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The fact that one of the big television networks (ABC) runs a segment with the husband of one of the presidential hopefuls is not a big deal. It's election time. The fact that the segment goes to the 'better half' of one of the candidates and recognizes how groundbreaking their situation is at this moment in the country because he is married to Pete Buttigieg is, nevertheless, a big deal to me.

They bring up the idea that 21% of Americans would not vote for a gay president and also the smarmy comments made by Rush Limbaugh (barf) that Americans are not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the presidential stage. As if the GOP (or Rush) would have any moral ground to stand on to criticize this couple. And Chasten and Pete swat those comments aside noting how hypocritically ludicrous they are.

Chasten is right when he mentions that he has heard the comments Rush and others have made before. Many of us have. Being a gay man and not being perceived as 'masculine' enough or fearing the effects coming out could have in family and friends or having someone take advantage of us just because of who we are is a feeling some of us have experienced in life. He's right when he says that no matter the outcomes of the election, he already feels victorious. And so do I.

And just recently, in the campaign trail, Pete found a nine year old that asked him for advice on how to come out. A nine year old. So Pete may be the ant-IMPOTUS already. If Cheeto stands for a smarmy notion of what being a man is, Pete and Chasten stand for something much more laudable: an idea of hope that may be the seed of better things to come.

Pete Buttigieg may not become America's next president and Chasten may not be the next First Gentleman but ground has been broken and it's been proven that even with that 21% of bigots still mouthbreathing somewhere in the country, progress has been made.


P.S. don't forget to Vote Blue No Matter Who.


  1. Just a little correction, babe. Chasten would be the FIRST, First Gentleman. And he would be awesome at it, in the vein if Michelle Obama. Compassion and concern for ALL the people of this country would be restored. And that will come about if any of the Democratic candidates is elected.

    So yes, vote blue no matter who.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Haha fair enough. And I think he would be awesome at it.
      I don't think I'd like four more years of Cheeto. Hell no. People need to vote!


  2. I have watched both interviews. In my lifetime, I never thought I would see a gay man run for president, yet alone a married gay couple aiming that high. I hope zach (the young man) will go on to do great things.

    as for rush limpballs, may he die a slow painful agonizing death! the GOPricks LOVE to criticize others for "moral shortcomings", when they themselves time and time again have been deplorable and have committed unspeakable acts against their fellow humans.

    1. He's got 4th stage lung cancer. He has 5 , maybe six months at best, and the last 2 or 3 are going to be hell.

    2. I never thought it would be possible, either. Being gay until now has been a no-no for somebody running for president. It's groundbreaking.
      And as for Rush, I really think Karma is coming for him...


  3. very wise advices!

  4. Even if he doesn't ultimately win -- still groundbreaking!

    1. That's what I keep telling people.
      He's also articulate and smart. Such a contrast with IMPOTUS!


  5. Never thought I would see this in my lifetime,

    1. Same. When out politicians started popping up I always kept hopeful but nothing happened. And then there was Pete...


  6. *coming out of the shadows* I'm going to a volunteer training and watch party tonight.

    1. Jimmy!
      And you have to write about it! I hope I can go one of those parties soon. I'm also planning on getting a yard sign.


  7. We're going to see Pete on Friday in Columbia.
    Our newspaper, The State, just endorsed him for president this morning.
    I'll be voting on Saturday.

    1. That's such excellent news!

    2. ooooooooooooooooooh, I am so jealous! VOTE FOR PETE!

    3. That's awesome! That's another thing that people should start doing: getting their ballots or voting early.


  8. I couldn't agree with you more. Never in my wildest dreams did I see this coming, a married out gay man running for president and having such a large following.
    As for the 21%, screw them, seriously just talk to those people and see how dump they are. You can't educate stupid, that's why they are called stupid.
    Unfortunately Pete will not win this time around but who knows what could happen in the future when President Bernie Sanders passes away from old age.

    1. Correct. You cannot educate stupid. Sad but true.
      But I really hope Pete has a bright future in politics. God, there's so many smarmy, stupid politicians that do nothing for the country....
      LOL I was talking to someone yesterday that insisted Bernie's heart attack was a nothingburger. Not when you're over seventy, I said...


  9. Even if he isn't voted President...its amazing how he and Chasten are received. That that many don't have a problem and accept them says a lot. I feel like a young gayling in amazement at a man who's gay running for President.

    Meanwhile is Limbaugh dead yet? Ill want to throw in the first bit of dirt.

    1. I'm afraid we'd have to stand in a very long line to toss a bit of dirt. Let's wait until everyone is gone - then we can piss on it. :-)

    2. Same!
      I feel all giggly and shit. I even have some of his memorabilia because I think his candidacy is a watershed moment. Totally groundbreaking.

      Dave pointed out he may be gone soon. And it won't be pretty. Just like his whole life. Thoughts and prayers.


  10. I have been on Team Pete from the beginning, when all I knew about him is that he was the mayor of a small town in Indiana. When I read he was gay, I admit that my brain went, "The US won't vote for him." I supported him anyway. Even worked his campaign here because I believe in this guy. He may not make it to the Oval Office - - - this time. But, he will.
    If the Dems were to nominate a fireplug, I'd vote for it. That fireplug would be smarter than what we have now. xoxo

    1. Same!
      From the beginning I was intrigued. When he qualified I was surprised. When he surged in the polls I was amazed. I can't wait to see what role he plays in the next Dem white house.
      Because there will be a Dem in the white house.


    2. From your lips.... And, zi mean that in the nicest way. :-)

  11. Replies
    1. It is. I love how 'normal' his candidacy is. Love it.



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