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Oh, yes.
How's you feeling about some melanin today? I'm telling you, if I could get pregnant, this commercial would have done it. Celebrating the beauty of men of color is always a mood. I think I need more of this in my life. Not to mention that facial hair makes me weak.

Masculinity. That tricky word that makes some men squirm. How masculine are you? Is a little of Shea butter and some grooming make you less of a man? Especially for men of color, who have been emasculated or fetishizied (extremes are vicious) the notion of masculinity comes embedded in many layers. Bravo for anybody who's smashing those layers down.

To see a brand dedicating itself to breaking down those barriers really makes me happy. So go ahead, groom yourself a little. I promise it'll feel good.

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The topic is health and what you do for yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself and make sure you’re well rounded with your mind, body, and spirit. If you neglect yourself, you’re no good to those around you. Depending on circumstances, there will be times where you must sacrifice for others such as your loved ones. These are the things I’m learning. I am breaking old traditions as a black man. I am also learning and accepting cultural teachings that I neglected or that society never expected me to tap into. 감사합니다 🖤 Thank you @sheamoisture @sheamoisturemen. Being on set with such organic and positive energy made this a great birthday for me. I can’t wait to introduce y’all to the fellas that I’ve created this new found brother hood/bearded fraternity with in this line up. #Defineyourbeard • • • • • #blackmodel#asianmodel#korean#bearded#beardedmodel#love#selflove#mcm#fitness#happiness#blackboyjoy#blackbeardedmen#biracial#peace#love
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  1. Ummmm, yes please? These men are damn fine. And they’re reaching out to a market so often associated with the tough image. But the grooming is key to their marketing campaign.

    Oh and I’d watch, babe. 😎

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I know you would, bae. I know you would...


  2. This post made me weak in the needs.
    I could watch the commercial all day.
    Gorgeous men.

    1. OMG same!
      That commercial was made especially for us, I’m sure.


  3. Two words: Queen Helene.

  4. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, it's cold here today; I could use some hot chocolate. richardnwaoko has that "cum fuck me look" about him.

    1. Honey, chocolate is good anyway, day or night! Yum.


  5. Color has never really bothered me as I find myself interested more in fine bones.

    1. Oh Dave. I read ‘boners’ and I though, well, duh!


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