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Orange Shitgibbon take three

The bloated, psychotic, thin skinned, lying, conniving, orange shitgibbon currently occupying the oval office has lied and obfuscated the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic for months. More preoccupied with the stock market than with the health of Americans, IMPOTUS has let the country's national emergency during the COVID-19 pandemic spiral out of control.

I have mentioned before this blog does not do political commentary (there's other bloggers much better prepared to do that) but really. Sometimes even the most vacuous of bloggers gets political. And this is one of those moments. The idea that the president of one of the most powerful nations in the world actively engages in lying and obfuscating the truth about such an important subject was, until three years ago, unheard of.

But things have changed. Cheeto's lies are costing lives and we all have to do our part to make sure those lies are exposed. I do not have a 'social media presence.' I don't use Facebook to stay in touch with family and friends. I don't have dozens of followers on Instagram or Snapchat or Twitter. I only have this blog. So I make sure that this blog tells the truth about the ignorant, narcissistic, dangerous man-baby sitting in the Oval Office, at least once in a while.

And I invite you to do the same. Use your voice online to make sure that everybody you know is aware of the danger this man poses to the country. I know this post is not going to change minds. I'm preaching to the choir. But you could implement some change if you post this video in your social media accounts and let it do its job. So go ahead, copy the link. Post it to your Facebook/Twitter account. Oh, you're not 'political' on social media because your dear friend from high school/ old uncle Gilbert/ auntie Rhona/ your dad/ your boss/ whomever is there/ is a rabid Twliter supporter and you don't want to upset them? Fuck that. Grow a pair. And let them have it.

And now, off my soapbox.


P.S. Also, don't forget that there's people who can deliver a punch with a cackle:


  1. What the shithead in chief has done with the full support of his repuglican supporters is horrific. I wish I could say with certainty that this spells the end of both, but I can’t. With fuckhead insisting that his signature be on the stimulus checks, the uninformed will see it as a gift from him. But don’t forget to claim that gift in next year’s taxes, because I’m sure it will be considered taxable income.

    So, yes, we must continue to bang the pots and pans and show that the emperor has no clothes. And scream it from the mountain tops. And hopefully, just maybe, this country will be better off.

    1. The trumpanzees will always find an excuse for IMPOTUS because he's their Id. Cheeto is the worst of them and they'll never let him go. But I'll never stop calling attention to the fact that the ugly emperor has no clothes. Never.


  2. It's a devastatingly effective ad, and even Trump knows it -- his campaign has been sending cease-and-desist letters to TV stations that show it.

    He seems to think that when he changes his stance on something, all his previous statements should just vanish from everybody's memory, 1984-style. We need to make sure he doesn't get away with it. Not this time.

    1. Cheeto's vanity (and mental illness) stand in the way or reason, that's for sure. I found that ad totally on point, but we know that people in America have the attention span of a drunk gnat, so let's only hope....
      Meanwhile, the gaslighting will continue unabated. And it'll only get worse.



    1. Never. We have to always keep a fire under his underserving, privileged, entitled, corrupt ass.


  4. I have read that however your current POTUS is gaining consensus (and therefore potential votes).

    1. And that's something I cannot understand. How come, the most inept president in the history of the United States can have a semblance of approval. American Idiots indeed.


    2. it's the same question Rick of http://sickoricko.blogspot.com/ is wondering

  5. As each days passes and more lies are told and more idiotic press briefings are endured, I truly believe his chances of being reelected are dashed.
    And that makes my day.

    1. Every lie that crosses his lips. Every mishandling of the country. Every corrupt move. Every time he fucks it up; I'm optimistic more people are waking up to the reality that he's the worst president ever. And I can't wait for the day he goes to jail with his whole spawn following.


  6. I had gotten some nasty dms on Instagram from people and followers when i posted my trump hate flow. Fuck. Them. Unfollowed them. On my blog not so much. But mark my words...if he does gets relected....then I will be truly sad and depressed and will loath living here.....we may never get back on track even if we ever will. A friend of mine is fed up with both sides. He said they all need fired and we start over. There's no where near enough bipartisans left. If we're far right and far left....nothing will get done....and trump like s the great divide.

    1. Fuck them indeed! It's your platform and you can do as you please! I cannot think of him being reelected because then I'll lose faith in humanity. And the Repugs dashed any chance of bipartisanship the second they decided to look the other way when the evidence pointed to the corruption of this monster. The GOP is indeed the party of Cheeto.


  7. I don't know why Trump has any support left whatsoever. THAT'S the true scariness of our times.

    1. It's all about anti LGBT rights and anti abortion Jesus freaks. Evangelicals!

    2. Jimmy has nailed it: it's hate , racism and greed what keeps IMPOTUS in power. There's no stronger emotions and there's nothing that defines Americans better than those three words.


  8. It's mind-boggling to say the least. The asswipe is more concerned about his ratings than the health and welfare of the country. And, if you pay attention, you will find that Repiglicans all over the country are sneaking things into law because the focus is on the pandemic. His base is a solid iceberg of rabid supporters. We can only hope to turn out more voters. Though, if Barr is successful in the fuckery HE'S trying to pull, the Constitution will be "suspended" in order to manage things in the name of "National Emergency."

    1. Nothing matters to Cheeto more than Cheeto. It's pathological. Same with his lying. The cult of IMPOTUS is, like every cult, impervious to the truth. The only hope, like you say, is to get people to vote. America's apathy would be its doom.


    2. Every once in a while he fucks up and tells the truth even though he doesn't mean to... Like when he was asked about Moscow Mitch's comment regarding the reason for the slip up on the Virus because he was too caught up in the impeachment thing. He says - in his usual rambling way, of course - that, no, he wasn't too focused on the impeachment. Oops....

  9. The best terms I've read were on JMG last night. "MAGAvirus" and "Covid45". Just perfect!

    We only watch Gov Cuomo for the truth. Florida's Gov is up Covid45's ass and is blocking reporting that doesn't praise the orange motherfucker!

    1. JoeMyGod is the best lgbtq blog. I swear. Covid45 may be my word of the day. And I can't believe Florida's governor has put party before country! Well, of course I can believe it, but I hope people in the state have noticed too and vote his ass out.


  10. Good Sixpence!!! I don't know what to say however, the left wants to think that trump is in trouble over this. The CBC here in Canada looked at what is happening politically and unfortunately his approval ratings are going up and up, he is close to his much desired 50% approval rating. Alarm bells need to be sounding over this!!! Some governor or city mayor does something wonderful regarding this virus and trump some how gets the credit. I don't get it but someone has to take control here. Unfortunately the democrats raided the seniors homes for a leadership candidate and it's showing. The world can't take another four years of that cheeseburger eating blob.

    1. I certainly hope he's in trouble. But his performance as president has been so abysmal that any little improvement is seen as 'presidential'. Fuck that. He's a useless figurehead that they need to keep distracting so he doesn't blow the country to pieces. And you are right, anything anybody does that implies progress or a solution, he appropriates.
      It's maddening.


  11. Sorry to say, but it will be the rising body count that kills his re-election.

    1. Trump's hate for Obama is what killed people.

    2. Oh, that's for sure. But that's the racist appeal his followers lap up. I cannot imagine how, after all the corruption, all the lies and all the ineptitude he could be re-elected. But it's America, so I don't want to hold my breath.


  12. John Oliver is the best. I wish there was someway we could get Gov. Cuomo to run against Trump.

    1. John Oliver does the best researched political satire in America. Leave it to a foreigner to point at the country and laugh. Cuomo is gaining kudos for his handling of the pandemic, and he would be a fantastic rival to Cheeto's incompetence....



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