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COVFEFE-19, a.k.a. IMPOTUS is planning on getting reelected. Cheeto, the sentient orange boil that has placed himself in the ass of America, needs to find a scapegoat STAT or he won't be re-elected and could go to jail. I think that people should not rule out Twitler's egregious talent to always find someone or something to blame for his mistakes to escape unscathed. His audacity always masks his desperation.

“He’s a magician that way. Other people would stop and recognize that they were defeated. Or that they should be shamed. He refuses.”
-Jennifer Mercieca, a professor at Texas A&M University and the author of the forthcoming Demagogue for President: The Rhetorical Genius of Donald Trump


IMPOTUS and his enablers are predictable in their corruption and blame placing:

The idea of Twitler walking scot-free after he has fucked up and looted the country makes me nauseous. But people are seeing that as his exit strategy. Pay attention, people. Pay fucking attention.

IMPOTUS is gunning up to amp his strategy of never letting responsibility for anything he does or fucks up get in the way of reelection, while blaming others for his failures and ineptitude. And that is what people in general really need to understand. That is what the trumpanzees and the GOP is going to try to erase. And that's what I refuse to let die. I'm gonna be one of those people posting shit on this blog calling out his fuckery to the moment election day comes. Because even though this blog reaches only a few people (compared to others), I will not rest. Fuck that. Complacency is not pretty. Just ask grandma.

And now I need chocolate.

Stay safe. Wash your hands. Vote.



  1. that wheel didn't include hillary.

    the base will vote for the asswipe, we the people will vote for uncle joe.

    1. I know, right? Suddenly, she's gone from his dartboard of hell. And yes, the trumpanzees will keep on being stupid assholes. It's the rest of Americans who need to vote for the Dem candidate. If there's something to learn from the GOP is unity.


  2. No matter how he spins how many tests there are, or how he spins the numbers going down, or how many people he blames. I will continue to say this:
    He was warned about this in November, December AND January and did nothing because he wanted a trade deal with China., so he didn't send the CDC to China.
    In early March he said there were 15 dead America and, and this was on it's way down to zero.
    April 20 we stand at 41000+ dead Americans.
    Can't spin facts.

    1. Oh I so hope he goes down. I'll have a party that day. He was warned. He downplayed it. We're on 43000 and counting deaths. And his base finds excuses every day for the carnage. it's incredible.


  3. The problem with this "strategy" is that it requires the state governors to play along. Many Republican ones will. Democratic ones won't. If Trump will try to shift blame onto the governors either way, they have no incentive to bend to his will and might as well just do what they would have done anyway.

    Republican governors will relax stay-at-home orders (it's already happening in Florida and Georgia) or refuse to impose them at all, while Democratic governors keep them in place. In the six months before the election, the results will be apparent -- red states will see huge spikes in infections and deaths, which will continue to stay flat on the blue states -- and the red states won't see much, if any, compensating economic revival. It will be as close as we can get to a controlled experiment in politics. And despite Trump's "blame the governors either way" plan, everyone knows he's been pushing to open up quickly. Everyone will know which option he backed -- the one that led to disaster.

    The most hard-core Trumpanzees may still continue to support him, but everybody else will be able to see the implications of the results.

    1. Oh, the governors know. That's why JB transformed McCormick Place into a stand-by hospital without Illinois having reached the peak. Some Repug governors will not close (the first governors to close down were, ironically, Repugs) but many will. Look at Florida and Texas. Ugh.

      I think you are right. Some states will see a terrible spike in the summer. The problem with the opening of businesses is that few people will go to the beauty salons and gyms and the owners will not have the excuse of the lockdown to not pay THEIR bills. These states are going to be fucked.
      I hope people wake up and vote en masse to get this clown out of the white house.


  4. About USA's Healthcare system, I read that news (here) and I was sadly impressed.

    1. I agree with you. The American health system is a Ponzi scheme of profit. It's a business model, not a service. Health insurance is tied to jobs and it's meant to enrich corporations. It's a recipe for disaster, as we are seeing.


  5. Yep, he tries to position himself to look as good as possible. His followers are like those in Jonestown - some will even drink that Kool-Aid when they don't really want to because they are being coerced by those trumpanzees around them. He's done everything in his power to dismantle the US with the enthusiastic assistance of the GOP. As Infidel753 opines, we Blue folks must ignore Cheeto's calls to reopen and watch the Red COVIDIOTS infect themselves and cull their own herd. Come Nov we can only hope there are more of us left than them. xoxo

    1. Trumpanzess do belong to a cult. The cult of racism, xenophobia and corruption. The GOP has been complicit in this tragedy because they crave power and money above anything else. I am not going anywhere even if they open everything. I'll stay in my house as long as I can hold on.
      Like Green Day says, Wake me Up when September ends.


  6. I hate to say it....and i hope im wrong...but I having the feeling that damn electoral college. Is gonna fucks us again.

    1. It's a danger we have to offset by getting as many people as we know to vote Blue. Really. The apathy of the American public was what put Cheeto in the White House. Well, that and racism, xenophobia and sexism. But specially apathy. People need to vote Blue no matter who.


  7. What really bothers me is how he can buy Senators and Governors. It will be very interesting putting up my flag for Pride Month. It might be time to purchase a gun, join the 'Pink Pistols" and prepare for a civil war.
    As I've said before, there's too much of this "Love" crap, and not enough "ACT UP".

    1. Power. It's such an aphrodisiac. It's such an incentive for some people. Especially people in politics. Florida is a great example. I am putting up a pride flag this Summer. And joining the Pink Pistols may not be a bad idea. That and voting.
      Act Up is always a good example to follow. They got shit done.


  8. Grandma knows best. “He’s lost his fuckin’ marbles...He’s so fuckin’ insane”

    The turd in the Oval Office is a cornered animal right now. He’s fighting for his political life. And unfortunately the red herd won’t thin out before the next election to affect the Electoral College.

    So our only hope is that there are enough blue voters to impact the red states. And maybe, just maybe they’ll finally vote in their own self-interests.

    1. Grandma is the voice of reason. IMPOTUS is gonna be more and more erratic because his inability to think like a sane person stems from his privilege. It's only gonna get worse. He just said he'll ban all immigration to the US. When you thought things could not get worse. He's trying to deflect attention from him desperately.

      Red states will be red until the blood of the people who die for the inability of this administration to actually act like an administration turns them blue.


  9. This whole thing is about 1 thing: originally he wanted to let the virus "wash" over America relying on 'herd immunity' to get us through - people could work, and if you lived that's fine, if you didn't? Well so what? Testing is horrendous and he incites his base to rebel. He doesn't understand they are nothing more than shriekingly loud minority. He doesn't understand only 36% of American believes his briefings. A lot of people are going to die. He doesn't understand that after he looses the election he will need to self-exile or go to jail for crimes against humanity.

    1. Yes! That's why he kept saying 'it's like the flu'. But this is a NOVEL virus. He thought he could hold out and then it was gonna pass. But a virus does not care about rhetoric. Now he's making the trumpanzees go out and get infected. There's dark money invested there too. They're a small but loud minority, wrapped in xenophobia, racism and the American flag.
      It's true. A lot of people are going to die. And I think he knows that he'll go to jail, not only for crimes against humanity but because his corruption is so blatant.


  10. Grandma is awesome and keep fighting the good fight, sixpence. I keep thinking karma is going to eventually find this man but I am also reminded that one of the most wonderful people in the world, Mr. Rogers, died of one of the most painful diseases, stomach cancer.

    1. Grandma was great. She should be in a political ad. And I will keep banging on pots and pans on this blog until election day! LOL
      And I hope Karma does find him. But again, yes. Mr. Rogers...



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