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Oh, Amoako

Discover the Dior men's Summer 2021 collection designed by Kim Jones in collaboration with Ghanaian artist Amoako Boafo. Having spent his childhood in Africa, the formative source of his images of life, for the men’s Artistic Director this months-long exchange with the Ghanaian painter begun in 2019 represents the realization of a long-held dream of working with an African contemporary artist, a symbiotic creative relationship revealed in Act I - ‘Portrait of an Artist’, a film edited and soundtracked by Chris Cunningham, and Act II, directed by Jackie Nickerson.

With the pandemic breaking havoc, some fashion houses have found a way to promote their new collections by social distancing and by producing videos like this one. At the beginning I was like 'what kind of fresh colonialist hell is this?' and then I relaxed. Kim Jones, who has taken over Dior (the DREAMIEST of them all!) collaborated with a Ghanaian painter to bring these designs to fruition. And they're beautiful! 

Fashion houses show their collections months in advance and I, for one, am looking forward to seeing these designs next Summer, even if I will probably not buy anything new because the pandemic, natch. I have to confess that I have not bought a stitch of clothing since last December. It’ll be a year since I e been to any of my trusty stores. Why? Because I spend my days wearing comfy clothes and I only make sure I look 'professional' (read: not wearing anything tattered) from the waist up when I have a video conference. Underneath, it’s a been all shorts, or drawstring pants or shorts and socks. But of course that does not mean that I have stopped looking at pretty clothes. 

What called my attention was the idea of a contemporary painter inspiring a fashion designer. It’s something that we don’t see very often. Classical painters? Plenty. Contemporary? Not often. But Kim Jones grew up travelling, so him soaking up influences does not seem far fetched for me. I was weary it was going to reek of colonialism, because of course. Cultural appropriation and silencing of BIPOC voices is very, very common in fashion. Amoako Boafo, the artist that collaborated with Jones for this capsule, really lets us feel his influence. And that makes the clothes even more stylish, IMHO.  


Sometimes it is not easy to translate the intersection of painting and fashion, but I think these guys did a great job. I've loved what Kim Jones has done at Dior. I want ALL OF THE CLOTHES, but given that I'm on an extremely meager budget, I'll just choose a few pieces from this collection to dream about. Because that’s one of the duties of clothes. Yes, I just made that up.

I think the main thing is the colors and then the models. Thank goodness they did not dilute or whitewash the show. Beautiful men in beautiful clothes? Sign me up! Also, they reflect the artist’s point of view beautifully.

I love the use of pastels. They feel very nostalgic to me, like Miami Vice revamped. Also, I love pink. I'm very, very gay.

The first one is my all time fav. I would wear that in a heartbeat. I can see that Amoako used that theme in his paintings, too. I love the shorts!!!!!! Yes, yes, yes. Gimme. And I can extend any of those shorts into Fall and Spring because I wear them with leggings. And I love layering. Yes, I'm recursive. Yes, I've been known to cut off the bottom of leggings so I can wear them with Doc Martens. So sue me.

You can keep the sandals and socks, though. Too Freshman going to Ohio State in January for me. Ugh. I can’t. 

The long-over-short proportions and boots look. I would wear all of this this yesterday. No thinking. And the crossbody? Gimme. God I wish I had money so I could buy this shit.

And you, what would you have me wear from the collection? I'll be your Ken Doll for the day. Or in an ideal world (I know, I'm overly optimistic), what would YOU wear?  Go ahead. Indulge. You know you wanna...



  1. A painter who has dedicated himself to the world of fashion.

    1. It was an interesting collab. I liked it more than I thought I would.


  2. I love the prints and the coats the best; well, the best is Amoako Boafo, the artist, he's gorgeous and talented!

    1. That ivy print was fantastic. The coats rules.
      And yes, Amoako is handsome! I also liked his overall calmed demeanor and his technique.


  3. I would have you wear what those models have on in the first three paintings. I always did like my dolls naked. 😁
    Sandals and socks?? Eek! No. Just...no. OSU started that? Oy. Leave it to the Ohio hayseeds. I've never been much on clothes...I take them off whenever possible. When I worked, it was khakis and Henleys. Or jeans and Henleys. In winter, a sweater. Though, if you told me I had to get dressy: Kenneth Cole, head to toe. Hell, even my t-shirts are Kenneth Cole. XOXO

    1. Hahaha oh, Big. You make me blush.
      And I loathe sandals and socks. It's a look too many Freshmen wear. And clothes say a lot about ourselves, even the most pedestrian ones. Oh, Kenneth Cole has great construction and good materials. See? You 've got good eye...


  4. Love the paintings. The clothing...meh. I don't do pastels and those shorts would make me look even shorter!!! It's why a wear mid thigh length shorts. I haven't shopped either. This time of year I always buy myself another cashmere sweater. Not this year...and spring isn't looking good either. I found a vintage navy blue shirt with mini white poka dots on it from Christian Dior years ago at a vintage second hand for $9! It was from the late 50's I wear it unbuttoned with my square cuts when at beach points to walk around when we take a break off the sand and in to town.

    Now I'll have you wear those biker boots and nothing else!!!!!

    1. Ha! You'll have to talk to Dave...
      And I love pastels, really. So pretty. You'd be surprised how wearable shorts are. I've missed my trips to my fav stores to get me a pick-me-up. And I just love the idea of wearing Christian Dior to the beach!!!
      Oh... could I accessorize the boots with a jockstrap? I may have one somewhere...


  5. I like the striped long sleeve beneath the shorter sleeved sweater... that is intriguing. I LOVE that black 3/4 coat. Impeccable. Beautiful lines. Timeless. Everything else? Hmm. Me? I hate shorts on me.... especially dressy ones. I have some silky gym ones I wear at the prairie in the summer that I can slip in and out of quickly, but I avoid shorts in general. And pastels? Not for me... they make me look sick. Love the yellow sweater with the leather shorts. You're right about sandals with socks... NO. But the rest of that look works. You have such an eye. I would love to see you model anything... or nothing :) Oh, to be a fly on the wall. Kizzes.

    1. Oh, yes. The layering is fab. I may try that, as a matter of fact. I usually layer a solid color underneath anything. And that COAT! It's absolutely dreamy. And if you wear sports shorts you'd rock dressy ones. I treat them the same! Look at the leather ones. Very appropriate for an after party at The Eagle post-pandemic.
      And I may have to prepare something for you, Maddie and Big. LOL.


  6. I like the clothing, the artwork not so much.

    1. Haha
      Talk to Maddie!
      I found I liked the clothing more than I thought I would. They do reflect the artist. And I like the artwork. I chose naked men, of course, but his portraits have some really appealing, IMHO. It may be the colors he uses or the finger technique. I don't know.



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