has ever written to another head of state. You may have also read that President Erdogan actually threw it in the trash and launched an attack after reading it. MAGA, am I right? 

What I did today was to give the actual letter to people who teach people how to write and see what they had to say. I did this because I work in a mostly liberal, free-thinking environment. I would have not done this if I worked, let's say in an Office Depot in the middle of Baton Rouge. I simply went to the NY Times, printed the letter and dropped by people's offices with a red pen and a plan: I wanted them to give Cheeto some feedback on his style and guidance on how to write a formal letter. Boy was I in for a surprise.

Now, the first thing I noticed was that none of these people I surprised with the letter had read it before (where were they?) and all of them thought I was punking them. Well, we usually get together to either make grading less of a chore or to rag on some administrative procedure that sucks ass. The thing is some were so flabbergasted that most of the feedback they gave to me was in conversation. They could not even start to proofread that train wreck. Wish I had recorded them! 

I think that the person who managed to give the most feedback on this absolute disaster was the first one, maybe because I basically let them just take in what Hair Furor had written after I assured them that the letter was real (we even went online together to look for articles talking about it!). The lack of awareness, the boorish message, the threats, the lack of instinct to 'broke a deal', the disrespect, the tone of the letter, everything threw these people on a spin. 

Really what most surprised me was that these people were so unaware of the unhinged stupidity that characterizes this administration. I think that at this point the news coming from the White House are so many and so outrageous that people can barely keep up with what is going on. The shitstorm that is the Dotard's administration churns out so many and incredibly brazen examples of corruption, kakistocracy and inadequacy that people have just become almost immune to the horror of it all.

And that may be the goal of this White House: brazenly parade corruption to the point that people see it as something normal or as some kind of joke. As if The Onion were publishing political commentary twenty-four-seven. And I think that's bad. People need to be aware of these things. I, for one, keep pushing back against that complacency. I am not Infidel, or Michael in Norfolk, or even Gods And Men, who actually analyze much better the brazenly corruption in 45's White House, but I will keep bringing the topic up here, because I won't be happy until the day Orange Shitgibbon is taken in handcuffs out of the White House, along with his Spawn and The Devil's Butler and Mother. 

So bear with me and my attempts to make people aware of the shitstorm that rains on America every day.  Next week I'll probably be back to naked men and pop music, but meanwhile, promise you'll talk to someone about why it is that people need to keep pushing back against the narrative that corruption and inadequacy are the new normal in Politics in America. And if you have to go from office to office to do that, so be it.



  1. Unfortunately we talk about this a LOT! Yesterday we learned that the next G7 conference will enrich the asshole is chief by taking place at one of his failing properties.

    And we learned that Sen. Jeff Merkley will introduce a bill next week calling out this mob’s continued corruption. But we all know the turtle will kill it before it sees the light of day.

    So where do we go from here? Impeachment seems the likely course and something that must be peruses. Get the fucker out and kill the GOP as a party.

    Oh and have a nice weekend.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I think impeachment procedures would be better. The repugs will not impeach him because they don’t have backup plan. Idiots.


  2. He is seriously mentally ill and the Flying Monkeys surrounding him are at a loss as to what to do.
    Might I suggest the 25th Amendment and maybe you can all save a little face and not go down in history as goosestepping monkey fuckers.
    Just a thought.

    1. They will forever be the party of Cheeto. The repug inactivity in the face of blatant corruption is their cross to bear.


  3. A very clear sign of a most, unstable, genius!
    LOL this is hilarious. I've taught writing for years and it never occurred to me to do this. Kudos to you. Pelosi would have stood up and cheered.

    1. Ha! You should have seen their faces. They thought it was the Onion. For real.

  4. It's no wonder they were flabbergasted. This thing reads like a grade-school kid pretending to be a Mafia don. Just imagine what our professional diplomats must think of it.

    They could also have noted that the letter contains a factual error: "You don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people". I suspect ErdoÄŸan is actually quite OK with being responsible for that.

    Once or twice I've had to train people who absolutely refused to take direction or learn to do anything differently. That's bad enough in a data-entry job, but when it's the president.....

    Thanks for the shout-out! I don't generally talk politics in the workplace, but I like to think my blog posts do reach a certain number of people.

    1. I know! This is the fucking president of the United States! It’s such a disgrace, I’m constantly shaking my head.
      And of course! 😎😎😎


  5. Trump's betrayal of the Kurds will live in infamy.

    1. He does not see anybody in third world countries as human. He can only see rich white people. Infamy is not enough, TBH.


  6. My money says he didn't actually write it, but dictated it chomping down on a Big Mac, sucking down a diet Coke, and cheering on Fox and Friends. You know? His normal daily activities.

    1. I know! That’s what I think, too. I can almost picture him looking all smug and self congratulating. Barf.


  7. call out the h8, the stupid, the evil DAILY/HOURLY!

  8. Thanks!
    I needed the laugh.
    The Yankees lost last night, and the Giants lost today.
    And the worst is yet to come, 'cause I'm a Knicks fan.

    1. It’s so painfully funny it’s ridiculous. And sorry about the Yankees!



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