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Mask 4 Mask

Oh, you thought I was going to talk about getting banged by Sasquatch against some tree trunk? Nope. This post is not about that. This post is about the idea of wearing a mask during the pandemic in order to both stay healthier for longer and protecting other people in case I get sick. While at the same time raising awareness towards this fucking pandemic. Because there's people out there that still think it's a hoax. Even here in Chicago!

I think that wearing a mask is a good strategy, not because they're infallible and they totally protect me but because one, they help me raise awareness about the situation we live in while protecting essential workers and two, because they help reduce stigma about people wearing masks. As they point out in the video, wearing a mask will not completely shield me from getting the virus. But wearing a mask along with social distancing and washing my hands, will significantly reduce the chances of me getting sick. And I don't want to catch this virus. Nope.

I don't want to get sick. The COVID-19 virus is a nasty one. It can infect people of all ages and it attacks your brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, circulatory system and intestines. Basically, all your body is wrecked. It may cause clots and give you a stroke. It's horrible. So if wearing a mask reduces my chances of getting it, I will wear one. Besides, I don't want to be a dick, like Mike Pence a.k.a. The Devil's Butler, who emboldened by the misguided notion the Rethuglyclowns have of masculinity, refused to follow his own's government guidelines of wearing a mask when visiting a hospital. Fucking idiot.

Of course, he was immediately mercilessly mocked online:

And the thing is I did get one of those disposable ones. It was a gift from a friend who happened to have some in his house for work. But when I go to my usual Trader Joe's weekly trip, I wear a bandana. Yep, a bandana and some rubber bands do the trick for me. As I mentioned, I don't do it because it completely shields me from the virus: I do it as a preventive measure. I have discovered that if I wear a mask I touch my face less and I'm more aware of keeping a distance from other people. It also raises awareness about leaving the medical masks to first responders and people who need them to do their jobs and to discourage price gauging online. See? So many benefits.

Oh, I know that some people are weary of wearing masks in public. Especially people of color. Because racism knows nothing about viruses. But then, wearing a mask helps reduce that stigma, too and it creates awareness about staying six feet away. Also, I think that social distancing and wearing a mask will become part of our lives for a long time. At least until testing is widely available and until there's a vaccine and better treatment for COVID-19. And that's not happening any time soon, if we are watching the half-assed response the government gave.

So I will keep wearing a mask for the duration of this sheltering in place. Probably after that. Be it homemade or bought, I think it's worth the hassle. I encourage you to do the same.


P.S. Here's where I got the idea of making my bandanas useful. Yeah, I'm a crafty queen:


  1. I’ve been wearing a mask since I had an appointment with a doctor in a medical building attached to a hospital. A couple days prior to the appointment got a call that I needed to wear a mask or I wouldn’t be let in the building. I had seen a post earlier in the week on the Next Door app about masks and didn’t give it a second thought. Dug up the post, contacted the poster and had a homemade cloth mask with elastic loops the next day. I now wear it whenever I go out in public. But it’s amazing how many people you see in stores that have no face covering.

    And now that in Illinois as if May 1 masks will be required in public buildings like stores I’m going to see if I can pick up a couple more.

    Be safe, be healthy babe.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Same when I went for a checkup with my physician.
      I think it's great that from May 1 on everybody needs a mask. I've seen many suburbanites flaunting their naked, stupid faces everywhere.


  2. masks are MANDATORY in grocery stores, pharmacies, etc. per our governor. I went to the market yesterday with mask & gloves; shopper count at the front door, clearly defined paths to follow, social distancing. and the "freedumbs" like putzy pence flaunt the procedure as stupid. then FOAD, covidiots!

    1. COVIDiots! LOL
      They think they're being rebellious and all they do is look dumb and risk infection. Ugh.


  3. My favorite gourmet market has a mandatory mask policy, a good idea. Pence demonstrated his lack of leadership, leadership starts by example, no non-essential travel, no outside visitors in a healthcare facility, mandatory PPE in a health care facility - he ignored everything that the rest of us are doing. Time to send him home.

    1. That's what every establishment should do! Ugh.
      And most health care facilities demand PPE this administration just think they're exempt from everything because fuck everybody else.
      Pence also probably thinks he's protected by the blood of jesus, so yeah.


  4. A mask won't protect YOU from getting the virus, but helps protect others from being infected BY you. And if everyone wears a mask we are protected.
    Then you have a fuckmonkey like Michael Elizabeth Pence refusing to wear one even though it's hospital policy? Fucking fuckity fuck fuck fucker,
    I'd have kicked his ass out.

    1. I really don't get why they don't get it. Is it just plain stupidity?
      Haha fuckmonkey is right. I would have slapped him first, to make that smirk of superiority go away...


  5. I'm going to say, "SHAME ON MAYO!" for allowing it to happen. People can't even get into hospitals to visit loved ones but they let that schmuck in - without a mask! I don't care who the fuck he is, or thinks he is. There was no excuse for it and whoever allowed him to get away with it should be fired. Oy! I better stop before I write a 100-page manifesto! xoxo

    1. They tried to get back at him with a Tweet but they deleted it. They did tell him but this is the Cheetolini administration and they all think they're above everybody else.
      And you're welcome to write that 100 page manifesto! Gosh. Venting is the only thing to do while voting them out becomes available!


  6. The Mayo Clinic should have refused to let him tour the hospital without a mask. No double standard!

    1. Here HERE! They were just and stupid and careless as him. I only hold him partly responsible. THEY are suppose to be the responsible and grown up ones here.

    2. Absolutely.
      I think they warned his 'team'. Of course, they did not pay attention because Pence is a stunt queen and loves appearing 'strong'. Ugh. This fucking administration.


  7. I have several different masks now. And as a told Bob, that story infuriated me on both sides. One, because I just don't like looking at Pences ass, I mean face. 2 what good for the goose is good for the gander. So I hope he did pick up the germ and I hope he takes it home to his wife too. Two less evil idiots. 3- I was also pissed at the clinic for not standing ground and having balls to deny him entry into the hospital, so to me , they were even worst for allowing entry. They are the top advisors and role models of our safety. I don't give two shits if he is the VP. The stupidity all around this is absurd.

    The poor Lad and I talked last night when I saw this. He said yet again, thank goodness your not Mother Nature or a higher power. And he is right. After seeing that I would have probably opened my full bag of tricks, and unleashed them to be what would be. Humans must really be the dumbest species. Jokes aside, I am not so sure that is what WILL happen.

    Im full of piss, venom, and vinegar today.

    1. Honey, piss, venom and vinegar are necessary in these times. If we're not pissed off, we're not alive.
      Haha I also secretly (well, not so secretly) hope Pence gets the bug and passes it on to everybody in the white house. It'd be delicious. That would show him that their bravado shows are worth shit in the face of reality. Hate them all.


  8. People keep saying masks don't work because if you look at countries that heavily use masks their rates of infection are much LESS than those who do not use masks... huh??? So forget the bullshit and wear a mask!

    1. You know people do not make sense, Steven. People are generally idiots.
      I hope they become mandatory and fuck anybody who does not wear them.


  9. "Devil's Butler" is a great description. Florida is stopping the release of Corona virus deaths. Fascism at its finest!

    1. What you don’t know won’t kill you, huh?

    2. He is one of the worst in this administration because he KNOWS what he's doing . His xtianist smugness is what gets to me. Somebody should publish pics of him naked and being whipped. I'd enjoy that.
      The governor in FLA is an IMPOTUS lapdog. Begging for political favors. Of course they did stop making Cheeto look bad. It's also a swing state.


  10. I did like that one about his not wearing a mask because it would be redundant. I understand he told them he didn't need to because he gets tested very often... sounds like he's developing a new Q-tip kink. Everyone is going to be wearing a face-covering for at least a few months, until they find something that cures this shit. Just about everybody who comes into the store wears a mask, except for the assholes, and they seem to be very proud proving to everyone that they are obviously assholes.

    1. Haha you know he most probably likes having things inserted in him. Mother was in charge of that until now, so...
      I remember you posted about the Trumpanzees not wanting to wear a mask in your work. Idiots!


  11. Good stuff, sixpence. I am all about wearing a mask because it reminds me not to touch my face, which I do a lot because of my beard. I heard a rumor that the Mighty Orange One will not wear a mask because they can't make it work without messing up whatever he does with his hair.

    1. Even if it doesn't stop the virus is good prophylaxis! It's a preventive measure.
      Haha I totally believe that about Cheeto. Poor idiot is so fucking vain!


  12. LMAO... That title killed me! I see what you did there.


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