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I’m biased. I think very fair men with red hair and facial hair are hot. And lanky, self-deprecating guys get me hot (well, so do big burly daddy types but that’s not the point here). So there. It was fun watching him do his song association game. He’s Billie Eilish’s sibling and a talented artist on his own right. Check him out. Also, I discovered my song association is absolutely different to his and it goes something like this:

BTW, I played counting thirty seconds after the word is mentioned to come up with mine. And I mostly did song titles. Because it’s my game, so my rules. LoL

(You’ve got a ) friend:
Because this song is timeless, flawless, peerless. Winter, spring, summer or fall. People do say the they don’t write songs like this anymore, and I think it may be true.  Also, King’s talent.

Oh, Madge at her best, cause she crafts awesome ballads. At this time I think she was still married to Sean and there was a lot of drama. Yep.

What’s (love) got to do with it
What’s love, but a sweet, old-fashioned notion? Miss Tina, awesomeness in heels. Does this song need any explanation? I didn’t think so.

Kiss (it better)
I discovered I really enjoy sucking dick. For years, I thought I was bad at it. I still see cocksucking as foreplay but I won’t knock those who consider it the main event. Also, Rihanna is stunning.

Truth (hurts)
This was the year of Lizzo. From nobody to being in everybody’s mouth. Also, her body positivity is contagious. I find her attitude refreshing and her lyrics witty and fun.

Bad (guy)
Billie is basically the star of 2019 and this song is super cool. She also came seemingly out of nowhere but it took her years to become the juggernaut she is today. I find her wise beyond her years and her music is mesmerizing.

Mariah. Whatever you think of her, that voice is a treasure. Also, I like divas who are quirky and kooky. Why not? When you can sing like that, you’re allowed to be cray.

Closing time
This is college, for me. I hunk it’s also a one hit wonder, but it basically encapsulates the aughts.

(Only the) Lonely
I have no idea why or how I know this song. I just do. Quintessential eighties, IMHO.

Miss (you)
Do the Stones need any explanation? It’s the Stones.

Steal my (sun) shine
Ohh another nineties staple, I think. Pure pop and it sticks to your head and won’t leave.


Remember that scandal that George Michael had to weather when he was caught proposing an undercover cup? This was his retort. Genius. Also, I think men in uniform are hot as hell.

Higher (love)
This is another of those songs I know I have heard but I don’t remember when or how. I think there’s a remake doing the rounds in EDM but I like this one much better.

(Sweet child of) Mine

This may be one of the few Guns N’ Roses songs I know. Axl was a this peak and personified Rock n’ Roll. And I love that little dance he does.

(Bette Davis’) Eyes

For a second I was gonna do Billie Eilish’s Ocean Eyes but this title jumped first to my head so this is it. An 80’s staple I think I’ve heard it in countless movies and tv programs. Also, Bette Davis.

And that’s my song association game. Kinda convoluted and slightly off kilter, just like me 🤣. I like all these songs and artists, obviously, and they are part of my listening bouts, both while driving and while playing records. And you? What are your songs?



  1. Umm, umm, say I uh, know a lanky fair skin guy with red hair, ah hem *cough*. Anyway, wow you are the only other person on the planet who ever mentioned The Motels, I liked a lot of their songs back in the day. Steal my sunshine is another cool song I forgot about. Interesting song association.

    1. Haha.
      Flirt! But yes, that song basically popped up in my mind as soon as I heard the word. And I know it's kind of bananas. Funny how radio and our own preferences affect what songs stay with us...


  2. An interesting and pleasant post

    1. Thanks! You should try doing your own. You'll be surprised!


  3. ky.A diverse selection indeed. I do loves me some Martha Davis. I'm old-school like that. And Steve Winwood!

    I love me a Hot Prince Ginger, if you like' em fair and lanky

    1. Yes!
      I really didn't remember The Motels. It just popped up in my mind. I think this was their best known hit. And Winwood did that blue eyed soul well.
      Prince Hot Ginge is yummy!


  4. Music: usually background noise at work. I’m always amazed by people who are so in tune with their music. And those that can do association like this are unbelievable.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Ha!
      I know you listen to music in the car, bae. And you do remember many of those top ten hits I keep passing...


  5. Interesting mix. He's better when he leaves the falsetto behind. Friend: Bette Midler, "(You've Got to Have) Friends. Love me some Bette. Carole King; Yes. "Only the Lonely" - Roy Orbison. Nobody does it like he did. (You may remember it from the 1991 film; Maureen O'Hara's last film, I think).
    I swear the two of us could go on for hours.....

    1. Ohh Bette Midler is an icon. And after I posted I remember Roy Orbison. Duh.
      And I know! thank goodness we are online! We would bore everybody else to death talking about music! LOL


  6. Very interesting list. I don't do them because I would be constantly changing my mind.

    1. But you should do one association, Dave!
      It's fun. You do notice that after you post your songs, many more pop up in your head . But I'd be curious to see what songs. song titles you associate with some words...


  7. Happy new year dearheart xx


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