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Matthew 23:27

Jimmy did a post where he talked about singing with friends, and gave an example of a Cole Porter song that he and his friends would make rowdy. I loved it. There's something about music that makes the experience of listening to it memorable. That also reminded me of the time I was with a group of people and we started talking about our favorite songs. It was somebody's turn and they say something like 'I don't listen to music' or 'I don't listen to the radio', or something along those lines. 

It was incredible to me that someone would not listen to music, as in not at all. Then I discovered they were super religious and I got the full Footloose experience. What is it about religious people that find 'secular' music so offensive? And I'm not talking about anhedonia, I'm talking about people who do not like to listen to 'secular' music and only go for their own brand of music. To each their own, but really...

While watching this video, I understood why is it that I've always cordially despised what people call 'christian rock'. Those are two words that are discordant together. And as a queer man, I have always felt that their syrupy, empty, cloying pleas of love and adoration to Jesus/God are way too much. I was not raised 'in the church', mind you. I was kind of your garden variety catholic growing up, so I was never too much into any kind of what they call 'praise music'. I knew some hymns and that was about it. But as an adult, I've come to learn to identify the sneaky lies behind so many artists, who cloak themselves in a style of music to deliver their 'message' of 'salvation'. Their purity claims and their unrelented homophobia. I call bullshit. 

This video kind of reminded me why is it that I really never liked some 'rock' bands at all: it was their sanctimonious pushing of their lame agenda what turned me off even though for all appearances, they were 'rock' or 'pop'. Their hatred was still there. Their exclusionary policies were still there. It was the same bile you'd find in your common Talibangelist covered in guitar licks. Hatred is hatred. Bigotry is bigotry. No matter how much pop/rock glitter you through on it. Their ten minute challenge is worth the whole video. Really. Also, the insidious way this kind of music 'reaches' to its consumers. Christian music is written for imaginary perfect people. They don't exist. 

I do not consume christian music, but I know there are millions who do. More power to them, I guess. But could they stop calling it 'christian rock'? It's hypocritical. But after all, that IS their brand.


P.S. Here's Ricky Braddy singing:


  1. I thought you knew, music is now, and has always been Christianity's strongest brainwashing technique. For them, the drug is in the music, the lie is in the words.

    1. I had no idea.
      I have always felt their need to be 'hip' and 'with it' quite pathetic. I never knew it was just one more calculated strategy to sell salvation.


  2. There was a time, in the not so distant past, that I had my radio set to the local outlet for the national CCM station. You know the one that has “love” in their call letters. I was active in my church and even was a leader. The pastor we had at the time was very people oriented and an all around great person. Then his assignment ended and he moved on to another parish. His replacement was almost 180° different. The feel of the church changed. It was becoming more evangelical. That’s when I started to step away from it all. Haven’t stepped inside a church since.

    One of the things about a lot of CCM is that they declare we are “unworthy” of love. Bullshit! That leads to so much self-hate which is already a problem in our community. So run away from this genre. Don’t look back.

    XOXO 👨🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽

    1. Whoa, bae.
      I didn't know that. I do think you used to go to service more often before, but didn't know why. Even the nice little parishes have become radicalized, huh? Not surprised.
      And that being 'unworthy' or 'broken' is part of their brand. They alone can 'fix it', remember?


  3. I love a good hymn...him? ... I digress. But Christian Rock or Pop just seems diabetes-inducing.

    1. OMG gag worthy.
      When the girls in the video literally applied the formula to the song they wrote on the spot I was actually not terribly surprised. It's mechanic and devoid of emotion, just like their religion.


  4. Does anyone remember "Up With People" ? It was the cult that started it all, and is still going internationally today.

    You reminded me of the song: "Jesus Loves Me (under the sheets)".

    1. OMG scary!
      I googled them and they're still breaking havoc. Holy shit.
      And did you just make up that song? LOL *goes back to google*


  5. Ha! Do you remember Debbie Boone's "You Light Up My Life"? Did pretty well on sales and getting radio play --- until she made the mistake of saying she was singing "about and to Jesus." Oy! The radio play ceased except on "christian" stations and she, well, dropped off the charts and never managed a return. XOXO

    1. Ohh yes.
      She done fucked it up with that comment. Xtianists are always proselytizing . They cannot help but do that. That's why I cannot stand Paramore.


  6. It's all about creating a fake euphoria, isn't it? No matter the doctrine. They are selling myths and dreams. And its all about control and money. Oh... and Up With People... the Catholic Church loved that crap. And Godspell. Being a jesus freak was a whole movement in the 70's that came out of the hippy movement. But then it all quickly became about money and control. And condemnation. Million Dollar Moms... or whatever... same thing. It's all about wanting to control others and line their pockets in the process. Nothing sells like hate....

    1. Upton, Up With People was huge at the Southern Baptist (Evangelical) college I went to in the late 60's.

    2. Absolutely.
      The thing with religion is that everything is very premeditated and fake and slightly sinister. They'll sing and join hands and all that and the second you question anything they'll stone you.
      Religious music is a multi-million dollar industry and they're not going to let go of that cash cow.


  7. Christian Rock? Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaha

    1. I know, right?
      It's an oxymoron, if there's one. We laugh at them, but they're brainwashing people as we type.
      Good to see you, btw!


  8. At the risk of being somewhat long winded, I would like to express my view on this subject. What you are talking about here is not Christian music, but Evangelical Christian music. "Evangelical Christianity" is not Christianity at all, as anyone who knows the words of Jesus Christ can instantly tell. It is in fact, not a religion at all, but a tool to allow tens of millions of people to engage in the most loathsome behavior and still tell themselves that they are the world's only truly moral humans. These people are preyed upon by a host of criminals and con men who offer them easy lies about salvation in return for their money. And "Christian music" is just one of the means by which they are parted from their earnings.

    As for real Christian music, there is no doubt that the works of J.S. Bach, or the Brahms requiem, or the Beethoven C minor mass are among the most sublime musical compositions in all history.

    I recently finished working on a movie in Atlanta. As I drove to and from work, I'd search for a radio station I could tolerate. The radio waves in Atlanta are filled with Christian stations. I found I could recognize a Christian song within three notes, by their utter lack of real feeling. That is because when making music is, for you, just a means to further a propaganda campaign, it is almost impossible to write anything worth listening to.

    1. You know what?
      You are right. But nowadays when we think about 'Christian music' we think about those songs that three notes in, we already know we're gonna change the station. No feeling, totally manufactured. Just like the mythology behind it.



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