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By now you know how much I like clothes. And I don't mean just the ones I can wear. I like clothes because of what they are: an artistic expression from a creative mind. And I think one of the most creative minds in fashion is that of Galliano. Yeah, Galliano, who fell from grace in 2011 after he launched an alleged anti-semitic tirade against somebody and Dior kicked him to the curb. And everybody thought he was done. The fork was brought.

Not really surprisingly (because bitch is fierce), he's found a home at Maison Margiela, which IMHO produces some of the most beautifully impossible collections every year (as you can see in these two videos). For me, they are up there with Thom Browne, who also pushes all kinds of boundaries when designing. But where Browne is millimetric in precision, Galliano is complete deconstruction. It's like looking at your Id and your Ego battle. And that’s what makes their approach to fashion fun.

Galliano has also brought to Maison Margiela that co-ed vibe that has found a home in so many other fashion houses. He's always played with gender as well as with deconstructing garments until they seem to be unfinished, but I think he's gone a step further with that. He sends both boys and girls down the runway without really overthinking what they wear and without letting their apparent gender dictate what they wear. His confections are, to tell you the truth, fantastic. Many people may find them gimmicky -because they are very deconstructed- but I think they are out fo this world. It’s more an ode to thrifting and upcycling than to luxe, while still being couture. And I find that tone absolutely cool.

I wish I could own one of those pieces, if only for the satisfaction of owning something so unique. Sometimes fashion shows are confused with pret-a-porter. I don't think most collections are very wearable, and many are not meant to be worn off the runway but to launch trends, as I've pointed out before. They consist -from my point of view- of some metaphysical dream board that most designers pin on a runway to let us see their creative process. It's not Project Runway (btw, Bob's takes on PR are fantastic) or Next in Fashion. It's Fashion as concept.

So yeah, now that I am cooped up thanks to COVID-19 and working from home, where wearing athleisure is perfectly acceptable (I go online and they only see head and shoulders, after all) I have taken to youtube to do some self-care in the form of looking at pretty things that I will never wear. Because that's what you do during a pandemic, of course. And so, what are YOU wearing today?



  1. I am not a personal fan of Galliano, though I hope he's learned his lesson about flapping his lips.
    That said, the fashion is intriguing, especially the way the cut-out dresses move. Some gave me nurse vibes, one gave me leather Nun feelings, so it felt a bit costume, especially with the white chunky shoes, but I liked a lot of the coats. I'd wear some of those, and will give Galliano props for some crazy great ideas.

    1. Oh, I think he did learn his lesson. It was humbling, I hope. And his cut (and deconstruction) styles are awesome. The layering of the material seems sometimes impossible. And you mean the hoove-y shoes that look like Japanese socks? Ohhh
      Your nun looked to me like WWI nurses. Very interesting...


  2. Why do some runway models always look so angry? Is it because they don’t feel appreciated for their work? I mean the still from the second video: that guy looks pissed. Give him a fucking cheeseburger with a large fry and milkshake. 😎

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. That's my impression, too. They've starved themselves to "Hangry." Quick! Somebody hand them all a Snickers!! LOL.

    2. Well, remember the models have to sell the garment. And you should watch the whole video! His runway walk is a trip. Galliano had the guys wearing some fantastic shoes.
      Now I want a burger with fries and a milkshake.


  3. I'm not so much interested in fashion, but I read that "clothes are architecture in motion". So I can imagine there's a certain artistic dimension in fashion.

    1. Oh, absolutely. I would say you need good training and a lot of talent to construct good garments. Architecture in motion is a good definition.


  4. Granted, there is absolutely no other job than modeling where you could get away with dressing like that while working.

    1. And I would really, really like to have that job. Or the money to buy those clothes to go to work . But then I would not need to work. LOL.


  5. In a different world in a different universe, I could have been a model.

  6. Being an old hippie, clothing never meant much to me. But I love watching fashion stuff on Youtube. My new favorite show is "Making The Cut" on Amazon. Naomi Campbell is the deal.

    1. What?
      I need to get myself to Amazon STAT. Naomi Campbell is the ish. Remember when I posted her interviewing Vivienne Westwood? Love her!
      She's got a YouTube channel and it's priceless.


  7. Used to watch Project Runway...not so much anymore. Not that I ever went much for buying the latest trends. During my dancing/theatre days it was jeans and t-shirts, my office days it was khakis and henleys, if I had to dress up I had a suit and 1 tuxedo. Since forced retirement it's back to jeans and t-shirts. If I have to dress up it's pants, t-shirt and jacket all Kenneth Cole. At home, behind the computer where no one sees anything below the chest: Nothing, man. Nothing at all...as usual. xoxo

    1. OMG same! I think Tim Gunn was absolutely fantastic. And he had great chemistry with Heidi was great. And I like your work-at-home style. Yep.


  8. I swear cutie pie....I love you! Galliano has long been my favorite fashion designer, hands down. The things he can do with fabric and materials...not since Charles James, has fabric been manipulated. His couture shows were and are, dropped dead, jaw dropping shows. And was yet another discovery of Anna Wintour. He and Alexander McQueen are two of the best modern day fashion designers in my opinion.

    Most fashion designer these days are tailored to just basic. Where's the damn drama and out of box thinking. I do think Christian Soriano is pretty good. But I don't watch PR. Most of the judges always got on my nerves. Season four was as far as I got.

    1. OMG really? Heart ya too!
      And Galliano can be a dick but boy has he ever got talent. His ideas. His craftsmanship. His theatricality. His sense of DRAMA. Seriously. And you are right him and McQueen take the cake.

      And I really stopped watching PR when Heidi and Tim left. I started watching again this season cause Bob was doing the critique the next day and it was a trip.


  9. So far today I only have on boxer trunks.

    1. I spent most of the day in PJs. Commando.


    2. Commando always if I have to wear pants of ANY kind. 😜

  10. I'll just stay quiet now... in my nice comfy clothes from Sears and Mark's work warehouse. ;)

    1. Hahahaha. Of course you will.
      I find your style adorable.


  11. I'm with Sooo-this-is-me, winters is sweats and summer is shorts and T's, and if I have to go out somewhere it's jeans, not the holey ones things can fall out of, those I save for special places.

    1. I wonder what kind of underwear you wear. I bet you're a boxer brief guy. Or maybe just briefs. For that desire you have of control when wearing spandex shorts. Because biking. No?


  12. Shorts and a hoodie. My comfort clothes. Take care and stay safe.

    1. I read something about Daisy Dukes in your page and now I'm intrigued....
      Stay safe!



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