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It’s time.

Drag is gonna save the day.

It seems almost surreal that some very good activism I am seeing is not coming from the ‘mainstream’. It's coming from the fringe and it's wearing all the make up the goddess allows. Yes, hunty. Drag Queens are speaking and they are more articulate, more passionate and more on message than many other people in much more powerful positions.

And how do you implement change?
You make sure Black Lives Matter is more than just a hashtag.
You make sure that our Trans brothers and sisters are not alone.
You make sure you talk to people who do not understand what White Denial is, why is it important to keep talking about race and have difficult conversations when needed. 
You make sure you and the people you care about Vote.

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Because it’s not the responsibility of BIPOC to convince white people that their lives need to be taken into account. That’s white people’s job. It’s your job to talk to your racist siblings, your bigoted cousins and your Rethuglyklan friends and let them know that the struggle is real. Black, Indigenous and other People of Color should not bear the burden to explain why is it that their lives matter. Same with our Trans brothers and sisters. 

You thought I was done talking about race? How silly of you.



  1. I've always said that when you see or hear racism, call it out. Racists say their shiz, and if you say nothing, they think you agree with them.
    I have a racist co-worker, though she didn't come back after the lockdown, and the day she told me that the reason white people aren't murdered by police officers as much as black people is, ahem, "Because white people don't act like that."
    I looked her in the face, told her she was a racist, and full of shiz, and then told her to NEVER speak to me again.

    1. Oh, yes.
      I've gotten in more trouble these past four years than during any period in my life. I've been calling bullshit left and right and calling racists, well, racists. You have no idea how many people say 'I'm not racist, but...'.
      Good for you for calling out that bitch.


  2. It's everywhere. And White folks who don't "get it" are everywhere. I no longer try to explain it, I ask them the pertinent questions about their lives. With more and more "no" answers it - sometimes - eventually dawns on them. But those who have an available platform should take full advantage of it. XOXO

    1. Oh, of course white folks don't get it.
      It does not affect them directly. They don't have to go through a full day of micro-aggressions every day the way BIPOC do.
      And I agree about those with a platform. Even tiny ones.


  3. Anyone who has two brain cells to rub together can see that racism is alive and well in the US. And if you can’t see that you’re dumber than a sack of 💩.

    Yes, the white population MUST call out racism whenever we see it (kudos Bob). And the queens are leading the way. We must stand up for all the oppressed communities and support the fight anyway we can. If it’s voting with out dollars (don’t do Walmart and Hobby Lobby and others) or any other activism we’re capable of we must act.

    If not now, when?

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. Oh, bae.
      Any activism is good. Any. Especially in times like this, with Twitler breaking havoc and the racist next door flying his Cheeto flag.


  4. Here here! My sweet man!!!!! There is much work to be done even within the black community and black lives matters against the abuse of their black trans folk. Just weeks ago two trans woman were robbed and beat by other black members of their community. Just like the LGBTQ community who shuns fems and trans, both communities need to come together and accept all. We are all in this together. All lives should matter damn it.

    I saw that first video when it came out and thought it was brilliant.

    1. Oh, Maddie.
      I can't when I read about YET another trans person having been beaten or worse, killed. It breaks my heart.
      I have had the video for a second. I loved that it had all those queens calling a spade a spade. The Drag Race fandom can be racist as fuck, too.


  5. lo so much drag queens

    1. Same!
      They're the voice that never shuts down.


  6. Now we are talking, Sixpence. I feel a little more knowledgeable about drag queens. The guy who cuts my hair is a bearded drag queen that runs weekly shows downtown. He enlightens me every two weeks with his wisdom. Does that sound perverted? Yeah, it does. He is a smart dude and I enjoy chatting with him. Have a good weekend.

    1. Yay!
      Way to go, Mr. Shife. Look at you all groomed and woke.
      Love that perversion.


  7. I saw some absolutely appalling footage on the news today of people at an NFL game booing the players who were advocating racial justice. There's a long, long way to go.

    1. OMG Same!
      I could not believe it. It's clear that it's never been about the kneeling. It's always been about racism and the imposition of white supremacy.



  8. This will become very interesting since white people are rapidly becoming the minority group in this country? What is it? In about 22 years?

    1. Ha!
      The good ol' boys and gals will not take it peacefully. They'll fight tooth and nail.


  9. Keep talking, darlin'. We all need to hear more. This needs to be a daily thought... not a one and done. That's the only way to improve things. And I say improve... because what has been done cannot be fixed. I am tired of that thought. It cannot be fixed because it was to egregious a crime and we let the anger stew for too long a time. Society is getting exactly what they deserve. Let's hope all this anger translates into votes... because we need that at the polls... or it is going to be 2016 all over again.

    1. Oh, Upton
      You know I'm here in my little corner. Beating pots and pans and raising hell. On the daily. Because as you say, I'm hoping the anger translates into votes and this country gets rid of the cancer that is IMPOTUS.


  10. I have accidentally stumbled into a world of gay Americans (mostly white) who work tirelessly to do the complete opposite of what you write on this blog. Not only that but they feel the world will end if dump doesn't get back in. I'm pretty dumbfounded by this discovery and really disheartened. Almost like finding African Americans that support the kkk or something ridiculous like that. Oh.. and the hate they have for transgender people, the bigotry is not only coming from the straight world.

    1. This is frightening news. It's like finding out your house is infested with bed bugs.

    2. I am so happy when I see such positive energy flowing toward the good of mankind. We absolutely have to rid this country of this racist man. Let's not tip toe around this issue anymore. He is a monster. Thanks for this. If we all do our part... we have a chance.

    3. Steven! Bae!
      So good to have you back. And you have no idea how many gay men wallow in their privilege and in their entitlement. It's appalling. As long as they have a gym to go to and a dick to suck they don't care about anything or anybody.
      But their attitude tells you everything you need to know about them as human beings. Empty shells. There's no THERE there.

      As Upton says, it's like finding your house is infested with bedbugs. You burn all your bed linens right away...



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