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for the record...

Yeah, I'm having one of those moments. I guess the whole holiday season thing gets to me a little. Yeah, 'tis the season, but for me it's more like vacay and time to unwind. I don't want anything hectic or complicated, and some people put way too much emphasis in the commercial part of the end of December. It's also chilly outside in the Midwest, so why not a little Glee? We've been talking about snow all these days and I'm dreading it. You see, when it's cold outside I don't feel like snow angels and sleighs. I'm too fucking tropical for below-forty-weather.

You see, I'd rather stay inside and do some knitting. If I were Walter, that's what I'd do, I guess. But I cannot knit to save my life, so records and some TV bingeing it is. So let's just stay in this weekend, shall we? It's cold outside. And yes, I know this song has been controversial, but Kurt and Blaine make it so cute!

Fancy some cocoa?



  1. it's cuter with these guys. I'll take cocoa and knitting and music and stay inside with spouse and cats.

    1. I think so too! Very cute. And that sounds like awesome holidays to me!


  2. They were an adorable couple. And they do a great job with the song.

    As the temp drops (though near 50 for Christmas) grab some hot cocoa and find some cookies and snuggle up with Netflix.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  3. Great! you also can dance it!

    Enjoy my last post here

  4. I do think you should get a couple sprigs of pine and put in a vase to brighten you up. I don't know how you stand Chicago winter. I'd move. I too am quite now...buy just doing walk about in town, cities and the gardens as you have seen, but it's not as cold here. Low 50s and high 40 and 30s. Of course friction in the bed helps too😋😃😲😈

    1. That’s an idea!
      Last year snow felled many pine branches and I had a full branch in my living room. It was my symbolic xmas tree.
      And friction in the bed would make for perfect holiday motivation!


  5. Can I show up in my jammies? HOT chocolate and we can watch Glee, that would be awesome. It's -11 Fahrenheit here.

    1. Yes! Oh, bet that would be fun!
      OMG Steven. That’s super chilly!


  6. I could never get in to Glee. I am more of a "The Fosters", and "Atypical" kind of guy. Both would help keep you warm in the evening this holiday.

    1. I loved the Fosters! Watched two full seasons. Atypical, too! I think there’s a second season on Netflix right now!


  7. I'm ***still*** trying to understand why that song is controversial. It was cute when Steve and Eyde did it, it was adorable when they did it on "Glee" (which we watched faithfully!).

    I'm in full agreement with you on the cold weather. I'm a Caribbean-kind of dude. Give me sand, palm trees, ocean waves...where I can lounge around naked.

    Have yourself a wonderful weekend!

    1. Well, it was because the guy basically is forcing himself in the girl, but the dynamic changes a little with two guys?
      And naked on the beach? Yes, please!


  8. Cocoa is dandy! I like mine with buttered toast.

  9. Tropical is one thing I'm not(lol) Every time I get the chance on my blog, I'm talking about trying to get someone to mail me tickets to Switzerland(lol) Ironically, I live in a state where we'll be in the 60's for Christmas, and I'd much prefer the snow.(NC). Meanwhile, I'l finish up all the Christmas movies this week that are left on Hallmark, Lifetime and Netflix, along with some lemonade and cheeseburgers. I sure hope you'll be warm and cozy where you are, and I'm sending lots of hugs. RO

  10. Esta es una de mis canciones navideñas favoritas y creo que la hacen tierna y entrañable, jaja, me encantan...eh amigo, un abrazo muy grande desde España y¡ que tengas una maravillosa Navidad!


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