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Sibling Rivalry

If you didn't know, Bob The Drag Queen has a podcast called Sibling Rivalry. He's usually dishing on the profane and the sacred with Monèt X-Change and they have accompanied me through more than one long afternoon or work-filled morning during this quarantine. Their podcast is equal parts irreverent and politically savvy. Those queen know their intersectionality and how to discuss it. Race gender and politics and a good dose of humor? Sign me up.

What's different about this one episode is that Bob and Peppermint (who have apparently known each other for a long time and chat quite often) talk about why is it important to use the term #BLACKLIVESMATTER and the implications it has. A discussion of institutionalized racism is not something you'd expect two of Ru's girls to discuss, right? Wrong.

They talk about the exhaustion that the weight of being a black queer person conveys. They have to be socially conscious at all times because just at the moment they relax, something else happens that brings the problem of racial relations in America to the forefront. The idea that Black people in America are in constant danger of being shoot by the police is indeed an exhausting and terrifying one. Especially if you ARE Black.

Women, men, transpeople, it does not matter. There's always an obligation for Black people to demonstrate that they do belong where they are, that they are not dangerous and that they are willing to comply. All this done under the threat of being shot to death at any moment. They discuss the notion of Silence is Violence. Being quiet and not saying anything is siding with the enemy.

Then they both call the bullshit of people who do only lip service and -by the way- appropriate Black culture without for one minute thinking about what the people who ARE that culture. Being afraid of using their voice because it's against their 'brand' is bullshit. That's the definition of privilege. That's why we all need to speak up. That's why we need to keep saying #BLACKLIVESMATTER.

People are pissed off because their life is being disturbed and some businesses have been destroyed. The contract they had with society has been broken. Black people are pissed off because they've been killed at higher rates than other races with no regards to their human condition and the contract they were promised by society when they were freed has been broken over and over and over and over.

When the best political commentary in America is coming from late night comics and drag queens, you know the situation is fucked up beyond redemption.



  1. People are people and no one should have a police officer kneel on your neck until you die.
    If that was a white man on the ground , and IF white men have been long abused by police officers we'd be fighting like mad, so just because the victims are black doesn't negate the violence.
    Stand up. Speak up., Demand change. Remove the racist from the White House, Demand the police 'police' themselves. Demand those other three officers who did nothing while George Floyd breathed his last breath be arrested.
    Sop it.
    Say it.
    Black Lives Matter.

  2. The problem is a portion of humanity sees only differences. They think skin tone or hair type makes a person. Just like labeling sexual orientation is inconsistent with reality, race labeling is inconsistent with reality. We are not heterosexual or homosexual or bisexual. We are simply sexual. There is not a Black race or a white race or an Asian race. We are in the HUMAN race. Until everyone accepts this simple truth we will have to say Black Lives Matter. And, we must Stand UP, Speak UP. xoxo

  3. "The best political commentary in America . . . [has been] coming from late night comics" for a long, long time now. Glad to see drag queens adding their voices too!

  4. Your right about that. The only sensible words of comfort or any direction has come from drag queens, late night reporters and very very few politicians, if any. Part of the reason drag is and was close to me...fucking queens are there and will whip off those wigs and lashes right quick to join in and help in just about any cause. I think that is often why we see the LGBTQ And the black community support each other and attend each other's events, since we have faced will air fates And shuns. And fight if need be. Biden , and Harris had so good words but other than that....zz-zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    I would listen to that show but as your aware i can not with Monet. Something about her grates my nerves beyond belief just like Jan does. I have a hard time watching money interview...she just doesn't look comfortable or something and at times it's painful to watch. Peppermint would be a huge improvement.

  5. It’s a sad day in America when the most intelligent responses are from the comics. Our media goes for sensationalism and the violence. That’s what has been the big news. That’s what brings ratings. Far more people are being peaceful but that’s not interesting. And when the police turn on the protesters it’s rarely shown in the light of who instigated the conflict. Black lives do matter. They always have and always will. Wake up people.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

  6. Still on the subject of George's death, I would like to know what some people have in their brains. And from a simply EGOISTIC point of view! If you kill a person in such a stupid way, don't you think, can't you imagine that you'll be going through tons of trouble? and that you will cause a lot of problems for many people? That you will be judged and that you will almost certainly lose your job and end up in prison?

    In other words, why are you so dull and stupid?

    1. Well, the thing is, that police officer never thought he'd get in the world of trouble he did get. Neither did his fellow policemen. Because they thought it'd be treated as many other abuse of power situation: they'd be given a slap on the wrist and sent home for a few days. Then back to normal. After all, for them it was just another black thug.
      Police brutality works like that.


    2. The word "thug" just prompted me to suggest "The Hate U Give." A terrific novel!!!


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