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This time voting is decisive. Not like it's never been, but this time there's a lot at stake. IMPOUTS, aided by the Russians, Voter Suppression and the undeniable stupidity of Americans, may extend his reign of fuckery and corruption four more years. It's up to you to make sure that does not happen. Why does he want to stay in the White House, you'd ask? Well, there's a very high probability that his orange ass and toadstool dick would be hauled to prison, along with his choir of sycophants and his spawn if he does not win. So the stakes are high for this kakistocracy.

At this point, it's up to you to vote against Cheeto, because there's a lot at stake. If you are a decent person, you’re going to vote, if you care about others, you’re going to vote. If you care about your future and the future of your country, you’re going to vote. And you're going to get your friends and family to vote. Because this time it's going to get down to numbers. Cheetolini needs to be kicked out of office and there should be no doubt about what the country really wants.

And because I think that most people are so overwhelmed with the barrage of information about voting we're getting, I'm providing here a handy guide on how to vote, state by state. It has to be done, people. And done right. Early voting really counts this time, btw. Remember the nice lady with the emails? She got almost three million votes more than Cheeto. And still, he’s the fucking President now. Voting against COVFEFE-19 has got to be overwhelming, because he's prepping the ground for when he loses. It's going to get very, very ugly.

The Best Way to Vote in Every State

An extremely comprehensive guide to making sure your ballot gets counted, no matter where in America you live.

There. Have fun! And don't forget to post a pic of your sticker.



  1. I vote by mail, and this election I am driving my ballot to the post office myself to make sure it arrives way, way, way ahead of time, in time, to be counted. I don't trust FL politics one bit. And I want to make sure my vote doesn't get lost, gets counted, and contributes to the ousting of Hair Furor from office. Counting down the days for him to be gone!

    1. Yes! With all the fuckery going around of mail boxes being ripped off the streets by the USPS (!!!) I think that would be the safest bet. And FL politics are shit. Your governor is a trumpanzee through and through.
      Counting the days with you!


  2. This will be the most important election of my lifetime. This will determine whether democracy and the US lives or dies.

    There is no sitting this election out. There is no voting for a third party. I’ve worked as an election judge for many years and it’s shameful the percentage of registered voters that DON’T turn up.

    Like you said, drag your sorry ass and all of your friends and family to the polls. Request that mail in ballot. Make sure you return it as soon as possible.

    Our lives are depending on it.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I sadly think there will be many Democrats again, that won't show up. This party is still not united like it should be. It depresses me to say that.

    2. I fear you may be right.

    3. You are right. There's no sitting this election out. I have never seen sitting an election out as a good choice, but this time it is not an option.
      Really. What would make people understand the importance of not having a Fascist state?


  3. I'm again at my home, finally.
    I hope you USA people will change your POTUS! Go to vote, please!

    1. Welcome back, Xersex!
      And I hope people do change this piece of shit president. Fingers crossed!


  4. I have always voted in person through early voting. I'll do the same this year to get the dictator out!

    I'm still waiting for my Biden/Harris yard sign.

    1. Yes, early voting is a great strategy this time. You'll avoid crowds and on top of that, you'll make sure your vote is counted.
      I've been thinking about a Biden/Harris sign. I live in a heavily repug area so...


  5. I do in person voting and I will be there no matter what. I am driving people at work, and at home,and online, crazy, because when they complain about _____ and the direction we're headed in, I shout:
    And I will keep shouting.

    1. Yes!
      I've become this 'activist' queer boy, according to some. But it's because I fucking care. Sometimes I want to shake some of those 'undecided' people. Gah.


    2. Didn't you know? Activists are sexy.

    3. Haha
      Tell that to all the gays I annoy to no end because I cannot shut up about politics! LOL


  6. waiting for our mail-in ballots to arrive this month...

    1. Yay!
      Girl, it's a race against destruction. And in the middle of a pandemic, no less.


  7. I too voted my mail. And if we keep this up with posts sixpense....people are gonna start to talk.

    1. Hahahaha
      OMG I heart you. Your post was AMAZEBALLS. And you are right! I do have my bias against repugs and against dems and their goddamn purity tests. Fuck them all.


  8. Damn right. It's not enough to "win", the margin has to be so huge as to overwhelm every effort to cheat or to claim fraud. It's easy for me -- my state has had vote-by-mail for years, and there are ballot drop-boxes if you don't trust the mail. But everybody needs to do this. If Trump gets another four years to wreck the country's institutions, who knows if another fair election will even be possible?

    1. It has to be astoundedly overwhelming. More than the almost three more million votes that Hillary got. Cheeto is actually questioning THAT on national tv. How's that for delusional and crooked?
      If IMPOTUS gets another four years there will be no coming back.


  9. We voted by mail in the primary this year because there was no choice; ballots got sent and there was one in-person polling place. In Nov, however, they have pledged to have 148 polling places open. Plus early voting in person. As that Reverend said during the March to commemorate the March, I'll crawl if I have to - and at this point, it may be necessary. But I will vote and I will vote early. Taking no chances. I want to see IMPOTUS and his circle of cronies in prison jumpsuits. xoxo

    1. OMG there was ONE in-person polling place? Whoa.
      But thank goodness you got the ballots and they're opening more polling places. And at this point, I'm with the reverend.
      Oh, it will be such a joyous day when Cheeto is out...


  10. Vote. Your life depends upon it.

    1. And this is true.
      Some people are very blasé about it, but it's true.


  11. Voting by mail. Can't wait for it to get here so I can send it in. Considering all that is at stake, I do not understand people who tell me they have stopped caring and are not voting. NOT VOTING is the same as a vote for Trump. Wake up. Be counted. It has to be a landslide, people... or we are screwed. The message has to be loud and clear. There can be no mistaking what we want... I ordered a Biden lawn sign yesterday. I do not think that it is going to be enough.

    1. Voting by mail in a pandemic? Of course!
      And I do not understand people who have 'stopped caring' either. I can't. Not voting is indeed a vote for Cheeto. Especially in states heavily gerrymandered and in swing states!
      And I think we're going to need more than those Biden/Harris signs, but it's a step in the right direction.


  12. Decisive indeed. I'll say: I'm neither Left nor Right (don't even live in the States, but I'm talking more about the whole political spectrum we commonly find in democratic countries). But now the world has reached a point where picking the lesser evil is absolutely necessary. With Biden, the USA and the whole world will have a lot of work to do, but granting Trump a 2d term would be catastrophic. Btw, regarding the ballots and Trump's continuous efforts to sabotage them: it's way better if you vote in person, even if you have to get a freaking spacesuit for the day to do so.

    1. Thank you!
      That's my point: the purity tests need to stop. A lesser evil (god, there's more evil than a traitorous, corrupt, incompetent fool?) is indeed necessary. And you are right. With all the efforts to curtail the vote (talk about corruption) early voting in person may have to be the only solution to have your vote counted. Such a sorry state of affairs!


  13. Now Cheeto is telling his sheeple to vote twice: Once by mail and once in person. Just to "test the system, mind you." Illegal to even ask/tell someone to do that, btw. Can't we just arrest the motherfucker already?

    1. *rolls eyes*
      And they're already spinning it as 'he did not say that'. Twitter flagged his tweets and I bet he's furious and pedaling back. Nothing new, right?
      Can't wait til he's out.



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