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Double vision

You are an American; you do all the things Americans do; you even have the dream. But America doesn’t want you, doesn’t accept you, is systematically attempting to erase you. Schools don’t teach about you; laws don’t fully protect you. The America you think you are a part of is a mirage. You must every day keep a certain clarity about yourself yet remain keenly aware of America’s vision of you. You need that dogged strength that is partly the spirit of protest and partly the shoring up of your gayness so that your gay line of vision is clear, beautiful, strong. Living as a gay man means holding this double vision, and I have to attempt to show you how to make both your visions strong.


When I was writing about Pete Buttigieg's achievement of having made it to Iowa and to the national stage in the national debates, this is basically what I was thinking about: that double vision that we as gay men should keep at all times: yes, we are here. Yes, we are queer. But we have to fight for people to get used to it. And with IMPOTUS and his promoting of a racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobic America, it becomes more of a struggle every day.

This administration has done everything in its power to curtail all the rights that LGBTQ people won during the Obama administration. And it's not over: because the reelection will be contested in every front, now the Orange Bufoon's White House has launched a full-on attack on LGBTQ rights. And it's not just the Trans ban in the military: it's also adoption, rolling back anti-discrimination laws in employment, housing, health care and stacking the courts with homophobic judges. Add to that the 'religious freedom' initiatives and the restrictions for asylum seekers and you have a very good idea of what this administration has done to roll back gay rights' progress in a drastic manner.

So when I think about the upcoming elections I am not only thinking about getting rid of the corrupt IMPOTUS, I am also thinking about that double vision that we have to keep as gay men: there are issues that need to be addressed when voting. LGBTQ rights is one of them. And I know that many gay men with money have seen benefits that this administration has brought them and that's why they voted for Cheeto (yeah, I used to know some people who voted for Twitler. They're not in my circle anymore, natch). But they're a minority. The majority of us needs to think about the future and about the kind of world we want to live in.

Yes, Drag Race is fun. Yes, Schitt's Creek last season is here. Yes, you are not an 'issues' voter. Yes, Buttigieg is a presidential candidate, but we have to do all we can to have IMPOTUS removed along with his minions and his evil policies overturned. Because there's more than our future at stake: it's the future of other generations what's in danger. Our double vision should be focused not only on what we have right now (that can be taken away any moment, remember SCOTUS is stacked with Cheeto nominees) but what we need for the future. So get thyself to some info and become an activist. Vote. Get others to vote. Because it's going to get ugly.



  1. Uglier, babe, uglier. After his acquittal the orange turd is already worse than before. And the repugs are so far up his ass they will never see the light of day. And hopefully they will never see another term.

    Get out and vote. Contribute to the causes that you are passionate about. We cannot let this continue.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. We cannot be complicit of this fuckery. Voting them out is the only solution.


  2. If I think your POTUS will win a second term very easily ...

    [Out of Topic: you could put a "older post" button]

    1. Sadly, I feel you are correct.

    2. Ugh. He'd win if people sit their asses down and don't go out to vote. Between America's stupidity, Russian interference and voter suppression....


  3. What HBG said up there: cast a GODDAMNED vote.

    1. As if it were difficult? People need to DO something. Fuck, it's only voting. People vote more for fucking American Idol.


  4. In South Florida, it is blocking the ban on conversion therapy by individual cities (Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Deerfield Beach). Putting my Pride flag out for Pride month will be interesting this year with new neighbors who are very Catholic. "Gird Your Loins!"

    1. This is why down-ballot elections are important. Too many people stay home instead of voting in the off-year local elections.

    2. That is true! Not only voting out the Senators and Congresspeople. Vote ALL repugs off their comfy positions. All. Of. Them.


  5. all of us have to work triple to make sure EVERYONE is included and that NO ONE is marginalized. except for GOPricks; they need to die NOW! speaking up, voting, contacting your reps/senators (state and federal), contacting your state governor - let everyone know that YOUR OPINIONS DO MATTER!

    1. This is true. Opinions DO matter. Especially if you're letting your vote speak for you.
      GOPricks need to go.


  6. Anne Marie touches on a right path when she mentions state officials. Because it's not only the federal elections which matter. Down ballot is just as important - if not more so. The state and local officials can do a lot to protect the hard-won battles. (Witness: Jimmy's comments.)
    The GOP and the Religious Right have gone to war on anything and anyone not old, white, and straight. VOTE. Fight back in any way you can. Stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Volunteer for that candidate. Push the envelope.
    The very next thing you need to do? Formulate a Plan B. xoxo

    1. Down ballots are the foundation of democracy. Why has Moscow Mitch replaced so many judges in lifetime positions? Because they need to undermine the lower courts. People don't vote in 'small' elections, but those matter, too!


  7. The rest of the free world is cheering for you!

    1. The rest of the world is laughing at the stupidity of America.


  8. If you're one of those people who 's crying in your because you think the Idiot in the White House is going to be elected... well , grow backbone. Do something. Volunteer. Form a committee. Drag Queens for Democrats. We're the majority party. The time has come to move the C razy Rightwingers to the back of the bus... and then kick them out the back door.

    1. Hahaha. Yes! Grow a pair! Get off your ass and vote and raise hell.


    2. DRag Queens for Democrats - I like that!

  9. Aunque en España las cosas no son una maravilla en cuando a derechos LGTBQ, y de hecho ahora ha surgido un partido de ultraderecha que parece querer hacer retroceder varios pasos atrás lo conseguido durante los últimos años, veo que en los EEUU las cosas tampoco son una maravilla...como tu dices, no hay que quedarse en casa, hay que votar porque es la primera y más sencilla manera de intentar conseguir que las cosas cambien.
    Abrazote de nuevo.

    1. La ultraderecha parece que ha ganado mucho empuje en muchas partes del mundo. Aqui, pues bueno con ese gorila anaranjado en la casa blanca, cualquier cosa puede pasar...
      Votar es la unica solucion, como dices.

      Abrazos, guapo!



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