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Oh, Larry

For many gay men, the fight for visibility among an epidemic is nothing new. The people who have survived the plague know who Larry Kramer is. Larry Kramer founded Gay Men's Health Crisis and ACT UP, two organizations that fought to get the government to do something about the more than forty million people who have been infected with AIDS. Larry Kramer passed away on May 27, 2020 from pneumonia, less than a month away from his 85th birthday.

For many gay men, who live in the complacency and despondency he critiqued in his novel Faggots, Larry Kramer is if much, a blip in the news radar. But I think that his kind of activism, his kind of call to arms is absolutely needed in the world today. Not only because AIDS is not a thing of the past, but because today we face another virus that will keep us from basically living a normal life. I have written about the parallel between AIDS and COVID-19 and how it's felt like PTSD for many HIV+ survivors and yesterday speaking with a friend, I realized how much we need the kind of activism that Larry Kramer wanted us to promote.

I think I will not have sex with anybody I have not been sheltering in place with in a long time. At least until there's widespread testing for COVID-19 and a vaccine. Yep. That's the way it goes for me. I was posting on Big's blog yesterday where he talked about 'the touch of others' that I don't think I'll get that close to anybody I don't know in a long time. If I was weary of fucking a stranger before, now it's a matter of survival. And we know a COVFEFE-19 administration will mean that there will not be widespread testing any time soon. It'll make Cheeto's numbers 'look bad'. There won't be a vaccine any time soon unless it benefits Twitler and Big Pharma. We may be in for the long haul if we don't act. And how do we act? We vote the Orange Motherfucker out of the White House.

I think we all need to mobilize and stop the madness that has taken over the government in the United States. People need to vote the fucking Orange Clown out of power. Well, him and all his Repug enablers and hangers-on. The amount of corruption in the government right now is very Banana Republic but people's inability to DO anything about it reminds me of the passive response people gave to AIDS and the complacency with which the epidemic was taken by some gay men.

Kramer said it best:

“I don’t know what kind of organization to start. I don’t know how to give advice.  I don’t know how to lead anyone, should they want to follow," ,,, "I don’t know what to write anymore. I don’t know how to write any more articles because I’ve said what I have said to you tonight in one form or another for 10 fucking years.”

IMPOTUS still has about 40% approval in the United States, even after 100,000 people have died in a pandemic he helped made worse. And that number may not even be accurate. There may be more people dead. That's the number we are given with the measly testing the government is doing and with Repug governors tweaking the results to please their Orange Emperor. Because IMPOUTS did not want his inability to govern be put in the forefront. His criminal incompetence has killed many people. Cheetolini does not care about people. Especially if they're Black or Brown and they work for minimum wage. Where's the outrage? Why do we still demand purity tests from any Dem nominee? People need to get angry and vote that motherfucker out. No more complacency. Because if he's not voted out of the White House, we're as good as dead, as Larry said. Vote Blue, no matter who the fuck is running.



  1. Just when I thought the week couldn't possibly get worse....then I saw in my feed Larry died yesterday. I find it getting harder and harder to pull myself up mentally week after week of this. If my dark side does come out I'll have enough energy for Larry and myself to start a riot ....even if that waste of a human in the White house needs to be physically drag out to the guillotine. I won't rest till he, that first whore and most of the GOP is out. But This is about Larry. A trailblazer and a man with balls....and thank you. Larry for all your work, inspiration and fire. Hopefully we all embrace it.

    1. And I'll join you in that riot. Really. Somebody has to stand against IMPOTUS' lack of humanity. And soon. Larry was a trailblazer. More people should follow his example.


  2. Thank you for everything, Larry and RIP. 💛💚🤎🤍🧡💜🖤💙

    1. Yes!
      Thank you! His legacy will live on.


  3. We need that kind of activism to rise up again and be heard. Larry was a fighter and in his memory we need to get out and vote. If you think the last 3 years was bad for the LGBTQ community, what would another four years bring? We need to get that fucker out if the White House and all other down ballot repugs, especially the turtle from Kentucky.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Yes, we do. All I hear is mild-mannered attempts to 'reach across the aisle'. There's nobody with a shred of humanity left across the aisle! Another four years of Cheeto is not an alternative. All the repugs need to go.


  4. RIP!!!
    it is significant that he died during another pandemic. Still, your current POTUS is even worse than that of the 1980s. If I think so, you will find out why here! What a difference!

    1. Oh, there has been nothing in American history like COVFEFE-19. Nothing. The level of corruption, authoritarianism and borderline fascism this administration has shown is unparalleled.


  5. Mr. Kramer was a huge influence on my view of straight people. "Fight Back"! There is too much of this 'love' thing and not enough fight. In these times, it would be prudent to at least check out "Pink Pistols" and other groups in your area to self educate what is available. I fear that the next thing will be the "safari" mentality like in Russia, and like that of South Florida during the Anita Bryant days.

    Call me militant.

    1. Correct. There's always this tendency to smooth things out and play nice with the Repugs, especially. When all they do is play dirty. And I know the Pink Pistols! Had an ex who was a member. Don't think it's a bad idea....
      Ugh. Anita Bryant. Just naming that cunt makes me retch.
      Being militant is a badge of honor.


  6. Larry was everything,: advocate, fighter, champion, warrior, storyteller, loudest voice out there. He taught us all to act up, act out, stand up and speak out.
    He is a hero to our community.
    Thanks for the good fight, Larry. RIP

    1. He was! Without him, I don't think there would have been a movement to make AIDS enter the national discourse. Or it would have taken many more years (and deaths). He did let them HAVE it.


  7. Sorry to hear of Kramer's death. I read some of his work back in the day. He took an awful lot of shit for his efforts to save people, including from some who should have known better.

    IMPOTUS still has about 40% approval in the United States, even after 100,000 people have died in a pandemic he helped made worse.

    To the bigots and fundamentalists (but I repeat myself), their loathing of people who don't submit to their taboo system, and to their claim to dominate and set the tone for society, is much stronger than any concern about human life. That was true in the devastating early years of the AIDS epidemic and it's true in the present situation. They'll keep supporting Trump as long as he keeps hurting the people they hate.

    Why do we still demand purity tests from any Dem nominee?

    I think fewer and fewer people are doing this. The politically-correct ideological-purist activist-fringe element makes a lot of noise, but that's not where the numbers are.

    I realized how much we need the kind of activism that Larry Kramer wanted us to promote.

    The idiots yelling and screaming and demanding that everything open up, and the churches flagrantly defying the law, need to realize they're not the only ones who can get angry. They're putting everyone around them in danger of a horrible death, and as the corpses continue to pile up, there's going to be pushback. Already a church in Mississippi which had sued for the "right" to re-open was burned to the ground a few days ago. People who are being threatened with death tend to fight back.

    1. Oh, he was criticized mercilessly. Always thought of as 'too extreme'. He said he was fed up with the people who took over ACT UP and GMHC. They let the bigots and the fundies take over the narrative too easily.
      I hope you are right and the purity tests end or at least they become irrelevant. I just had a twitter spat with a friend because of that.
      And this country is being held hostage by an incompetent idiot. It needs to react.


  8. We owe a lot to him. There has been a huge shift in how HIV is viewed now compared to then.

    1. Oh, yes we do. Without people like him, more gay men would have died, treatment would have not been researched and it would still be 'the Gay Plague'.
      People OWE him.


  9. Okay, I know I'm a theatre geek but does nobody remember Kramer was a playwright? And a very accomplished one, at that; probably best known for "The Normal Heart." He was a hero; loving and kind, and fierce. We definitely need his kind of leadership today to get us out of this quagmire of Repugnants who bow and scrape before Cheetolini. Because, if this continues - if he remains in the White House, this country is totally fucked. He works every day toward making the US an oligarchy, and every day he makes more progress toward that goal.
    Thank you for the tribute to Larry! xoxo

    1. Hahahaha
      But of course, Big. The Normal Heart should be mandatory viewing for the gaylings, along with Longtime Companion and And the Band Played On. Also Angels in America. I should suggest that as part of the curriculum of any Queer Studies class.
      Oh, I love it. Repugnants. And Cheeto has got to go. And his Kakistocracy with him.


  10. He was a fierce warrior for the GLBTQ community at a time when one was sorely needed.

    1. He was!
      I've seen his speeches. He got in all kinds of trouble for his protests and for speaking up but it fucking worked!
      We owe him.


  11. It has been a tough week...and not much gets me down.

    1. Oh, it has been!
      Really. So much shit going on.... Hold on there. Something needs to change in America.


  12. Larry was a pain in their ass and loved every minute he was there!

    1. Oh, he was a thorn on the side of so many milquetoast gays! And the 'establishment'!
      They did not expect somebody to stand up to the status quo. Less of all to talk about a virus that was killing gay men.
      He'll be missed.



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