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Just like when he launched his campaign it was Chasten, his husband, who introduced him. But this time it was to tell people that Pete Buttigieg, the former Major of South Bend, Indiana was leaving the race for president of the United States.

I know it sounds overblown but it made me verklempt listening to a man talking about his husband coming home to him in such a public stage. And people cheered when his husband came on stage and kissed him. Yeah. In fucking South Bend, Indiana. The state that just not long ago elected Mike Pence, The Devil's Butler, as governor. There may have been progress.

After a year and a half of a meteoric profile rise, Pete Buttigieg has ended his bid for president of the United States. He did well in Iowa and New Hampshire but not in Nevada or South Carolina. He apparently did not see a clear path to win the nomination and did what I -who knows squat about politics- consider the right thing: he ended his bid for president. Yeah, I think it was the right move. Not like other candidates who stay in the race until the last possible second *coughberniecough* and fuck up other candidate's chance to create a good coalition.

Even after dropping out of the race, I still admire Pete Buttigieg. Because he is the first gay man who, during my lifetime. has run for president of the United States and made it all the way to South Carolina. He almost made it to Super Tuesday. Running for president, as his husband said, was an achievement. Making it so far in the race was unthought of even six years ago. I feel proud of the gay man who ran an awesome campaign, who most probably put his marriage through the wringer -and the public eye- for more than a year and who ate more than one horrible dinner in some tiny hotel after a townhall in the middle of WhoKnowsWhere, America. I feel proud because I never thought I would see a gay man running for president. And now I did.

I hope he's got a great future in politics. If his fellow Dems don't see it, they're idiots. If the person who wins the presidency (because Twitler needs to be voted out) does not make him part of their cabinet, I will be pissed. After all these years of corruption, lies, and unbridled fuckery of the IMPOTUS White House, I need a fucking break. I will keep posting about the Dem nominee on this blog until the election. I will keep pushing for whomever the candidate is (yeah, even if it's Bernie and that will be slightly painful) and I will do whatever little I can do to make people aware that voting is the only weapon we have against the threat of the psychotic, sociopathic, entitled, drug-addled, thin skinned man-baby in currently int the White House. Vote Blue, No Matter Who.

Thank you, Pete. Thank you for giving this gay boy the chance to see how history was made and to totally Stan for you  and your husband. Thank you for creating a blueprint that I hope many other gay men follow. Thank you for making me see that apart from whatever percentage of Americans who still approve of Cheeto, there are still some good people out there. Thank you.



  1. I have the major sad's today.

    Thank you Pete indeed...for showing us what a true statsesmen looks like. Not only common sense knowledge and capable...but true manners decorum and class.

    I think we must definitely will see a RE PETE!!!!!!

    1. Same. When I was writing this post, I was like, darn! That's a missed opportunity. But you're right, we'll see a RePete!!


  2. and on a side note suspense.....in my mind I have you pictured in my mind what you look like as my Saturday post. How close am I????

      Oh, dear. You're too kind. LOL Nope. Not even close. Very, very far.
      I do wear glasses, though...


    2. And he’s sexy as hell.

  3. It’s really sad to see this happen. He shows a lot of promise. Unfortunately he could never garner enough support from people of color, the bedrock of the Democratic Party.

    Like you, I hope he becomes a part of the Democratic president’s administration next year. We need youth! It’s shocking that Joe Biden is the youngest man still in the Democratic race! It’s time for youth in the party. Pass the baton, already.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Yeah. I think the whole police issue in South Bend did affect people's views of him and race. And Pete endorsed Uncle Joe, Bae. Yay. I hope the next Dem president keeps Pete's achievements and obvious intelligence into account.


  4. Mayor Pete is astute enough to bow out so his supporters can go to Joe Biden on Super Tuesday. If Biden becomes president, I'm sure Mayor Pete will have some kind of prominent role in his administration.

    1. Yes! I thought it was very smart to NOT drag his bid through the mud. Very smart. Uncle Joe is probably thinking maybe Pete or Amy. Amy also dropped out. Let's see what happens.


  5. I like Pete.I got the chance to cast a vote for Pete.
    I'll miss Pete.
    But his chances are far from over.

    1. I think so too. He could run for Governor, now that he's got political clout. Or for Senate. Or Congress. He did start big.


  6. Pete and Chasten need to come relax in Wilton Manors. The weather is gorgeous. I'LL buy the pizza!! But ending before super Tuesday will change the numbers between Bernie and Joe. Smart move for Pete!!

    I am a witness to LGBT history. And boy am I proud!

    1. Haha Wilton Manors sounds like what I need, too!
      And Super Tuesday is going to be defining, that's for sure. I think Bernie still has like, five more delegates than Uncle Joe, but that could change. Amy, Pete and Beto all endorsed him. Let's see how that goes.

      I am also proud of Pete. Absolutely.


  7. I was very sad - still am. I worked the campaign. We did pretty well in NV actually, but SC hit below the threshold. He made us proud - not because he was a gay man running for the presidency, not because he's a gay man who got further than anyone expected - even him - but because he brought a sense of respect, and a sense that we could be a united community.

    I agree with you completely that the Dems need to do what they can to help boost this man's career because he deserves it, he deserves a cabinet position (as the LA Times suggested).

    We've witnessed history. And, he'll make history again. You can count on it.

    1. That's right. Yes, he is gay. Yes, that called my attention. But he is also very intelligent and articulate and has a good head over his shoulders. He also ran a very good campaign. I'm waiting to see what's next for Pete.


  8. Like everybody else i too love Peter. It was awesome and inspiring to watch. He probably did the right thing. He was not projected to do well in CA at all.

    1. Ohh really? Yeah, I think he got out at the right moment, with great momentum and without any kind of bitterness. A class act.


  9. I agree with everything you said here, history was made and I got to see it. A little sad but I knew he wouldn't win.

    1. Yes, I had that feeling. It was incredible to see him do so well, though. I felt represented.


  10. in my opinion, it's been a great since a gay man ran

    1. Absolutely. I think there was a Republican who tried something like that years ago but it got nowhere. Pete did very well.


  11. People are saying it's so sad he's leaving the race... Come on people! Do you have any idea what kind of amazing feat this gay man has accomplished? A lot of straight people voted for him! Pete is great!

    1. I know, right? He did the right thing. And his achievements cannot be denied. He ran a great campaign and people responded to it. He is great.


  12. I never thought I would ever see a gay man run for president, BUT I DID! pete and chasten are the cutest couple EVAH! I believe in pete, pete gave me hope, I gave him money. tonight he is endorsing uncle joe in dallas.

    1. They are absolutely adorable. I Stan.
      His endorsing Uncle Joe was a very smart move. He 's showing unity and putting country over party. Repugs should be taking notes.


  13. I know Pete will get at least a couple of votes in Virginia,

    1. Oh, I have friends who already voted for him because they had absentee ballots.
      Wouldn't it be funny that he'd qualify higher than Bloomberg even when he's out?


  14. If the person who wins the presidency (because Twitler needs to be voted out) does not make him part of their cabinet, I will be pissed.

    It's very likely he will be. With his knowledge of military affairs and foreign cultures, and his high intelligence, there are a number of posts he'd be qualified for. And he'll certainly be heard from again in presidential politics, especially after gaining more experience in a cabinet post.

    It took guts to do what he did. The venom of the fundies toward him has been extraordinary. But as a pioneer does, he made it easier for those who will follow after.

    1. OMG the fundies were all knives out with him. They saw him as threat because Pete called their bullshit. Pete would be great in almost any position that could use his talent. And yes, it would give him that experience Amy kept yapping about.



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