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A.I. Generated

Ok. So as an experiment, I am going to answer the questions Billie Eillish answered. The questions were A.I. generated after the A.I. scoured the internet looking for queries about Billie. One hundred seventy million queries. Scary, right? Apparently people really want to know things about her.
So let's see, where do we start?

1. How am I like? I guess I agree with Billie: it's up to other people to decide because I think I'm a little bit different with each person. I think we as humans respond to each of the people we interact with in a slightly different way. I know, the basic traits are there: we tend to go back to our 'baseline'. I think my baseline is slightly sarcastic and overall laissez-faire but I do have buttons: injustice and fuckery get me incensed. And some people push them. So yeah.

2. I don't think I'm missing out on many things. Many essential things I'm not missing out and I think that's what matters, no?  I'm very lucky overall, but there are some things that could be better. Take traveling. I've always wanted to travel to Europe and I'm always postponing it. Of course maybe one day I'll have the time -and money- to take that trip and stay in Europe for a month, without thinking about anything else but the moment.

3. Who consumed so much of my power in one go? Oh my. Like Billie said, I cannot really be mad, because I basically let him do it. He was beautiful. He brought me flowers. He told all his friends that I was his. He held my hand and took long walks with me. And he drained me emotionally. I felt like a glove after we saw each other, it was so intense. But I never told him. When he kissed me one day at two in the morning I almost had to sit down he affected me so much. But I never told him.

4. Out of date in the world? I agree with Billie. Politics is out of date. Racism is out of date. Xenophobia is out of date. So many things are out of date...

5. When I had my first place on my own it was a big deal. When I got my first car bought with my own money, that was a big deal. You know what used to be a pretty big deal for me? Earning a living. Seriously. I had been in school for so long that I never really thought about the 'real world' and what it would mean to actually work for a living. When I got that first check I thought it was a pretty big deal. Our priorities do shift with time. Still, some things keep surprising us. Thank goodness, no?

6. Whenever I go to the countryside or take a short road trip or I leave big urban areas I feel like I can see more, breathe more. Just last weekend I was walking along a canal that used to be the main means of transportation in this old little town and I was amazed at how peaceful it was. I'm sure it used to be bustling with life, but that day, with all that snow piling up and with the water frozen because it was 25 degrees, it was absolutely peaceful: quiet and pristine. And it felt like peace.

7.  Yes, I wear headphones with sounds in them. AI is so literal it's unsettling. I mostly wear headphones when I go for my daily walk. It's not daily, but I like to call it that. Three or four times a week I go for a mile walk and I wear my headphones. I trot along the road and look at the geese on the little lake near where I live. I cannot really hear them because I'm listening to Defected or any of the podcasts I have in my phone but I can see them. And I can see the water. And the frozen road in front of me. But mostly, I feel the music coming out of the headphones with sounds in them. And it feels good.

8. I'm no Billie, of course. But sometimes when I see that one of my posts has been seeing twenty times or ninety times or a a hundred and fifty times it's hard to describe the feeling. I post so much shit on this blog that nobody else in my circle knows or has heard about that it's sometimes overwhelming to know that so many people have read them. I'm left slightly off base. At the end, I think it's cool. Being heard this way.

9. I AM anonymous! LOL Or at least I like to think so. With one or two exceptions nobody knows me here. Well, come to think of it I am more 'known' now than when I was on Tumblr because then it was only through the images and words put out by others that I spoke. Nowadays I use much more my own words and my own feelings. I guess that's the difference. And guess I like not being as anonymous as I was when I was microblogging.

10. I have not seen the ending. I have seen a preface and I have seen what I thought were later chapters but I have not seen the ending. I've been close to the edge but I have never taken that step, obviously. Because I am here.

Now, some AI prose, because I have no songs to be emulated:

At first, a human said

I have not seen the ending. I have seen a preface and I have seen what I thought were later chapters but I have not seen the ending. I've been close to the edge but I have never taken that step, obviously. Because I am here.

The A.I. continued

 But I think the ending is pretty cool. I really can't wait to get back to it.  In a couple of weeks, when I get the rest of my supplies, I should be able to get around to reading everything. I mean all the chapters in your book are awesome so what can I say.

I used StoryAI, an tool based on OpenAI that will write a story if you write the first sentences. And it gave me that literal follow up. It seems that after all, AI cannot feel nuance, cannot infer things, cannot... feel. And that's good.

And that's all for today, Constant Reader. And what would your answers be if the AI would ask you these questions?



  1. AI is an interesting tool. Obviously not perfected yet. As you said it can’t detect the nuances of speech. When you gave it chapters, it assumed you were talking about a book, instead of chapters of a person’s life.

    But on the other hand it took the beginning of the story and ran with it and didn’t look back. And it kind of works, no?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. AI is kind of scary. Yeah, it looks like SciFi at this point but is it, really? And that story was way short because I didn't give that website my email or google account. Intrusive mofo.


  2. Billie Ellis always looks like she need a good long silkwood scrub down.

    1. Hahaha but I love that girl's nonchalance. She treats those Prada threads the same way I treat my Target sweatpants. Kudos!


  3. Too much for me to leave comment to respond to each one. Your responses with 1 & 2 are so similar to mine, I could've written them. Number 3? Well, I did tell her. Eventually, I wore her down and we married. Ended up making each other miserable. I decided then and there that that kind of deep emotion for another human was way too overwhelming and vowed to never allow myself to go there again. I was working by 15. On my own at 18 and never looked back Loooong story.
    I'm not totally anonymous on my blog - there are a few Faithful Readers who know of my reality. It's kind of cool, actually.
    AI will comtinue to improve, eventually learn nuance. That's when we all better keep a sharp look out. LOL. xoxo

    1. Hahaha we seem to be on the same page often, no?
      And I would love to hear about that looong story, actually. Bet it's fascinating.
      AI is here and we do have to keep a shart look out. Siri actually knows when and where my car is parked. Freaky.


    2. haha *sharp* typo but it stays cause it's relevant!

  4. AI is like a big beautiful iceberg floating in the sea, as the ship of humanity speeds towards it, everyone keeps saying, "oh wow how beautiful that iceberg is"! Some people try to warn about approaching too fast or steering away from it but nobody is listening... and will only notice the danger after we begin to crash into it.

    1. OMG Steven. That is soooo absolutely insightful. AI is insidious and we are so absolutely lazy that will let it take over eventually. Nothing SciFi about that fact. Nobody is listening and then it'll be like the frog in the boiling water pot.


  5. Interesting questions, interesting answers.
    I'm not sure politics is out of fate, but many of the people IN politics definitely are.

    1. I now, right? Both the AI and Billie were strangely sharp. who knew?
      And Politics is a necessary evil. People in politics are definitely out of date. Definitely.


  6. Interesting. AI ask questions and a human responds. Seems kind of gimmicky to me. Not a big Billie Eillish fan, though her Bond song is nice. If asked to classify her music, I'd have to call it Emo

    1. Well, the whole premise is gimmicky. They make seem AI as some adorable took that makes mistakes as calling her 'Billie Eyelash' but don't get fooled by the cute premise: that AI WAS learning from the answers. I like Billie and yes, the James Bond theme is very cool. Haha Emo? Oh, Dave.


  7. You'll have to excuse Me.Moorecock...she miat have had a porcupine in her undies again.

    Meanwhile i love Billie Ellish. Love her music and her fashion is fun....she wear high end and low end together...and that's what fashion is about. The robot was creepy.


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