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Lady G

So it seems someone is fed up with the fuckery of the Repukluxclans and is coming for one of them. One who is a very hypocritical closeted gay male who's been helping pass anti-lgbtq legislation for years. And one porn star is not having it.

Enter Mr. Sean Harding.

... and he's coming for the closeted motherfucker. Full force. And I'm here for it. How much money you bet and it's Miss Lindsey Graham? She who just changed her hair color to match Cheeto's?

I cackled.

And the gheyz are coming through with the receipts...

Apparently Miz Lindsay is an open (hehe) secret in DC and she calls HERSELF Lady G. And the sex workers are coming for her hypocrisy. I'm here for it. I'm all for dragging closeted men who actively work against the LGBTQ community out of the closet. It's better if they're kicking and screaming. I enjoy it more that way.

So Sean has started something. But he's right about being afraid for his safety. Remember Jeffrey Epstein? This is one porn star fighting to out a member of the American government. Not because Lady G likes dick, but because Lady G has been legislating against the LGBTQ community for years while fucking gay men. Probably underage gay men. Probably underage gay black men. And it's been an open secret for years. You know Cheeto knows Vlad's got dirt on Lady G. You know that's why Lindsey did a 180 and now backs IMPOTUS. I hope Sean stays safe and the story ends up in every newspaper in the world.

 I bet Lindsey is talking to her lawyers as I type. Bitch is gonna come down. The power of sex workers, much woke than many 'mainstream' people. If I had the money, and there were not a pandemic, I'd certainly hire Mr. Harding to personally thank him for his service. Several times.  I've said it before and I'll say it again: drag queens, late night comics and sex workers are gonna save the fucking country.



  1. Lady G is up for re-election and she’s being bombarded right now. I think she’s running neck and neck with her opponent, Jamie Harrison, a black man. It would be sweet to turn this seat blue with a POC.

    But Sean does have to watch out for his safety. A cornered animal is the most dangerous, like you pointed out with Jeffery Epstein.

    This is some salacious news, and I’m popping up a big bowl of popcorn. Come join me, babe.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. An interesting point about Jamie Harrison. Wouldn't that be something. there are rumors out there that Harrison also likes the men, but doesn't have to pay.

    2. Ohhh yes. I read there's rumors about Harrison. But Lady G's problem is that she's a hypocrite and has pushed for legislation that's hurt the LGBTQ community. Oh, and that the problem is not that she likes men, but that it's an open secret and then her constituents will have to openly choose a gay repug. Popcorn indeed!


  2. http://www.blobbysblog.com/2020/06/love-for-sale.html

    I read this yesterday and damn near puked. imagine somebody having to see THAT up close and personal! miss lindseybelle's goin' down in flames!

    1. Hahahaha
      Yes, the ladybugs! It's disgusting. It's also satire but it encapsulates the internalized homophobia and shame that Lady G has felt all her life. Hopefully this scandal will be the end of her.


  3. LOVE IT! Have noticed Lady G's hair has changed from grey to trump blonde???

    1. OMG totally!
      It's got that washed-out blond/silver shade of shamelessness. When Lady G did a 180 and embraced Cheeto we all knew the Kompromat was there.


  4. He's such a hypocrite on so many levels.

    1. At so MANY levels! And I think that's what people are going to come for. His constituents most certainly know he likes the D but because it's all very hush-hush and shameful, they turn an eye on it. Now that's coming to light, they'll be as hypocrite as Graham. Let's see how it goes.


  5. It's a very close race here in SC and Lady G is growing desperate.
    I live for her downfall, in politics and in life.
    No one is more deserving.

    1. I sent $$ to Harrison months ago. Geez I hope he wins.

    2. Oh, it could not happen to a better Rekluxican. I understand she's always ran unchallenged. And this is the kind of juicy gossip that those virulently gossipy southern ladies cannot live without. Like Jimmy, I hope Harrison win.


  6. thanks for the link of Sean on twitter: I'm following him now

    1. Oh, you're welcome!
      He's got some very juicy videos there.


  7. What's really disturbing is that Sean is mostly is a bottom, as don't tell me Lady G topped him??? or did they bump butts with a double header?

    But I little know fact about me is that Lady G and I used to have relations. This just today came up in a phone conversation with my mother. I had to cut it off years ago you see. He really liked to be fucked , while I called him Aunt Pittypat. But he require poppers, opps, or as he would say "Can you get Aunt Pittypat her smelling salts before you plow her?" It was all very odd and then there was the thing he liked doing on the riding mower. After that weirdness, I had a let that voracious bottom go. Plus he told me he was a Candy salesmen. Imagine my surprise. the Mistress has all kinds of dirt on DC, but the tell all book was just too much for America, they just weren't ready Sixpense.

    1. Hahahahaha ohhh the juicy details!
      And I think that Sean (as every good sex worker) is vers? I've seen him do some very juicy Black men, too. But the thing is, Lady G seems to enjoy power play and Sean is good at that.
      I think that Lady G also like them Black, and Sean had experience with that. Who knows! All I can tell you is that I am waiting for Auntie Pittypat to go down in flames.


  8. Lady G is really nothing more than a Cracker Harlot. Golly Gee!! He might actually, truly, really be Trump's Bitch! Don't picture that or your mind will fry!

    1. Hahahah a Cracker Harlot. The new best all-you-can-eat in the South! And the moment Cheeto talked about somebody 'reaching out' to make amends with his administration I just knew that Vlad had sent confirmation that they had info on Lady G.



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