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I know, I know, you don’t do fashion. But this is about engineering and design. And that's fun, right? I love clothes that can serve more than one function or that go from spring to summer to fall; or from day to night with a buttoning up or down. And Y/Project does much, much more. It's deconstructed garments made fun.

The idea of having clothes that literally change according to your mood/time of day/weather sound like something I'd really like. And I do! I'm the kind of person who really likes layers (except during the summer, when I basically still layer XXL wife beaters with huge white t-shirts) and shorts, if I'm not working, and who usually sheds one or two pieces of clothing when going out during the cold months. I find the idea of layering appealing because I have the WORST sense to gauge how cold will actually be outside and I've payed dearly for it when I used to take METRA to go to work. I was constantly either underdressed to stand on that platform at seven in the morning during February or overdressed for the one hour train ride. It was not pretty.

So I learned to layer in such a way that by just taking one thing off I would feel comfy for the hour the commute would take. And full disclaimer: I love hats and gloves and scarfs, so those are just part of what I always wear. I'm talking about layers (jackets, waistcoats, hoodies, coats and the such) whether when I'm going to work or when I'm home I always wear layers. I'd rather do that than just crank the heating/air conditioning up to heaven. Call me crazy, but I don't see the need.

And this collection looks really cool. Yes, some of the designs are obviously styled to cause as much impact as possible and look extreme (it's a runway, honey) but the underlying genius construction and architecture of the basic garment is still there. I love the zippers and buttons and velcro and all the accoutrements these garments have. Would I walk around with my pants flapping in the wind with my face half covered with my shirt? Probably not. But I'm not planning ( I wish) on buying the whole collection. I'd choose some pieces and would wear them to death. 

Even though now I'm WFH and video meetings are the rule, I still layer. I don't wear a tie, mind you, but I do stay away from pajama tops. This works even when all people see it's your upper body. I also kind of dress up a little for those occasions because it reminds me I'm still human, even if I'm wearing comfy pants and comfy shoes and no belt. I have not worn 'real' pants for months, let alone my trusty jeans. But this creates a routine that helps me structure a little the long days we've lived since March, when we were sent to work from home to avoid dying. And to think the IMPOTUS administration probably knew before January 2020 a pandemic was coming and it did nothing. It makes me stabby.

I liked this collection because would wear these clothes.  Would you believe me if I tell you that my favorite pieces of clothing for winter are some drop-crotch pants I got at Zara like, two years ago and extra big t-shirts with some design (lately it's been The Ramones or Basquiat) on them layered with long-sleeved XL thermal underwear? You can imagine some of these collection's pieces would just fit. I would not wear the shoes, though. I'd rather do my trusty Doc Martens and a WWII green coat I got at an estate sale in Evanston years ago. That's my go-to uniform to go to Trader Joe's, when I break my stay-at-home routine. If it's really cold or snowing I'll add a knitted hat, fingerless gloves and a scarf. I basically wear the same kind of clothes every time I go out, with different color pants and different t-shirts or big sweaters until late spring but the basics are there. Told you I'm crazy. But I'm warm.

And you? Would you wear anything from this collection? What's your pandemic attire? What are your go-to fav clothes? I wanna know.



  1. Not a layerer here. At home: summer - shorts & T-Shirts; winter - sweat pants and shirt. Work clothes I usually get at Community Aid because they need to be expendable.

    1. Same in summer.
      And you'd be totally on brand on Instagram. Did you know that work-inspired clothes are THE thing right now? I love Carcartt. Their 'work shirt' is the rage right now.


  2. I might wear some pieces, but it all seems too big too much too unkempt for me. I like a layered look but some of this seems like they're wearing the whole closet.

    1. I really like some pieces in this collection.
      I would probably wear them BEFORE the transformation. I loved the jeans, for example.
      And a stylist can make your life fussy, apparently!


  3. I put on socks for the first time this year, yesterday. Does that count? All my work life I wore a tee or scrubs. The tees were from an HIV resale store.

    1. Hahaha
      Yes, that counts, Jimmy!
      And there are some awesome scrubs! I've seen nursing/health care students wearing the cutest scrubs ever!


  4. Oh, I layer in Winter. I've got to. I'm the biggest freeze baby you will ever run into. Maybe under-silks shirt and bottoms, a top t-shirt, a long-sleeve flannel or sweatshirt or sweater. But, I'm still a jeans (501's) guy all the way. If you see me in anything but those, it's either nothing (because, Summer, amiright?) or I'm dressed for some formal thing (gawd forbid!). XOXO

    1. Same, Big!
      I need to be warm when I'm outside.
      And I have to tell you, I used to hunt down 501's (button fly) in thrift stores. Love them. They hug my butt like a lover.
      I have not dressed up for anything and I think I may miss it. LOL


    2. They hug my butt like a lover. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA!

      My Joe's Jeans and AG jeans do that for me.

    3. LOL
      It's true!
      Oh, when we find pants that fit ....


  5. While summer is by far my favorite season, I must admit fall and winter clothing layering is my thing too baby! And I too am a hats, gloves shoe whore! As Patsy Stone once said, "You can never have enough hats, gloves and shoes." But I'm also a coat 's horse!!! I'm a sucker for a nice coat or jacket. And my weakness is cashmere sweaters. They are SO WARM! One thing I will miss from working at Bloomies. So these clothes would be fun to wear. I like to get clothes that can be worn layered for multiple seasons and get your money worth from. Right before the pandemic hit I got a pair of thight-ish camo track pants. I wore them out one day with friends with black leather biker boots, a grey cashmere turtleneck, a hoodie and on top, a denim jacket. I got more compliments that day. A good wardrobe in my opinion should be made up of at least 60% classics and styles...and the rest made up of trend or whimsy pieces I call them pieces. That way your always in style, and can layer for many different looks and still work some trend in, without buying a new wardrobe every season.

    But if we layer up in multiple layers and meet, and I think your hot, won't this be fun removing all your layers?!?!?!?!?! I hate that my comments are always so long. But damn it, you always have such intresting post I can't help myself. Sorry.

    1. It is fun removing his layers 😜

    2. OMG yes!
      You see, you understand me. LOL
      And I think cashmere is glorious. I only have the one black cash sweater I got on sale at Zara like three years ago. It's a medium, so the shirt I wear underneath needs to be tailored but it's worth it. The texture alone!
      And combat boots ALWAYS get comments. They shook people up. Same as those whimsy pieces, that can change more often.

      And I love your comments! Hey, if there's something to say, it needs to be said. LOL
      Oh, and Huntley is right. I'm fun to peel.


    3. *Huntley is right. I'm fun to peel.* Makes mental note.....

    4. Hahahaha
      Oh, Maddie..!


  6. I absolutely friggin' HATE wearing layers. So I don't. My pandemic attire and go-to fave clothes are one and the same -- t-shirts and jeans (if going out) or pj pants (if staying in). Yes, I'm a fashion-plate!

    1. Hahaha
      I feel you. I have a friend who buys these bulky parkas cause she likes to wear pretty blouses even in winter. She says she needs to enjoy them. And I totally agree with the pj pants. I've done more than one meeting in those.


  7. Replies
    1. I thought it was super interesting.
      Sylists are super inventinve.


  8. Oh my... those aren't clothes. They're transformers. Too complicated for me. I like fashion simple. I like the absence of... lol. That doesn't mean I don't have any style... but I keep it simple. Simple lines. Simple color. Simple maintenance. Anything else? Clown suit time... on me. Good for you. You have a really defined idea of what works for you. That's powerful. Back when I had... eating issues and was trying to hide - I would wear layer upon layer. I was cold all the time and I thought the layers would give me adequate bulk. Got away with it for years. Costumers hated me. But now I hate photos from those years. It's like Bowie cira 1976... cadaver time.

    1. Haha
      Optimus Prime would be proud! And I would have not had any idea how they work if the stylists didn't create their little marvels. I think those clothes need to come with a manual.
      And I do know what works for me, you're right. People nowadays call it a 'brand'.
      And sorry to hear about the issues. I've friends who've gone through that. It's a struggle.



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