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Broadway Bares is always such an amazing event. I’m always scrolling down on YouTube for scraps of it because horny, that is. Not like you would not know that, right? I've watched BB it for years. But this year of course, it was impossible to have the usual fantastic display of talent and skin we are used to seeing.

Zoom (that has become a household name thanks to the pandemic) seems to guide most interactions now. And this was not an exception. This year they did a benefit and I of course, watched. In these times of pandemic I wonder how artists are doing.  Cheeto's botched response of the pandemic has certainly made sure that theater venues and most anything related to dance and theater stays shut down for an indefinite amount of time. The theater community has certainly taken a hit. And because queer people make a big part of the theater community, queer people has been affected by this pandemic in big numbers.

Broadway Bares was created during the early days of AIDS and it still going strong. They've done a 29-year-look-back at what they've done and they talk about the work Broadway Bares has done for the community, both the theater community and the LGBTQ community. So if you want to entertain yourself while watching fantastic performances by very talented people, hit that play button.

Come through, Theater Queen!


P.S. I also love, love, love! Broadway Backwards! Watching a clip Dave posted reminded me of this:


Jay Armstrong Johnson *swoon*


  1. This is a fantastic way to celebrate the theater. There is no better way to get people’s attention than with flash and flesh. I’ve seen clips from past years and it’s always a lot of fun.

    It is especially poignant this year as they lost one of their own to Covid-19, Nick Cordero, who was only 41.

    XOXO 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

    1. I know, right? I think it's a riot. And they show Body-ody-ody!
      Oh, Covid has been terrible for them. Terrible.
      Here's for them having the spirit to celebrate.


  2. Replies
    1. The whole thing was so much fun!
      They do a retrospective that really makes the shows justice.


  3. that last clip - OMG! so wonderfully gay!

    1. Haha
      Wasn't it? I love that scene in The Sound of Music and watching two men do it gave me the feels!


  4. I love BwyBares. I wish I had been able to attend one when I lived in NYC. It's so much fun and sexy. Thanks for posting all these together; they're the perfect antidote to an otherwise stressful weekend.

    1. Oh, it's fantastic.
      And I would love to go to one of their shows. Hopefully when the pandemic is over, they'll be able to recover and stage the shows again.
      And you're welcome! Among all the fuckery Cheeto creates, it's always good to find something like this to watch, right?


  5. Love BB.... They do fantastic work - not just the performances! We have a version here in "Sin City" that is so clean it would make your teeth hurt. If they wanted the major support of the corporations here, they had to make sure it was all G-rated stuff. Some years it's really, really good. Some years it's really, really bad.
    Theatre is in trouble all over this country. If Cheeto keeps f-ing up, it's going to get a lot worse. But some out-of-the-box ideas are germinating: "Diana" (a musical - because of course it is)) is currently being filmed for streaming. It will open on Broadway when the CV-19 is over - whenever that will be. xoxo

    1. OMG the stages, the costumes, EVERYTHING!
      I loved this because the choreographers and the people who selected the pieces talk about them. It's an insider's look we non-theater people seldom get. And I love that BB does not give a shit about sponsors and they go almost to the full monty.
      And they've been streaming a lot of stuff (remember A Streetcar?). I hope the Arts survive this administration. Coupled with the pandemic, these two things are going to be lethal to so many wonderful things...


    2. Theatre is in trouble - mainly because of the pandemic. Ticket sales are non-existent. For the regional companies, the donations have also dried up. Broadway will come back, but it will take decades for the regionals.
      Broadway is filming "Diana" (musical about Princess Di) to be streamed on Netflix next Spring. It will then open on Broadway when this vicious illness has passed. Will the streaming help or hurt tickets sales of the live show? Only time will tell. XOXO

  6. Hope you had a nice Labor Day cute stuff! I have seen three BB in person...they are always so well down. It's also where I fell in love with a very naked Nick Adams.

    1. I did! I saw how you spent YOURS. Yowza! LOL
      And I have never seen BB. I would LOVE to!
      And I'm off to google Nick Adams naked...


  7. I love Broadway Backwards too!

    1. Oh, they are all so fantastic!
      You need to find the Cellblock Tango they did for Broadway Backwards.
      So fab.


    2. Oh, they are all so fantastic!
      You need to find the Cellblock Tango they did for Broadway Backwards.
      So fab.


  8. I've always hated dance musicals... that might be different if the men were all nearly naked.

    1. Well, honey.
      That's what Broadway Bares is there for...


  9. As always, thank you for educating me, Sixpence. Didn't know about anything of this stuff and now I can at least pretend. Hope you had a good Labor Day weekend.

    1. Haha
      Glad to help, Mr. Shife!
      Labor Day was fun! It threw me off my weekly routine, but I got to do some fun stuff.


  10. I had no idea Broadway was so... hot. Sigh. Oh, to be young and gay and in love with the theater! I adore the energy and their earnest little hearts. Thanks for sharing, hon. Hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend.

    1. I know, right?
      It's talent, Upton. Talent. It's fantastic to see such talented people doing things that obviously bring them joy.
      And I did! We did a little bit of driving along that Route 66 so many people talk about.



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