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Sire Records released ‘Madonna’ on July 27th, 1983. It entered the Billboard 200 chart at Number 190 over a month later. The album has since been certified five times platinum.

Lou Beach, designer, “Everybody” 12“:
I’d never heard of Madonna before then, and I didn’t get to listen to the music. Warner Brothers told me, “Do a scene of everyday people in the street.” So I clipped images from magazines, and threw them together for the collage. I do remember being a little nervous about using the photo of the black-and-white dog from LIFE magazine, but finally I said, “Fuck it, it’ll be fine.”


Ok, so where did time go?
Yesterday I kinda understood for the first time the idea that time is very relative. Yeah, I know. It took me awhile. But that Rolling Stone lead took me by surprise. So this record I listen to regularly is thirty seven years old? That's why the queer kids today think Madonna is old. For one, they get their education from the internet, their attention span lasts as long as the latest TikTok and cannot read to save their lives. Well, some do. But yeah, you get my drift.

Reggie Lucas:
She was poor. She borrowed Jean-Michel Basquiat’s apartment while he was in Paris, and so I spent a good hour and a half during the record meeting with her at Basquiat’s place. He had his art up there, nobody knew who he was.

I believe we think the same about the music our parents used to listen to, don't you think? It did not make sense to us. For us was just old-fashioned stuff. But if someone is let's say, forty, Madonna is part of their cultural references and they'll recognize her music right away, but their children would not know what Holiday is or the impact that first Madonna album had. To tell you the truth, my favorite Madonna is 80's Madonna. What can I say? To this day, I still wear a gazillion bracelets. And I really don't care if I get away with it.

Michael Rosenblatt:
During the making of the album, we would walk down the street and people would just stop and gawk. This is before she was famous. She just had that look and that vibe; there was no stylist working with her. It was all her. We’d walk into a restaurant and people would stop eating and just stare.

I was listening to the songs in the album and they still sound fresh to me. Everything old is new, am I right? Maybe it's because I've listened to those songs dozens of times. Still, when I'm listening to the radio in the car (which I didn't do often before the pandemic, because I commute I listen mainly to podcasts) and her songs come up, I sing. Oh yeah. I sing in the car. So sue me.

Carin Goldberg, art director:
There was no discussion of what she would wear. On the day of the shoot, she showed up at the studio in her “Madonna outfit” and danced to her music while the photographer, Gary Heery, shot. I zeroed in on her bracelets, and borrowed more from Gary’s girlfriend, added those to her wrists and told Gary to focus on them. They were clearly her unique trademark. The shoot took no time at all.

Madonna is one of those artists that for me, has crossed that moment of fame where she's just recognizable. She's more than just recognizable. In this age of flash-in-the-pan influencers and reality tv 'celebrities', she still stand up. it's a crowded field, that's for sure. But think about it. Her first album came out more than thirty years ago and she's still running around, irking people and causing a commotion: she's part of the zeitgeist and nobody can deny that.

Michael Rosenblatt:
I remember telling Seymour, when he was giving me grief for being in the studio every day, that Madonna was going to be the biggest act he ever worked with. He laughed and said, how big is she going to be? My line was “Seymour, she’s going to be bigger than Olivia Newton-John!”

She holds the record for the second most top 10 hits Billboard. She's got 38. Not too shabby for a Michigan girl with one name, no voice and all the odds against her. Yeah, yeah. Some people can't stand her, yadda, yadda, yadda. Some people couldn't stand her back then, thirty seven years ago and look at her now. Like that stopped her. That's the attitude I wanna have.

I think it's more than the music, though. Yeah, I love Into The Groove and Ray of Light and Medellín, but it's just that Madonna MEANS more to me. It's the whole package. And just like we do with old friends, we take them with all their imperfections. So here's for that first record, that always gets some playing on my trusty turntable. Here's for Madge, still creating music. Here's for an artist who's made me dance for years and years and shows no sign of stopping, no matter how 'old' people think she is.

So do yo think there'll be someone writing about Drake and his musical and cultural influence in thirty years?

Do you?



  1. Well, he sure did collect some nice images. 👏🏻 Strike a pose!

  2. I too like 80s madonna. but, like anything else, she has faded away.

    1. I LOVE 80's madonna.
      It was so much fun! Her music holds up pretty well.


  3. I first saw Madonna on American Bandstand. For me, it was down hill after "Vogue".

    1. I have seen that interview! Isn't there that she goes like 'rule the world' when she's asked what she wants to do?
      I still like her music. I have all her CDs...


  4. Damn your old, babe! I do like her sound. And as it evolved I think it took me longer to move with it. But the artwork is classic and she’s never given a fuck what others think.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Hahaha
      I'm ancient!!! I love her.
      Her not giving a fuck about anything is icing on the cake.


  5. Thank you for the glimpse into your world. You and I are so in sync on this. I adore her. Even rude, mean, crabby Madonna. I get why people have issues... but get over it. If you look at her lifetime of achievements? Nobody can touch that. I love her. Love her music. Agree with everything you said. She's the fourth pillar of my personal big gay church and had planned on posting about her this Sunday. I was working at Woolworths, managing their music department when her debut came out. I didn't know what to think, but once I heard the album, I was sold. I avoided everything to do with Like A Virgin, except for the lesser singles. And have been a hardcore fan since then. Thanks for posting this. I love all the tidbits you added. Fun to know.

    1. Oh, rude, crabby Madonna is probably the best. She knows what she wants and knows how to get it.
      And you got to the core of the post. It's the drive, the undying curiosity, the constant looking at the world around her that I find fascinating. Oh, you must post about her!
      I love Like a Virgin! That video of her coming down the cake in the first MTV music awards? Iconic!!


  6. I'm mot a real fan though i'll give he props for the way she shook things up back in the day. But I think she's outlived her sell-by date.

    1. She did shake things up!
      She's blazed a path for every female pop star since the eighties.


  7. Do you know Madonna is half italian?

    1. I do!
      I think they did an special about her family sometime in the nineties...


  8. I agree with you. A lot of Madonna's music is great and she was one of the iconic figures in the field for a very long time. Plenty of people just produce one big song and then disappear.

    I've no patience with chronological snobbery. Madonna was of "my time" (at that point in 1983 I was 22), but hell, I still listen to the Beatles -- and occasionally even Bach and Mahler. So there. Who cares how old something is as long as it's good?

    1. I know!
      I was listening to a thirty-seven year old record and I was like, it holds! And I still like her music. I have her latest CD.
      And we can listen to any kind of music, no? Last week I was totally into Ella Fitzgerald!


  9. I thought like you and me may the only only ones to like her!!!!

    And just yesterday a was listening to all Madonna all day! Whether people like her or hate her, from where she came from and made herself into, no one take from her. And I believe she is the only one from my youth who is still doing anything and active. I really don't think anyone will repeat her stats these days . People are too finky and not artist loyal anymore like used to be. She has very few songs I don't like, but there are some.

    1. ps. I m liking see Sock Monkey in all your personal pictures now. I think it's adorable and Buster arrives as he too has one. He keeps poping up.

    2. Well, it's an army of two! LOL
      I love Madge. Crazy and all. Well, especially because she's crazy. I think her drive and creativity are fantastic. And she's a great businesswoman! How many people who started their career in the eighties are still such driving forces in the music business? How many women? I can only think of Cindi Lauper!
      And my sock monkey is always with me! Him and his friend always listen to music with me!


  10. I do like Madonna. I like her voice, I like the music she chooses to record. Not all of it, of course, but most. She's become a cultural icon - well, for the over-40-somethings. I totally agree that there are some artists who will still be standing 40, 50, or even 60 years later (Babs, anyone?). It's called "staying power" and there are damn few - if any - right now who will make it to that status. Let the youngsters belittle us. It's okay - their day is coming. LOL. XOXO

    P.S. Like you, I really enjoyed listening to my parents' music...well, my mom's; my dad only liked instrumental stuff.

    1. I also like her voice!
      It's no Whitney Houston but it's distinctly Madonna. I also like how her music (and looks) have changed but you can always say 'that's Madonna'.
      I love Barbra. Her voice is fantastic! But yeah, for someone who was thought to be a flash in the pan, more than thirty years later she's still making music. And money.

      My mom had the coolest records! They were all in a heap by the time I got to them and I wish I would have kept at least some!


    2. Hah! I absconded with most of the records when I noticed them gathering dust. 😁

    3. Smart cookie!
      I started my record collection only two years ago.


  11. I have to agree with Bob. I bought the disc with 'Like a Prayer," it was made of cardboard and was doused with some sort of perfume, reminding me of one those Christmas tree air fresheners you buy for cars. I only liked the title track, so I gave it away. Sorry.

    1. Dave, darling.
      You had one of those collector's items that nowadays nobody has.
      You could have sold it on eBay for a pretty penny.


  12. I will take Madonna over Drake any day. Madonna really confused my adolescent brain when she first starting appearing on MTV. She didn't look or dress like the "normal" girls but she was hot. Hard to believe the album came out that long ago.

    1. Now, this is something I've never heard: a straight man's opinion on Madonna.
      I cannot imagine what a straight teen would have thought of this woman being so overtly sexy on his TV.
      You should post about that.
      Also, what music do your kids listen to? I have no idea what tweens are listening to nowadays...



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