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oh, daddy?

During the latest gay porn awards, Alex Mecum was nominated for 'best daddy' award. I was left a little bit confused. So Alex Mecum is a daddy? I am usually confused by the gay menagerie of bears, otters, foxes, cubs, pup, bulls, gym bunnies, gym rats and the such, but aren't daddies literally DILFS? Or more to the point, an older man who wants to get it on with a younger man? Alex Mecum is as of today, in his very early thirties. Is early thirties older now? I would think he could be a 'son' for a daddy in his fifties or sixties. But a daddy? Also, does being a daddy would make him a bear? He's too young. Maybe a cub? An otter? His body is banging. Is he a jock?

I guess I'm out of touch with the whole gay categories thing. They also confuse me. That's why I could never describe myself in a hookup app. I would not be able to read the descriptions accurately, I'm afraid. Maybe because I just go with a gut feeling when choosing to ogle a man (or porn star) and I don't go with my 'preference'. My preference is sexy. And that covers a lot of terrain. Maybe I'm just slutty.

Back to Mr. Mecum then. I think he would tick the 'sexy' category. He's obviously a very attractive man and I would be pressed to tell him 'no' if he decided he wanted to get to know me in the biblical sense. Does that mean then that I'm into (young) daddies or otters? Jocks? I think the moment we talk about a type we are kind of limiting ourselves to probably fucking the same kind of man for years and years. And most times that man looks just like ourselves. Oh, yeah. many gay men basically do the gay twin dating their whole lives. They fuck a version of themselves over and over and over. A younger version of themselves, an older version of themselves. But it's basically always themselves.


I think I have never dated a version of myself, though. I may be missing some mind-bending experience, I guess. During my life, I have slept with men of many races and body types, but I have never felt compelled to sleep with someone who looked just like me. Not because I would not fuck me, mind you. I think I would. I'm not chopped liver, after all. I do have some charm and some good angles under the right light. And I'm proficient in bed, so yeah. But I have never really decided that somebody with my coloring and age, for example would be my 'type'.

So I guess Alex will be my 'type' this week. But you already know the men I consider my 'type'. All the men that have appeared on this blog are my 'type', BTW, that's why I post them. Maybe because I'm constantly doing that, I may find out one day that I really would like to fuck myself, like so many other gay men. But to tell you the truth, I'd rather have Alex do that. He seems like a very good candidate to do it.






  1. Well done. I adore Alex Mecum. He's simply marvellous!

    1. He's yummy. That body! That dick! That talent!


    2. He's my ideal boyfriend

    3. Heh. I think there is a line to the right... 😉

      But yes, he’s very handsome. And has a great personality! You should check his Instagram.


  2. Breath and britches! That's my type. lmgao

    What a great post. A great way to start the day. LOL

    (btw, I'd fuck me too) LOLOLOLOLOLOL

    1. Haha. It's going to also be my type very soon, Jimmy!
      And I bet you would... LOL


  3. Let’s clear the air here 1. you are slutty 😜; 2. you are sexy af.

    Now as to Alex being a “daddy” I think that would only pertain to the new crop of young-uns that seem to be populating porn these days. Like you, I like men. All colors of the rainbow, and all sizes and shapes. Slapping a label on a guy is too limiting.

    So line ‘em up, and let’s get busy.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Thank you! I needed the confirmation of my slutty disposition.
      And those labels only work when you need to tear apart the layers of preconception. Too much work.



    But if he's a daddy , then Im a fucking butch bull jock!!!!! He is way to pretty and manicured to be a daddy in my head And I don't know if he is still with Cater Dane, but those two together as a couple in real life, are hot as fuck. And to be blunt...if a was in bed with those two, it would be like a damn cum well being shot over and over again. Those two have a VERY HEALTHY affect on me. And now you don't help matterS with adding these clips!!!! * slips back into bed*

    1. LOL love that name! And I'd like him to do that, too.
      And he was dating Carted Dane? Damn, talk about hitting the jackpot. Those two together would have a very healthy affect on anyone with a pulse.


  5. Hot but if he's a daddy I'm a great-grand-daddy.

    Dear god ... I'm a great-grand-daddy.

    1. LOL. Me, too, Bob. Me too.

    2. LMAOOOO that's why I say that those labels are useless.
      And I'm going to reserve an opinion until I can carry out an investigation with Carlos to decide if you are to get that title. He may not be in agreement...


  6. Labels suck. Well, they do, don't they? I don't even like them to describe orientation. Labeling people is what gets us in trouble, pigeon-holes everyone. Gay, straight, bi, lesbian, etc... No. We are simply sexual beings. If someone seems fuckable, then do it - who cares about a label?
    Would we do ourselves? We jerk off, don't we? LOL.

    1. I think they're useless because at the end of the day, labels do not mean much. Like status symbols, they can only be read by a small cabal. And we do jerk off, so we're all gay. Yay.


  7. I suspect he's probably in his late 30's. You probably haven't seen any of his non-porn pics where he's sporting a little 'salt and pepper' on the temples. Keep in mind, if you're 18 and look like you're 12, he's a Daddy.

    1. He's 32! He may have gone gray early (yum!) If that's a daddy, then send me two, please. Really.
      But I get your point. With all those twinks running around in porn, anybody over twenty five would be a daddy then...


  8. FUCK! great money shot there! I LOVE watching M2M porn!

    1. That's my girl. I knew you'd appreciate it.
      He's well known for those money shots, btw. Love to watch a man cum, too.


  9. Looks like Alex might catch a cold if he doesn't put on some clothes. =) Sometimes I am not quite prepared for what I see on your site. I am like "well, hello there Alex. I wasn't expecting to see you and your fully erect penis today but cool. Enjoy your day."

    1. Hahaha
      Sorry for having dicks jump at cha. Hey, that parental advisory at the beginning is directly related to my penchant for dick. LOL
      Alex and his fully erect penis made me enjoy my day a little bit more.



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