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Coming through, status quo

We are at that point where the Berniebros and Berniebabes are screaming bloody murder cause Bernie dropped out and some are planning on sitting on their hands and waiting out -yet another election. But I agree with Beau (who’s sometimes giving me Daddy vibes, really) and with Infidel in that this is the moment to push for change.

This is what I posted there:

Oh you just KNOW it’s gonna be hard to get all the crybabies in line. Twitter is abuzz with the BBbut he’s a rapist! Bbbut Medicare for all! Bbbut younger demographics, Bbbut whatever whatever! Concerning Biden. They straw man and false equate everything to try to justify their votes for the Green Party or to justify writing Bernie’s name in the ballot or to justify sitting this one out. Again. 

I won’t insert clap emojis here but really, there is no perfect candidate. Not. One. 

Just get COVFEFE-19 out of the White House, people.

Beau is right. It's time to leave aside purity tests and conspiracy theories. Fuckery and despair. Vote Blue, MoFos. No matter who.

Even Bernie himself endorsed Joe, FFS!

The enemy is still in the White House. Get with it!




  1. It really scares me. To think that the Sanders followers will not vote for Biden is a nightmare scenario. I know they want change. We ALL want change. But you have to start with getting the turd out of the White House. And the rest of the repugs out of Congress. And you can best do that by working WITHIN.

    If this pandemic has shown us anything, it’s the need for better healthcare. It’s time to bring an end to your insurance being tied to your job.

    So if you want change, continue to work for it. But select the candidate in the best position to effect that change, not some long shot. Get behind Biden so we can say ByeDon.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, they follow Bernie only in name and they have lofty ideals that are not really doable in the corporate-funded, consumerist America of today (even less when this pandemic passes). They are idealists but immature and childish. I want to shake them. Hard.


  2. My first vote on November 3rd, not my first vote, but any sane adult is a massive improvement over the braggart in chief.

    1. I know, right?
      The idea is take the country back from Cheeto's tiny greedy hands.


  3. I don't care who it is. Come November I have one mission and one vote. And that is to REMOVE Trump from office. Period. Zip. Done. Stop the whining, suck it up, and vote.

    1. I share your point of view

    2. And that's what people SHOULD do. But no. The arguing, the nitpicking, the whining has no end. They did it with Hillary. They should not do it with Biden.


    3. For, as far as I know, the people who would vote for Hillary didn't go to vote.

    4. Oh, the people who would vote for Hillary did go to vote. They voted in greater numbers than the idiots who voted for IMPOTUS. The problem were the 'protest' votes in some key states. Cheeto won by a few thousand votes, remember that. Those few thousand votes could have been offset by the idiots who voted for that bitch Jill Stein or stayed home because they thought that Hillary and COVFEFE-19 were the fucking same.


  4. If Bernie himself can bite the bullet and endorse Biden, then his supporters should follow suit. Keep your eye on the bigger picture, people!

    1. That's exactly what i think Debs. If they can't do this, then to me, they never really respected him and will get what they deserve.

    2. Oh, but they won't. Because they are not really for Bernie. They are for the lofty ideas in their tiny heads. Very intellectual of them. I want to slap them. Hard.


  5. It's going to be a knuckle-biter of an election. WAY too many BernieBros and BernieBabes are declaring they will vote for the Cheeto before they'd vote for Joe. It's up to Sanders to change that. He promised in '16 he would work hard for Hillary - and didn't. Not much of a peep out of him. This time better be different. This time we know that danger we face. This time Bernie better keep his promise. If Joe loses, we can point the finger directly at Sanders.

    1. Your right. It's going to yet again come down to them and independents and very liberal republicans . And as we know....we dumb shits in this country never learn from mistakes.

    2. And it should NOT be!
      That's the thing: it should be a no-brainer that a childish, petulant, corrupt, spoiled brat like COVFEFE-19 must be removed from the White House before he destroys the country. That's what the die-hard Bernie zombies should take into account and not Susan Sarandon us again.


  6. I was actually shocked he dropped out. Best hope Ms Moorecock doesn't see this post. She and another got into some heated comments in a post at my place one day. She can't stand Biden, and to her Biden will be just as bad as trump in the white house. She tells me Bernie was the only one who would have brought the big changes and took us a different direction she thinks. It the only time me and her get in heated debates. She loathes Republicans and is also disgusted by the democrats. Her biggest issue is the universal healthcare. While i told her to vote...and she will...only knows who she will vote for. We also had heavy heated debates over Pete when he was still in there too. She is lucky I keep her employed. I have no idea what will happen. But my ex who I was with before you started reading me , was in politics as a chief of staff for a State Rep...and was also in state campaign operations...and a democratic, tells me shockingly to strap in...because he sees, and sadly thinks Trump will barely win the election. So for your knowledge...i want all white rananuchulus flowers for my coffin top.

    1. I was too. Really. It was like he had an epiphany and realize how futile and dangerous what he was doing was.
      And I understand Mrs. Moorecock. I understand where the Berniebros are coming from and it's all very laudable and possibly achievable but not NOW. It's the timing that's wrong. It was not the time with Hillary and it's not the time now. Because as you say, there's a very slim possibility that Cheeto would win again. Between voter suppression, the Pandemic, the Russians and assorted fuckery, this is NOT the moment for purity tests.


  7. Wow... I'm really holding back from what I really want to say here. Let's just say that it really shows your country puts its money into weapons instead of education. Many of Bernie's followers are rabid left wing deplorables exactly like trump's deplorables, dumb as Nazi house plants and that's why they are comfortable with trump getting back in. It's about their guy (Bernie) winning the popularity contest, like a freaking reality show or something. No grasp on reality, just like the current president.

    1. Oh, but of course.
      America is a war-mongering, greedy little hellhole. The extreme left is as bad as the extreme right. They are an all-or-nothing mass of discontent that can only get their voices heard in times of crisis. They're as disconnected from the real world as the fundies. And that's a pity, because many of their ideas are actually quite good. Just not doable here and now.
      Dumb as Nazi houseplants is correct. Damn that's a good description of them.


  8. FUCK YASSSSSSSSS, GURL! there is no perfect candidate, but even a brick is better than the dump! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!

    1. Oh, Anne Marie.
      I've been shouting this from the fucking rooftops for years. ANY Democrat is better than Cheeto. Any. And apparently he's been terrified of Uncle Joe forever. Only him and his inner circle from hell know why. But if a bully fears somebody is because that somebody can take him down.


  9. As I said on Twitter, if you're a follower of Bernie and Bernie says he supports Biden, then you should do the same. If you don'tit was never Bernie in the first place. Vote Biden and hold him accountable to Bernie's ideas. Work together or we fall apart.

    1. It seems logical, right?
      Because that's what 'endorsing a candidate' does. People who were for the other dozen and a half (how many were there?) candidates did that. That's what belonging to a party means. That's wha the Repugs did. That's why they won.
      Biden seems open to Bernie's ideas. Bernie's ideas are not bad, mind you. He's an idealist but does make some very good points. Now is the time for the Berniebros to push. But no. They'll sit on their hands and whine. And I want to smack them over the head with a wet newspaper.


  10. Don't worry, his supporters will vote in Biden. The Evil in the White House knows this. That may be why yesterday's shit show was so shitty. He knows the minute they swear in Biden, he's either going to have to leave the country or go to jail.

    1. I think that's what IMPOTUS fears. That's why he was digging up dirt on Hunter (whatever happened to THAT?) and that's why he was propping up Bernie. Cheeto knows that the only thing protecting him and his spawn is the presidency. If he loses it, he's fucked. He'll go to Vlad and kiss his ring if he has to to avoid prison.


  11. Is there ever a perfect man or woman in anything? We do not want Covid 45 twice!

    1. We cannot!
      And the purity tests and the running around wailing and throwing ash on their heads will get Cheeto re-elected. They fucked up Hillary's chances. They can easily fuck up Biden's chances now too.


  12. He's not my ideal candidate but if we want to make America great again then we need to get the Nacho Man out of office and let Biden run things. I will feel a lot better about Biden's chances if he makes a great choice for VP.

    1. But there's no ideal candidate, Mr. Shife.
      The 'ideal' candidate would have something from Biden, something from Sanders, something from Warren and something from Buttigieg for me. And that's impossible. Literally.
      And yes, Biden is going to have to choose a good VP because that's where people are going to see the balance. I hope it's a woman. Or a man of color. It would give the GOP a heart attack and Cheeto would implode. Writing that made me smile. I know, I'm petty.


  13. The worst thing about Sanders' "support" and "endorsement" - the real tell here - is that he refuses to pull his name from the Convention ballot. That's continued division of the party.


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